Overseers of Highways or Pathmasters 1822-1844
Blenheim Township
Oxford County

Following are the persons chosen to serve as Overseers of Highways or Pathmasters, for the years 1822 to 1824 and 1828 to 1944.

YEAR: 1822
PATHMASTERS: Silas Martin Western Division of Governors road, Commencing at the old burying ground, thence west to the oxford line
Elial Martin Eastern Division
Ebenenzer Bass on the road running N from the Governors road to Mudgeford mills
James Pelton 2d concession

YEAR: 1823
PATHMASTERS: Peter Buckber W. Division Dundas St.
Elial Martin E. Division Dundas St.
Donald McIntyre 2d concession
Able Mudge on the road running N from Dundas St. to Mudgeford mills
Henry Daniels from Mudgeford mills north so far a work is necessary

YEAR: 1824
PATHMASTERS: Silas Martin W. Division Governors Road
Elial Martin E. Division Governors Road
Henry Slawson 2d concession and also to include the crossroad leading from Dundas St. to the said 2d concession between lots No. 6 & 7 in the 1st concession
Elijah Mudge on the road running north from Dundas St. by the Mudgeford mills and so on Back to the 4th concession
Thomas Roach 5th concession line from No. 10 to the river
Earl Pearce on the town line between Blenheim & Dumfries

YEAR: 1825-27

YEAR: 1828
PATHMASTERS: Elial Martin E. Division Dundas St.
Silas Martin M. Division Dundas St.
Chancey Purdy W. Division Dundas St.
Samuel Pelton 2d concession
Abel Mudge from the Blenheim Mills to Dundas St.
John Rumrell Town line between Dumfries & Blenheim
George Reynolds the 13th concession
Henry Daniels from the bridge in the 3rd concession upwards

YEAR: 1829
PATHMASTERS: Jacob Goble W. Division Dundas St.
Silas Martin M. Division Dundas St.
Benjamin Bailey E. Division Dundas St.
Hiram Graham 2d concession
James Innis W. division fifth Con.
Henry Rupert E. division fifth Con.
Henry Harp from the third Con. South by Blenheim to Dundas St.
Samuel Nevers Town line between Blenheim & Dumfries
Jacob Shupe the 13th concession

YEAR: 1830
PATHMASTERS: Thomas Millard Western Division Dundas St.
Silas Martin Middle Division Dundas St.
Michael Showers E. Division Dundas St.
William Slawson Second concession
Henry Harp Blenheim Mills
John Innis Town line between B[lenheim] & D[umfries]
Edward Burgess fifth Con. from the west to James McLeods
Daniel Bawtinhaimer from the bridge in the third Con. to the Sixth Con. North
Benjamin Springer 14th Con.

YEAR: 1831
PATHMASTERS: Steven Chase E. Division on Dundas St.
Joseph Smith Middle Division on Dundas St.
John Milton W. Division on Dundas St.
Walter H. Martin Second concession
Stephen Howey Mill Division
Christopher Rupert from John Harps Bridge to [Tolls] Mill
Jonus Ennis fifth concession
Ahab Sayles first division of the town line
Edward McLeod second division of the town line
Newcombe Geoffrey third division of the town line
Jacob Shupe Northern division of the town line

YEAR: 1832
PATHMASTERS: Nathan Chase E. Division on Dundas St.
Silas Martin for the Middle Division on Dundas St.
Jacob Goble for the Western Division on Dundas St.
Walter Martin for the second concession
Samuell Crosby for the west part of 2d con.
John Wecoff from the Governors road to the bridge at John Harps
Hiram Graham for the East Town line
Edward Burgess from the 10th concession to the forth
Ebeneazer Towl from No. 4 to the middle of Harpes bridge
Sillas Sprage from the Town line - between Blenheim and Dumfries from the Governors road to the fifth Concession
William Dawson from the 5 concession to the 9th
Henry Haskins from the 9th concession back part of the Town
George Runels from the back part of the Town

