<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/einasa99/userfiles:/user/abdelmaged_raheeb.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
       I Have aWish
I wish i can change all people
I wish i can get into their hearts

To take out all that hate and anger
To clean up their ugly dark parts

I wish i can make them forget sadness & revenge
And again  lighten up hope candles

The Hope of a better future & shiny coming days

Can you hate someone you love ?
Can you love someone you hate ?
Think it over & you won't find it difficult ........

Will life be boring without hurt?
Or its just what makes you feel the taste of Happiness

But don't let too much of it make you loose appetite
There is always a new  start & a chance of  success

Don't blame the days .....Only blame yourself
Think & learn and when you get the point,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
You  are welcome back
If you are interrested in arabic poetry try theis links :
Arab Poems
Arabic poetry encyclopedia
Arab and Egyptian poetry & litrature
Al Adeeb.com
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