E. John Graichen

Genealogy Page

"If you would know who you are, learn whence you came" -


My endeavors in genealogy research over the years have been twofold. Initially, I began to explore all branches of my family tree. After several years, I had accumulated a significant amount of information on nearly all of my ancestral lines except that of Graichen. I then decided to focus my research efforts on the Graichen line. See my Book Page. I have since resumed research of all lines of my ancestry. View my Ahnentafel Page. Take a look at my Pedigree Chart Page. Or explore my Family Tree searchable database.

The November/December 1997 issue of the Genealogical Helper magazine featured on its cover a photograph taken in 1908 of my mother at age 3 and her older brother, age 6. Click here to see the magazine cover and the accompanying narrative.

Send e-mail to ejg@ejohn.net

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