YEAR: 1833
PATHMASTERS: Michael Showers E. Division on Dundas St.
Rolland H. Pelton Middle Division on Dundas St.
Robert Millard for the Western Division on Dundas St.
Samuel Tubes for the second concession east part
James Pelton west part for the 2d con.
Stephen Howe for the East Town line
Holmes Spalding from the Go. to John Harps Bridge
Joseph Huston from John Harps bridge to Tolls
N. Pickle on the Quarter Town Line to the Sixth Concession
John Manard W. E. Sixth Con.
James Ennis for the W. P. of the fifth con.
Peter Boughtenhalmer P. in the 5 con.
James Baly from the eight to the twelveth con.
Angus Clark from the Indian land up to the Town Line
Samuel Nevers from the eight to the 5th
Daniel Shupe P. in the twelve th con.
George Runels P. in the 14th con.

YEAR: 1834
PATHMASTERS: William Goble West Division Gr. R.
Silas Martin Division Gr. R.
Benjm. Bailey Division Gr. R.
Jera. Cowen West 2d con.
Denton Burns East End
Marcus White Canning
Edm. Thompson qu. Tn. Line
John Dickson
James Innes 3 Con. W. End
Nicholas Pickle 3 Con.
John Pine 6 Con.
Christopher Rupert 6 Con.
Samuel Gufton Tn. Line betn. Mill & Blenheim
George Randle
George Thompson 12 Con.
Benj. Springer 14 Con.
Abraham Johnston Town Line
John Gilchrist Town Line
Roland Pierce Town Line
John Rumbie 3 Con.
William Dawson 7 Con.
Thomas Dawson 8 Con.

YEAR: 1835
PATHMASTERS: Lathrop Green Division 1
Silas Martin Division 2
Michael Showers Division 3
Sam'l Crosby Division 4, 2d Concession
David Clark Division 5
Henry Halstead Division 6, Canning
John Harp Division 7, from the qu. Town Line on to the center of Harps Bridge
Hiram Graham Division 8
Benj Green Division 9
James Innis Division 10
Elijah Sprague Division 11, 5th Concession
James Sipperal Division 12, 6th Concession
Henry Rupert Division 13, 6th Concession
Warren Snow Division 14, 7th Concession
James Cook Division 15, 8th Concession
Moses Johnston Division 16, 12th Concession
Isaac Algar Division 17, 14th Concession
Elijah Scott Division 18
Amos Colburn Division 19, 14 to 8th Concession
Moses Innis Division 20, 8 to 5th Concession
Silas Sprague Division 21
Angus Clark Division 22, 3rd Concession
Thos Love Division 23

YEAR: 1836
PATHMASTERS: Lathrop Green Division 1
Joseph Laycock Division 2
Elial Martin Division 3
Sam'l Crosby Division 4, 2d Concession
Ben Stevenson Division 5
Thos Love Division 6, Canning
Wm Daniels Division 7
Steve Howey Division 8
Wm Richerson Division 9
Ja's Sipperal Division 10
John Jackson Division 11, 5 Concession
Edward Burges Division 12, 6 Concession from the quarter town line to J. Mickhaws
Wm Burgess Division 13
John Pine Division 14, Quarter Town Line
Ric'd Vedden Division 15, 4th Concession
Wm Cockrine Division 16, 6th Concession
Warren Snow Division 17, 7th Concession
John Baathingheimer Division 18, 8th Concession
Geo Thompson Division 19, 12th Concession
Geo Cornback Division 20, 14th Concession
James Pickwell Division 21
Wm Webb Division 22
Silas Gillquare Division 23, 8 to 5th Concession
Silas Sprague Town Line
John Rummnell Division 25, 3rd Concession

YEAR: 1837
PATHMASTERS: William Goble
Silas Martin
Elial Martin
Samuel Crosby
Charles Wright
Moses Duncomb
Norman McLeod
Earl Martin
Alex'n McKey
George Burges
Elijah Sprague
George Fritch
Calvin Pine
Angus Clark
Ebenezer Towl
Kelsey Denton
William Winegarden
Lysander Quigley
Samuel Freede
George Reynolds
William Webb
Samuel McLeod
Roland Pearce
William Robinson
Jacob Shupe

YEAR: 1838
John Tennant
Elial Martin
Samuel Crosby
Walter Martin
James A. Clement
Jeremiah Harp
Daniel Martin
Robert Richardson
Edward Burgess
George Burgess
Elijah Sprague
Nicholas Pickle
George Fritch
William Bailey
Angus Clarke
John Roach
William Dawson
Willian Spiers
Samuel Howell
Lysander Quigley
George Reynolds
Stephen York
John Huston
Rollin Pearce
Trueworthy Smith

YEAR: 1839
PATHMASTERS: William Goble Pathmaster from Horners Creek West
Gabriel Purdy H. Creek to Eakins
Thomas Governors Road East
Sam'l Crosby 2d Con W
Anthony Wonch Sen 2d Con E
John N. Williamson from Harps Bridge to the G. Road
Abraham Quiverly W. Division of the 4th Con
Ben Green Middle Division of the 4th and the Quarter town line to the center of the 3rd Con
Wm Daniel from Harps Bridge to the 1/4 town line
Wm Bennet 4 Con E of the River
Elam Martin Quarter town line
Daniel Pine Jr Quarter town line North
Sam'l Foe 5th Con W to J. Fritch Corner
Timberley Campbell From Fritch Corner to the 1/4 Town line
W. Colsure From the 1/4 town line to the center of River
Elijah Sprague From the River to the town line
James F. Sippirelle 6th Con J. Harps to the 1/4 Town line
Christopher Rupert 6th Con 1/4 line to the River
Cris Woolverton 6th Con River to the town line
Ruben Ranson Side line from the 6th to the 7th Con
Sam'l Doyle 7th Con from 21 to the Middle Town Line
Wm Dawson 7th Con from the River East
John Bawtinhaimer 8th Con
W. Winegarden 9th Con South Div.
Vandecar 9th Con North Div.
Theophilis Tuper 11th Con
Geo Thompson 12th Con from 7th West
E. Bricher 12th Con from the Town Line
Joseph Alman 14th Con
Hurlbut from the G. Road to the 5th Con
John Rumrill 3rd Con E.
John Gilchrist from the 5th Con to the 8th
John Easton from Webb Corner to the 12th Con

YEAR: 1840
PATHMASTERS: William Goble Pathmaster W from Horners Creek
John G. Lindsey from C from H. Creek to Eakins Creek
Hy Horner E from Eakins Creek
Wm Hersee from the W. Corner 2d Con to the G. Road
A. Wonch E part of the 2d Con
W. Yale from the barn on the hill to the G. Road
Beamer W. Division of the 4th Con
John Dickson E part of the 4th Con S. to the center of the 3rd Con on Q. Town line
N. McLeod from the quarter town line on the 4th Con to the barn on the hill
B. Griggs 4 th Con to the town line from the river
Elam Martin Quarter town line from G. Road to the center of the 2d Con
John Goate Northern part of the Quarter town line
A. Stewart 5th Con W from J. Fritch Corner
James Fritz From Fritch Corner to the 1/4 Town line
John Daniels From 1/4 town line to the east River
Alanson Clark From the River to the town line
Jas Kenedy 6th Con S. Harps to the 1/4 Town line
John Husson 6th Con from 1/4 Town line to the River
Jas Sippirelle from the River to the town line
A. Clark side line from the 6th to 7th Con
Sam'l Pelton 7 Con from 21 to the center Town Line
Warren Snow 7 Con E from the River
O. Tripp 7 from the center of Town Line to the River
Thos Atkins 7 from 22 to the 3/4 Town Line
John Bawtinhamer 8th Con
W. Winegarden 9 Con E Division
Joseph Sherman 9 Con W Division
A. Parks 10th Con
Sam'l Gugisbene bit 10 & 11th Con
Thos Adams 11 & 12
Thos Workman 12/13 Con from the Center T. Line
Isaac Bird/Hy Harp 12/13 Con from the 1/4 to the center
Michael Munro from the 1/4 to the Dunfries T line
James Cooke 13th Con from center to the 1/4 line
Joseph Johnsen from the 12 Con in the center Town Line to the Wilmot Road
P. Bricker 14th from 1/4 line East
Abraham Hagey from 1/4 line to center
Charlie Scott W from the center line
Wm Warden from the River on the 1/4 line to the Wilmot Road
John Rumrill 3 Con E from the river
Jas Thomas from the River on the Town line to the 5th Con
Stephen York Town Line from the 5th 6th 8th
Sam'l Munro Town Line from the 9th 10th 11th
Sam'l Freede Town Line from the 11th to the W Road

