Pieces Of Soul/Songs From the Heart Unpublished Poetry, Essays, Stories, Drawings and Paintings
50 Years Of Family
Pieces Of Soul/Songs From the Heart
This work has been a labor of love, not just for me but also for my contributing family memebers. This collaboration was started back in 1970 when for reasons not explained here I lost my job and joined the ranks of the unemployed giving me time to contemplate and write. My first cousin Tony (Anthony Gordon Townsend) was also writing but about his experiences in Viet Nam and then about his feelings for his beautiful wife Susan and life in general. My Uncle Harry Simmons is the main artist in this book and his depictions of life during WWII, especially his trip to Okinawa from Marseilles France in 1945 was something I had to include. I am especially enamored of the works produced by the children included in this work, Torree Knox, Shannon Townsend and James Stratton and the contributions from Carol and Cleavonne Stratton. The works included here are a portion of our manuscript, but not the complete works. Names are not specifically noted for each work but we decided that was not as important as getting these feelings down on paper.