Want List for Stamps and Postal Stationary from South West Africa - Page 2
South West Africa 2
** Please note that these are SACC numbers **
SWA Airways/Air Namibia: (Key: f/s = front stamp, b/s = back stamp)
Marti Ahtisaari Flights: 1, 3-6
2 (black on silver), 3 (with “C” in DF Malan cancel), 4 (with “B” in DF Malan f/s), 5 (sig Peters), 5 (sig Peters & Oosthuizen), 8a (f/s Eros, b/s “A” in JG Strydom), 8b (f/s Eros, b/stamp “B” in JG Strydom), 8A11a (f/s Eros, 2 b/s Swakopmund + “A”. Swakopmund rubber stamp on addr), 8A11b (f/s Eros, 2 b/s Swakopmund + “B”. Swakopmund rubber stamp on addr), 8A111a(f/s Eros, 2 b/s “A” in JG Strydom cancel, + Swakopmund), 8A111b (f/s Eros, 2 b/s “B” in JG Strydom cancel, + Swakopmund), 8B1a (f/s Swakopmund, b/s “A” in JG Strydom), 9 (4c Flamingo stamp, b/s Eros), 9B (4c Flamingo stamp with official FD cancel, b/s Eros), 12 (f/s Swakopmund WITH SWA), 13 (sig Krop), 13 (sig Mossou), 15 (b/s “8 VI B82” – exist??), 15A (b/s dated “8 VI B82”), 19A (f/s "Luderitz 2" (no SWA)), 23 (“Katima Mulilo 4” in departure cancel), 25 (“Upington 9” in arrival cancel),36A (JHB-Windhoek), 37A (Cape Town-Windhoek), 40 (“-2 NOV 90” in arrival cancel), 44 (Gaberone CB with “1991.02.05.08h15” in departure cancel),46A (JHB-Windhoek), 68(Windhoek–Munchen–Frankfurt.  f/s Windhoek)
6A (2 back cancels), 8A11a (f/s Eros, 2 b/s Swakopmund + “A”. Swakopmund rubber stamp on addr), 8A11b (f/s Eros, 2 b/s Swakopmund + “B”. Swakopmund rubber stamp on addr), 8B1A (f/s Swakopmund, b/s “A” in JG Strydom), 9B (2 Eros b/s), 23 (“Katima Mulilo 3” in departure cancel), 40 (“2.11.90” where the first 1 is inverted, in arrival cancel), 44 (No Gaberone CB departure cancel),49A (Swakopmund-Windhoek), 57A (Eros-Kalkveld), 58A (Eros-Mount Etjo), 68A (Windhoek–Munchen–Frankfurt. f/s Hosea Kutako Airport)

Postal Stationary
(Key: ASLC = Active Service Letter Card)
(Quik and Stolk numbers.  Also Kessler numbers in parens.  Measurements in mm)
A1 (K101): ASLC. Trees reach top. SWA o/p 13.5 long, 3 high. English in stamp
A2 (K102): ASLC. Trees reach top. SWA o/p 13.5 long, 3 high. Afrikaans in stamp
A3 (K103): ASLC. Trees reach top. SWA o/p 15.5 long, 2.75 high. English in stamp
A4 (K104): ASLC. Trees reach top. SWA o/p 15.5 long, 2.75 high. Afrikaans in stamp
A3b: ASLC. Trees do not reach top. SWA o/p 15.5 long, 2.75 high. English in stamp
A4b: ASLC. Trees do not reach top. SWA o/p 15.5 long, 2.75 high. Afrikaans in stamp
A5 (K105): ASLC. Trees do not reach top. SWA o/p 17.5 long, 3 high. English in stamp
A6 (K106): ASLC. Trees do not reach top. SWA o/p 17.5 long, 3 high. Afrikaans in stamp
A7 (K107): ASLC. Trees do not reach top. SWA o/p 18 long, 4.5 high. English in stamp
A9: ASLC. Trees do not reach top. SWA o/p 19 long, 4.5 high. English in stamp
A11 (K109): ASLC. Trees do not reach top. SWA o/p 16.5 long, 3.5 high. English in stamp
A12 (K110): ASLC. Trees do not reach top. SWA o/p 16.5 long, 3.5 high. Afrikaans in stamp
A15 (K113): Air Mail Letter Card. Trees do not reach top. SWA o/p 23.5 long, 6 high. Eng in stamp
A16 (K114): Air Mail Letter Card. Trees do not reach top. SWA o/p 23.5 long, 6 high. Afrik in stmp
A24 (K403): 1 ½d SWA o/p 12.75 or 13.5mm long and 3.25mm high. English first for "No Enclosures Permitted";
A34: 6d Flying Springbok, no clouds, horizontal sender's address lines, Afrikaans first in stamp.
A36: 6d Ostrich - Airmail Sticker - on blue 1960?
Letter Cards: (Quik and Stolk numbers.)
L6.2 o/p "S.W.A." on 1d Kingshead - o/p in center of stamp
L8.1 o/p "S.W.A." (8.5mm) on 1d Van Riebeeck ship - "Postage" in top of stamp
Postal Stationary - Postcards: (Quik and Stolk numbers.)
German South West Africa – 2 hyphens: 10 (5&5)
German South West Africa – 1 hyphen: 14 (5&5), 15 (10&10), 16 (10)
German South West Africa – SMS Hohenzollem: 26 (10pf), 29 (5pf), 31 (5&5)
Overprints on SA stamps: 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 53, 62, 73, 76-93
94a (1½d Buck on whiter smoother card. Stamp positioned lower – 20)
96 (1½c Statue on glossy smooth white card, photo bright green – 20)
Registered Envelopes: (Quik and Stolk numbers.  mm Measurements)
5B, 6C, 7C, 8B, 9C, 10C, 12A&B, 13C, 14A&C, 16C,
18B&C, 20B, 23B&C, 24B&C, 25-28, 31, 33, 35-40, 42, 44C, 45Bc, 46Bb
Embossed Envelopes: (Quik and Stolk)
5A, 7A1, 7A3
Wrappers: (Quik and Stolk numbers.)
CAPITAL o/prints: 3, 3B, 4-6
Non-Capital o/prints: 11 = "Zuid-West" o/p on 1d
Date Stamp Cards and Associated Special Covers:
(using numbers from within cancellation)
Cards: S30 (?)
Covers: 5 (Essen ’78), 8 (Essen ’80), 9 (WIPA ’81), S10 (50 Years of Flight ’81), 12 (Essen ’82), 16 (Belgica ’82), 21 (Essen ’84), 24 (Israphil ’85), S25 (Essen ’86), S26 (Ameripex ’86), S28.1 (Riccione ’87), S30 (?), S34 (Riccione ’88), S36 (Riccione ’89), S38 (Bescrobex ’89)
Airmail Stickers: (Mair Numbers)
South Africa
South Africa Colonies
Other Wantlists:
Homelands: Bop
last updated March 31st, 2007
SWA Page 1