About Me...
Welcome to my homepage.  My name is Susan. 

I grew up in the Town of Ellington, Connecticut.  Ellington was a small "cow town" then. I graduated from  Ellington High School

I received a Bachelor of Science - Finance degree from the University of Connecticut and a Master of Business Administration degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.  I am currently a student in the Master of Elementary Education/Certification program at Eastern Connecticut State University.  I am planning on doing my student teaching in the Fall 2002 semester.

I have been a substitute teacher at Elmer Thienes-Mary Hall Elementary School in Marlborough, Connecticut for over four years.  Working as a substitute teacher has helped me realize that teaching is the ideal profession for me.  Spending some time as a substitute teacher is a good idea for anyone who is considering a career in teaching.

I currently publish and edit the newletter for Protectors of Animals

Hobbies and Interests
Favorite Authors:

Patricia Polacco

      L.M. Montgomery

Having Fun:
      Hiking, Swimming
      Bon Appetit, Cookbooks
      Butterfly Garden, Perennials