South Africa Postal Stationary
Want List for Stamps and Postal Stationary from South Africa - Postal Stationary
(Using Quik and Stolk numbers)
Postal Stationary
Airletters: ("A" Numbers) (Also Kessler numbers in parens.)
10a (K112): Active Service Letter Card. Trees do not reach top. No blue surface in the middle inside. Afrikaans in stamp. Cut squarely. Imprint: “With Best Wishes From SA. Gifts and Comforts Fund”
26.2 (K11): 6d Globe. Horizontal Sender’s lines. “Lug-Brief” first. No triangle under line. Indistinct background inside.
35: Free Forces Mail 4 lines of 31mm long and 7mm high. Afrikaans first.
79B: 2½c Groot Constantia.  No simulated perfs. Dotted horizontal line at “u” of “vou”.  17 dots per inch.
84b: Equivalent of 5c Baobab with overlay only.  Stamp has simulated perfs.
87: Equivalent of 5c Tree, but no stamp and no value.  No simulated perfs.
105: Equivalent of 9c plane over Table Mountain, but no stamp and no value. “Lugbrief. Air Letter” in Airmail Label.
113a: Equivalent of 10c Plane, no stamp and no value. Sharp corners.
122: Equivalent to 10c bird, but no stamp and no value.
126: Equivalent to 15c airplane tail, but no stamp and no value. Label Flying Springbok and “By Airmail/etc”
128: Equivalent to 25c airplane tail, but no stamp and no value. Label Plane Silhouette.
129: 12c Bird.  Top flap sharp corners.
130c: 25c no names with birds (minor variety)
135a: 16c Flower (minor variety)
136a: 18c Flower (minor variety)
137b: 21c Flower (minor variety)
139: 25c Protea with frame line around stamp.
146a: Guinea Fowl on pale grey paper
150b: Scenes of 4 provinces (minor variety)
156: Erica Speciosa high on front, Phosphor Band. From lines horizontal – 3 varieties
157c: Erica Speciosa high on front, Phosphor Band. From lines vertical.
161a: Santa (minor variety) - no barcode
161c: Santa (minor variety) - no barcode162A: Santa Space for Phosphor Bar, no perf on left of stamp, no barcode
162B: Santa with barcode dated 20.09.1999
163A: South Ndeble – Woman with thick neck – reprint dated “November 1997”
163B: South Ndeble – Woman with long hair – reprint dated “November 1997”
163C: South Ndeble – Doll – reprint dated “November 1997”
163A: South Ndeble – Woman with thick neck – reprint dated “10.06.1999”
163C: South Ndeble – Doll – reprint dated “10.06.1999”
164b: Lily and Butterfly dated 13.7.2000
Change of Address Post Cards: ("V" Numbers) 2-5, 7
Envelopes with Impressed Stamps: ("E Numbers) BP, 7B, 8B, 9Ae, 9Af, 9B, 10B, 11B, 12B, 13Ba, 14A&B, 15B
Ithuba: ("ET" Numbers) 2-5
Postcards: ("P" Numbers)
2, 3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 17 (#17 Umlaas Falls, Natal), 20, 22, 23, 24, 25/26, 47 #7 (Kruger Buck), 47 #14 (Kruger Lion), 100/101, 133
162 (Ericas with Rhino stamp in Latin) Set of 10 from 1995
Registered Envelopes: ("R" Numbers)
2A, 3A, 5C, 15C, 16C, 26C, 27B, 29C, 30C, 34B,  49B, 52B, 65C, 66C, 67C, 72B, 77B, 78C, 79B, 79C, 81B, 82C, 85B, 86B, 87B, 90C, 92B, 93B, 94B, 95B, 96B, 96C, 97B, 99C, 100B, 101B, 102B, 103B, 105B, 107C, 108C, 109C
Wrappers: ("W" Numbers)
4: ½ d green Springbok not hyphenated, 6 lines, bottom line “as ‘n brief belas”
7: 1d red Ship not hyphenated, 6 lines, bottom line “word, word die pakkie as ‘n brief belas”
FDCs: (OC numbers are from Reisener)
1s Bantam War Effort (#102)
Bantam Gold Mine (#123)
Voortrekkers - Vegkop (1st Trek – Nov 2nd)
#3 (RSA 5th Anniversary) VIP Cover (#254-257) (OC3)
#4 (Verwoerd) VIP Cover (#258-260) (OC4)
#10 (SA Games) with Bloemfontein cancellation from Hoffman Square (OC10a cancellation # 188)
#13 (Water) with extra “Launching” stamp cancellation (OC13b)
#20 with plain Oranjekrag datestamp 32mm (OC20d)
#25 with Burgerspark Hotel (Pretoria “66”) cancel (OC25a)
#30 with plain “Hoeko” cancel (OC30a)
last updated March 31st, 2007
Other Wantlists:
SWA Page 1
SWA Page 2
South Africa
South Africa Misc Covers
South Africa Colonies
Homelands: Bop