of IOSH |
IOSH (The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health) is Europe's leading body for Health and Safety Professionals and for others with an active interest in workplace health and safety. IOSH Edinburgh Branch represents over 900 members who generally come from Angus, Fife, Perth & Kinross, Stirling, Falkirk, the Lothians and the Borders and who work for a large variety of organisations. Within the Branch, the Forth and Tay District meets in Perth and details of it are on our Programme Page. There are two other IOSH Branches in Scotland. The North of Scotland Branch starts at Montrose and extends northwards. Covering the area from Dumfries to the Western Isles we have the West of Scotland Branch. This website will give you details of the Branch Programme, reports on Branch and District Meetings, details of the Branch and District Executive Committees, where and when we meet, links to other sites devoted to occupational health and safety (including that of the Health and Safety Executive) and a brief history of the Branch. Latest news and events are on our Home page. A new IOSH national wesbite will be lauched soon with easier CPD, online booking etc. Click to find out more. By entering our site you accept the conditions laid down in our Copyright & Disclaimer Page. |