My Struggle
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Again for the 62nd year of my life I have vowed to get healthier.  In order to do this I absolutely need to loose weight.  Last year I really made it my quest and failed miserably.  My body is extremely resistant to weight loss, and I have ruined my golden opportunity.  I was doing good and then as usual I slipped back into my old habits.  

I can not afford to keep this self destructive pattern, so I need to regroup and rethink how I am going to accomplish my goals and how I am going to WIN.  This website is an attempt to share my struggle with you and to help you become a winner also.

Reasons I need to do this:

I really need to do this for my health.
My arthritis is much worse with the weight on.
My fibromyalgia is much worse with the weight on.
My high blood pressure is harder to control with the weight on.
My diabetes is harder to control with the weight on and when I use too many carbs my blood sugar is high and I have to take too much insulin.

Some of my strategies.

I have two really good support buddies as pen pals.  Audrey and Cindy
I have many friends at Atkinsfriends.Com who keep in touch
Atkids meetings once a month
I will ride my bike 6 days a week, starting out gradually and working up to 4 or five miles two times a day.
I will use low carb as my woe/wol
I want to buy Dr. Atkins newest revision of his DANAR
1.25.02 Purchased  I also found a good book about energy see my support page.
I will use this web page as a journal  and log.
I will keep track of my weight using Weight Commander every day.
I want to buy a balanced Scale
On 1/23/02 in the wee hours of the morning I practiced using two scales to weigh on and it was pretty accurate, I just need some practice, so until I can afford a balanced scale, I will do this and try to check it once a week for MWI at Publix
I will use to keep track of my carbs.
I need to find a calorie counter on the web too that I can use, because I need to limit my calories too... I can not loose just eating a low carb diet
Wow Fit day does a calorie count too.  So I found the calorie counter!.


My Goal is to weigh 140 pounds, so that mean I have to loose 133 pounds!  This should take me a little over 2 years, always before I would try to do it in a year and I think that is partly what discourages me.   

My Mini goals:

I want to be able to wear my wedding dress on my tenth Anniversary.
In order to do this I need to loose 33 pounds in 7 months, this figures out to be about 4.8 pounds a month so I am going to round it up to 5 pounds a month for my goals.
Jan 20th 273 Started keeping track of loses
Feb 20th 268 Met in January!! :>)  
Mar 2oth 263
April 20th 258
May 20th 253
June 20th 248
July 20th 243
August 8th 240
I think I weighed 240 when I got married, but don't really remember, at that time I did not admit to anyone how much I weighed, even myself!
I will re-evaluate my goals often, I hope that I can loose faster than this, but I will be satisfied if I can maintain this schedule



Here is Sheripup, She is my mascot and reminds me that I need to drink at least 64 ounces a day and according to the Atkins Board I need add 8 ounces for every 25 pounds that I want to lose.  So 64 - (273 -140 = 133 pounds to lose) 133/ 25 = 5.32

5.32 x 8= 42.56   43 + 64 = 107 ounces.  OMG I will drown. 

Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution says to drink everyday 64 ounces plus 8 ounces for every 25 pounds that you want to lose.

You can email me at: