Bahram Gur hunting. The king sits on a camel and has just shot a gazelle with his arrow. From a distance Arzu plays the harp, sitting on horseback. Or. 494. Persian, paper, 547 ff., nasta`liq script, illuminated and illustrated, dated Saturday 15 Ramadan 840/1437, copied by `Imad al-Din `Abd al-Rahman al-Katib



The First Graduate Workshop in pre-Modern Iranian Studies

A Workshop convened by Mr. Evangelos Venetis (Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies) and Ms. Yuka Kadoi (History of Art) on 5th-6th March 2005 at the Department of Islamic and Midle Eastern Studies, University of Edinburgh.

The event is organized in collaboration with the Departments of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies and History of Art under the auspices of the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures (University of Edinburgh).






Website Last Updated 09/07/2004