September 2002

For weekly trends, check the
Peek at the Week page and listen to the WCYY morning show for daily 4casts at 6:15 and 8:15 am. 

Virgo (August 23rd-September 22)
Happy Birthday, Virgo! Mars and the Sun in your sign give you energy for a very busy month, and the New Moon of September 6th is the heavens' gift of a clean way to use it is to clear up debt. By the time Mercury is retrograde onthe 14th, your financial plan should be in place.  otherwise, avoid money decisions and unnecessary expense in September. Venus says you've spent your share this summer! After the 7th, family gatherings and time with friends are onyour agenda. An event takes you out of town, and Venus spells good times when brothers, sisters, cousins, or close as family friends are involved in the festivities! By the 21st you know it's time to resolve a conflict with someone very close to you.  Be it business or love, take care not to hurt feeleings since the other party will be extra sensitive.  Keyword: Resolutions

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Libra, my guess is you've been noticed this summer! Venus has you glowing, you're so intuitive it's spooky, and lucky Jupiter has moed into your house of wishes and friednship for a year long stay! Your psychic energy continues with Mars and the Sun energizing your inner thoughts and dreams.  Pay attention to your impulses this month.  But make decisions as early as possible since Mercury retrogrades in your own sign on the 14th.  You'll be even more indecisive than usual. Major moves or shoppng is better left for just enjoy reuniting with friends and doing things you never seem to make time for.  By the 21st, responsibility calls!  A Full Moon deadline or changes inyour workplace will be a priority for a few days around the 20th.  Keyword: Intuition

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
You can feel the focus turning to YOU in September, Scorpio! Your career, your friends, and the glow of Venus in your sign.  vennus makes relationships easier, encourages compromise,  and looks at the bright side of things.  Dress to impress, and expect your love life to be energized! The Full Moon of the 21st is especially romantic and FUN for Scorpio...make a weekend of it! other important info, regarding your career-from the 14th on, looke for opportunities once missed to resurface as Mercury retrogrades and bounces energy off Jupiter in your career sector.  Someone is giving you a second look or chance to prove yourself and the results are long term.  Suddenly you find new information or a solution to an old problem.  Your social life is busy too, especially until the 23rd when you'll start thinking about getting more rest and necessary down time.  Until then, enjoy the ride! Keyword: Attraction

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Happy dreams and happy times in September, Sagittarius! Mercury retrograde from the 14th to early October helps you reconnect with an old friend or lover, and with your ruler Jupiter smiling on the match it should be a happy reunion.  Even Sagittarians who don't  find long lost friends benefit as a wish from the past looks more possible now! The message this month is DREAM, Sagittarius. Literally even, as Venus gives you a glimpse of the future while you sleep-a future love or a reminder of someone you might try and contact.  In a practical way, September keeps the career momentum you felt in August going.  Mars and the Sun help you accomplish almost anything you set your mind to.  One thing to watch for is that Full Moon in Pisces which hits home for Sagittarians.  Pay attention to little bumps aand grinds or leaks in pipes or other appliances and avoid water-related disaster! Keyword: Dreams

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
September is an important month for taking big steps, Capricorn! Your future is being paved this fall.  Beginnings school, a new career, traveling or moving to a new place far from home are all possible now.  Capricorn adventures are spurred by Mars and the Sun.  If you travel later in the month, it's likely to be to a familiar place with the added influence of Mercury retrograde.  Retrograde mercury also puts you in a position for a second chance to show your ability or move up the career ladder.  And from the 7th on, Venus improves your social life and grants a romantic wish! The 25th and 26th, when the Moon joins Venus, are stellar days for new love.  Stay open to new experiences and opportunities all month long! Keyword: Adventures

Aquarius (January 20-Feb. 18)
Aquarius, have you got the cash to fund your big September plans? A trip to a place you've wanted to revisit looks possible or maybe you're returning to school. Adventures await, Aquarius, bu they all cost money and you may need to be a little bit creative with finances.  The Sun and Mars indicate you may need a  loan or money from another source-so go for it! And the Full Moon of the 21st brings a financial situation to a peak.  It may bring more income, but it could also involve some pretty major expenses.  Plan carefully to maximize any financial luck September brings ( don't blow it all it once!). Finally, there's some fun in your 4cast...long term love is looking good and interesting new people attract you at social events the 26th through 28th.  Keyword: Finances

