Free The Israeli Soldiers Now!
A Web Quest for High School Pupils
Created, Designed and Put on the Web by
This Web Quest is a study unit and is the author's Final Project for the curriculum@eflk12il, the first online course on The New Curriculum of its kind in Israel.
Yehuda Katz |
Tzvi Feldman |
Zachary Baumel |
Ron Arad |
Adi Avitan |
Benny Avraham |
Omar Souad |
Elchanan Tannembaum |
Author's note
: I hope the Missing and / or Kidnapped Israeli soldiers return alive and well home before anyone gets to use this Web Quest. In the meantime, we must make every effort to increase awareness on the subject both in Israel and abroad. The families of these soldiers are entitled to feel that they are not alone.
Introduction / Task / Process / Resources / Evaluation / Conclusion / Overview / Pupils' Page
Images reproduced with permission from the site
The International Coalition for Missing Israeli Soldiers