BS AGRICULTURE A four-year program that provides knowledge and professional training on agriculture and related sciences aimed at producing technically prepared and skilled graduates who are expected to promote agricultural productivity, research, ecological sustainability and socio-economic development. A total of 168 units consisting of 82 units of general education, 54 units of fundamental agriculture and 32 units of specialized courses differentiated into two (2) major fields of specialization offered, namely; Animal Science and Crop Science. Possible Jobs/Careers: Researchers, Extension Workers, Agricultural Technicians, Agricultural Officers, Community Development Workers, Planners, Farm Managers, Agricultural Entrepreneurs, Professional Agriculturists, Laboratory Technicians, Teacher, Veterinary and Agrichem Sales Executives. AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION This is a four-year course that provides professional agricultural education to the students and exposes them to socio-economic issues and problems of the community. It aims to produce graduates who can improve the national economy through economic innovation sand productive community involvement. Possible Jobs/Career: Teachers, Farm Managers, Extension Workers, Researchers. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING This course is an application of engineering principles to agriculture. It aims to develop knowledge and skills in the processes and techniques of identifying, diagnosing, analyzing and relating problems and solutions particularly in the agro-industry, planning, design and construction of tools, equipment, machine; and the management of the agricultural engineering systems and extension services needed in increasing land, labor and capital productivity. Possible Jobs/Careers: Planners, Teachers, Researchers, Fabricators, Extensionists, Entrepreneurs, Engineers, Designers, Environmentalists (sanitation), Land Valuators, Assessors, Plant Managers, Machine Operators (for GO’s, NGO’s self-employment). |
AGRIBUSINESS This is a four-year course designed to develop skills, competencies and proficiencies in managing project components of agribusiness and agriculture-related enterprises especially proposal making, operational management and evaluation. Possible Jobs/Career: Company Manager Supervisor, Sales Representative, Project Analyst/ Developer, Farm Management Technician, farm Manager, Bookkeeper, Teacher, Entrepreneur, Researcher. FORESTRY This is a course on forest resource management for sustainable community development and ecological stability. Possible Jobs/Career: Forester, Community Resource Planner, Resource Development Worker, Environmental Management Specialist, Agro Forester. AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY DAT is a two-year course aimed at providing knowledge and skills on current innovations, trends and technology related agriculture. Graduates of this course may proceed to BAT which is a four-year course in the same field but with a more technical and rigorous training. Possible Job/Career: Private Entrepreneurs in established farms, agricultural agencies. APPLIED BIOLOGY This program develops students with strong technical background in the biological processes particularly in plants and animals. Biology will be taught from a more applied perspective with more practical experiments. Possible Jobs/Careers: Teachers, Technicians in animal laboratory, preparation for a student who wants to pursue a veterinary medical career, technicians in crop science laboratory degree in plant pathology. |
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