Pisces (Feb 19-March 20)
Septemer is a time to take things slowly, Pisces.  Finances are part of your 4cast, but it's important to make moeny decisions or commitments very early in the month.  Mercury retrogrades from the 14th until early October and its' effects will be felt even sooner.  From the 14th on, review your finances and hope for reimbursements or retroactive payments, but leave other transactions until mid October.  Love is another area you should take slowly.  Single Pisces-An old relationship may be rekindled, possibly as a result of a trip or vacation, but with Mars in your sector of long term relationships, the waters could be stormy.  Later in the fall you can decide if it's really going to last the long haul.  September is also your month to get healthy again.  Jupiter brings the right professional to you whether it's a personal trainer or a doctor you need.  Like everything else thismonth, start slowly-you have time.  Keywords: Easy does it!

Aries (March 21-April 20)
A change in daily routine marks September for you, Aries.  Your ruler, Mars, in your sector of health and work means lots of your energy will go into establishing routine, handling mini crises, and exercising thorugh stress with long, hard workouts at the gym or on the sports field.  In fact, a balance of physical exercise and rest is jsut what you need this month.  If you're missing one, you'll feel the effects.  Love and passion are also part of the magick Aries potion, and long term relationships are revived under retrograde Mercury's spell by the 14th.  Married Aries renew vows to each other while Venus brings physical passion to all Aries' love from the 7th on.  The 11th through 13th when the Moon travels with Venus, love intensifies! Keyword: Stress release!

Taurus (April 21-May 20)
With the Sun and Mars in compatible Virgo, you're ready for some fun and romance as September starts, Taurus! And your ruler, Venus, is ready to move to your marriage sector on the 7th.  if you're getting engaged or married this month, venus promises a very romantic atmosphere and the other planets assure the party will be one to remember.  The New Moon of the 6th encourages Taurus love! Single? A Virgo or other earth sign impresses you on first meeting this month-possibly at a friends' wedding or  party.  Don't be shy about letting her or him know you're interested-both of you can tend to hold back and play it safe, but a missed opportunity would be a regret! At home, you feel like redecorating-pull out a few old favorites to go with your new stuff.  Keyword: Happiness

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Gemini, Mercury, your ruler, retrogrdes in September. Sometimes this is a nightmare for you, however, this time may be different! In compatible Libra, Mercury retrograde brings chance to reconnect with old friends or return to a sport or pastime you once loved.  You'll ned the creative outlet to balance out lots of work that needs to be done at home.  Both the physical work of repairs and renovations and the emotional work with family members/roommates demand your time and energy thismonth.  You may notice this especially the 5th through 7th and again at the end of the month.   By the 22nd, if you haven't heard from an old friend, call one yourslef and enjoy a happy reunion.  The 22nd -24th is a great time to get together and reminsce.  Keyword: Reconnect

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Get ready for a busy month, cancer! There's no rest for you as the Sun and Mars light your travel and commuting part of your chart-you're on the move! Get your vehicle checked out if you travel by land-even consider a new one if it's time.  Buy early in the month since Mercury retrogrades on the 14th and the effects will be evident even sooner-or wait until mid October.  The Full Moon of the 21st signals a wild adventure, but by the 23rd, you're happy to be home for a while.  Venus is turing your romance sector, and friendship and love are favored from the 7th on.  The 10th -12th is very romantic for Cancers in love.  Life is busy, but good! keyword: Active

Leo ( July 22-August 22)
Jupiter in your sign has you feeling lucky, Leo, and until yoiur next birthday the luck and generousityof Jupiter are with you.  Labor Day weekend you're more quiet and reflective than usual, but party mode does set in this month.  A visit to a palce with happy memories is Mercury retrograde's gift to Leo after the12th.  The weekend of the 13th, while the Moon is in Sagittarius,  is great for a road trip or party with lots of your friends.  A sporting event attended that weekend is especially compettive and fun! Financially, things are happening with a New Moon in Virgo giving the green light to ask for a raise or fringe benefits from work.  If that doesn't happen right away, Mercury may help at the end of the month when he backtracks to Virgo briedfly. More news about money comes with the Full Moon of the 21st.  The Harvest Moon is a time of passion for Leo so wortk with the cosmic energy and create the right scenario for love that weekend.  Keyword: Lucky

Peek at the Week; weekly trends for all signs

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Moon Sig

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