Official Branch of the Socialist Party a companion party of the World Socialist Movement

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West Lothian

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Next month's branch meeting is in the Quaker Hall Victoria Terrace
(above Victoria Street ) July 3rd. 8.00pm so, come on..

This site contains information specific to the Socialist Party 's Branch in Edinburgh, as well as containing links to ,Glasgow   Branch,  and groups throughout the Lothians region such as West Lothian Socialist Discussion Group. Although we have members and sympathisers throughout the U.K. most are happy to use the main Socialist Party sites,some, in conjunction with these, to co-ordinate their efforts,activities , and work with other socialists.. The socialist party has no leaders or followers,or secret meetings,all members are equal and all of our meetings are open to the public.You can see inside the party's internal internet communications structure by clicking onto the links.We have  been this open since we were formed 1904.
If you want to help and be a part of a movement,willing to display itself, warts and all ,with no hidden ,secret agendas,cabals or skeletons in closets,which declares, as it has always done,that Socialism is an immediate and practical goal,the task of the worlds people, self organised ,to bring it into fruition, and not of politicians, advocating patch ups of capitalism,then you see clearly,both what has to be done in the immediate present,and also to be informed by the future which we wish to build ,which methods to adopt ,the end determining the means to achieve it.
For an introduction to socialism and much more information (including introductory information) on socialism and the World Socialist Movement, see the Socialist Party and World Socialist Movement websites which carries information common to all the Companion Parties of Socialism.