Peek at the Week
  September 4casts

Monday, Sept. 2nd
The Moon is in Cancer. Seek comfort today! With the Moon squaring Mercury in Libra, there's no sens in trying to make decisions or work out problems. Just let things be, and enjoy the Moon's harmony with the Sun in Virgo.  It's very earthy energy for being outside, getting things done around the house and garden and just taking things easy.  Put problems aside for today.  And don't mess with technical or electrical stuff since Uranus isn't cooperating.  Today's color is silver.

Tuesday, Sept. 3rd
Cancer Moon again today.  We're pulled toward home and family and memories.  The Moon's last angle before turning void of course is a square to Venus in Libra whch signal relationship difficulties.  Be careful of misunderstandings and issues abut fairness ths afternoon.  Mercury and Neptune are in harmony today which is great for creative thinking, daydreaming, and envisioning your future.  The Moon is void of course in Cancer from 4:31 to 10:36 pm.  At least that will help people forget issues of the day.  Be aware of someone who holds a grudge and don't get involved in all that. Today's color is blue.

Wednesday, Sept. 4th
The Moon entered Leo at 10:36 last night, and we wake up with tons of energy to get things done today.  The Moon meets Jupiter early in the day, signaling an oppotunity to be generous and forgiving as well as open to new teachers in our livdes.  Sagittarians connect with powerful people today, and Aries enjoy new adventures. it's a good day for decisin making with the Leo Moon increasing the chances we'll stick with our decisions long term.  The Moon in harmony with Mercury is great for thinking and learning, and also for sales.  It's a people oriented, optimistic Wednesday.  Today's color is orange.

Thursday, Sept. 5th
The Moon is in its' balsamic or dark Moon phase, in the sign Leo.  We're getting ready for fresh starts with tomorrow's New Moon.  Re think plans today and do creative work.  Concentrate on your own stuff and make time to socialize with friends especially tonight when the Moon in Leo trines Venus in Libra-two of the zodaic's most social signs.  It's a good day to meet new people, work with children, or do some creative planning. Today's color is pink.

Friday, Sept. 6th
We're warming up for a New Moon in Virgo late tonight.  This is a practical day. Get plans in order. But don't be too critical especially of the boys and men in our lives who seem to draw our attention today as the Moon squeezes between Mars and the Sun.  Put energy in to contracts and other documents, finances and anything that requires attention to detail.  The New Moon arrives at 11:10 pm and encourages us to be healthy and structured this month.  It's also a good weekend to to add a pet to your home or do something extra nice for the ones you have. A social night for Taurus, and a weekend of adventures for Capricorn. Today's color i
is black.

Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 7th and 8th
Saturday's color is brown, Sunday's is lavender.

See your
monthly 4cast for more details on individual signs.
Peace, Robin

Leorising: Robin's Zodiac

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