New Updates - Sky's Bio and Shows
Well JP made a new site so i decided to take this site from him for fun. Over the next few days i'm gonna be updating the whole site so watch out for new stuff. I already did my bio and am gonna do the shows. Come to our next show cause we have a new song that will kick ass. I don't have much more to say so i'm out.


New Updates - Show
We got a show at hell's kitchen. Sunday, March 14th with the dramatics, table dancing with betty, and the ted dancing machine. Come check it out, it'll be tight.


New Updates- Shows
We got pooled at band pool at the redmond firehouse last night so now we get shows there, we got one on april 2nd. Also, Earsore isnt earsore anymore, its called Highschool band night or something and the time is now 7pm. Please come out to see us soon!

- J.P.

New updates - we started a street team, join it!
(link listed on this page under message board)

New Updates - Shows, Bios (Sky's)
Tons of new stuff with the band. Lets start a list:
1.) We got a record deal with
Local Chaos Records and they will be releasing our EP, Fast Food Diner. They are also booking lots of shows for us and want to sign us so as soon as anything happens, we will let you know.
2.) We have a lot of shows coming up in march, april, and may but no real confirmed info yet so keep checking back. Looks like around April 11-18 we will be heading out of washington and down to long beach, Cali to play some shows if everything works out like it's planned. And during mid-winter break (febuary 16-21) we may have a show at studio seven in seattle. We will know this stuff soon so keep checking the site. I must go... werd down.

- J.P.

New Updates - Shows, Bios (JP's), and Links
Fun stuff.... everyone needs to come to earsore! please support us and all the other bands. plus the show is free now! i need to order more buttons too cuz people keep buying them so if you still want one then email me cuz they are goin fast.

- J.P.

New Updates - Shows, Pictures, Music, Merch, Pure Volume, Links
Word up to the G-Thugs! I got a hair cut... and in other news we updated the whole site with new things. Check out our Mp3's off our new EP, Fast Food Diner. We have a lot of show coming up so come out to see us. Thats all for now... toodles!!

- J.P.
<-- Hits since August 29th, 2003
Next Show
"Highschool Rock Night"
@ Shoreline YMCA
March 6th, 7pm, Free!!!