Egyptan on their original home world were considered mystical and almost magical in nature. Now on their new world of Zekira, they have developed even stronger abilities and powers, since they are no longer hunted for their beautiful fur.
In the wild, they could disappear into the dunes they lived in, and hypnotize their foes. Now, on Zekira, those abilities have extended to others! They can read thoughts, change emotions, even manipulate their environment (a Water Egyptan can purify water, a Fire Egyptan can light small fires, etc) to a small degree. Each Tribe's ability should be obvious!
They all have the ability to speak -- though it may be mental speech, dream-talk or just plain speech. Egyptans like to hover around dreams, since they exist not only as physical creatures, but as ethereal ones too. A strong dreamer can attract many Egyptans to them, but by morning, the foxlike creatures disappear! Perhaps that's how your site will attract its own Egyptans!
Egyptans have two-toned fur like earthly foxes, but they also have five tails, and two sets of feathered wings, plus a long feather-like frill on their head. No Egyptan will ever go to a page which features animals in danger -- they are very sensitive to this, and never leave each other in danger. That was why their kind was hunted almost to extinction.
Though they are very protective of each other, to get a new Egyptan to come to your site, each page must be different. You can have more than just an Egyptan on a page, like different Water based animals if you wish to attract a Water Egyptan. But no more than 3-4 of them! Egyptans are very shy, so they do need their own space!