YEAR: 1841
PATHMASTERS: W Goble Pathmaster W of H. Creek
W Lindsay from H. Creek to E. C.
Nathen Maclate E from E. Creek
W. Hersee from Baileds bridge
John Kinsey E
J. Kirkpatric from the 3d Con to the G. Road
Jas Ellison from the C. Town line to the T line on the 4th Con
H. Beamer W of the 3/4 line 4 Con
W. Britt 3 Con E from the river
W. McKay the 4 Con C from the C.T. line E from the 1/4 T line for the 4th to the 3. 4 Con from the 1/4 Town line
H. Fonger from the river to the Town line
W. Campbell 1/4 Town line from 3 Con to G. Road
W. Pine 1/4 T. line from the 4th Con to the 6th
Wm Burgess from J. Fritz W line to the centre line 5th Con.
J. Fritz 5 Con from J. Fritz to J. Roach's
N. Pickle Esq. 5 Con to the River
J. Jackson Esq. 5 Con to the Town line
E. Burgess 6 Con from the 1/4 line to the Center
Wm Slawson 6 Con from the 1/4 line to the River
John Harp 6 Con from the Center line to the 3/4 line
Jas Sipperelle 6 Con from the River to the T line
J. Maynard Side line from the 6th to the 7th Con
Sam'l Doyle 7 Con Center line to 3/4 line
Sam'l Pelton 7 Con 3/4 line West
Moses Campbell 7 Con Center line to the River
Wm Snow 7 Con E from the River
H. Holm 8th Con from lot 22 to the 3/4 line
John Bawtinhimer 8 Con
W. Winegarden 9 S Division Con
Wm Sherman 9 N Division Con
A. Parkes 10 Con
Thos Prosser 11 Con
A. Esten Town line between 11 & 12 Con
John Flemming 12 Con Center line W
Bird 13 Con from Center to 1/4
J. Litler 13 Con from 1/4 to Town line
James Cooke 13 Con Center to 1/4
Joseph Johnson from the 12 Con on the center line to the Wilmot Road
Wm Strome 1/4 line East 14 Con
Wm Reynolds Wilmot line 1/4 line East
A. Hagey 1/4 line to center 14 Con
Wm Scott Center line W 14 Con
Wm Warden from the 13 Con to the Wilmot Road on the 1/4 line
Geo Slipper from the 13 Con to the Wilmot line on the Center line
Silas Sprague Town Line 5 Con S.
J. Innis Townline from 5 Con to the 8th
S. Freede Town Line from the 12th to W. Road

YEAR: 1842
PATHMASTERS: Robert Millar Gov. Road Milton Hill West
John McGriffon Miltons Hill to Eakin Creek
H.T. Horner Eakins Creek East
Wm Slawson 2 Con, Bastedo's Bridge W
Denton Burns 2 Con, Bastedo's Bridge E
Gideon Aran 3 Con, from centre line west
Joseph Maycock 3 Con, 1/4 line W
Mc Arthur 4 Con, Centre line to 3/4 line
Hiram Beamer 4 Con, 3/4 line W
John Rumrile 3 Con, from the River E
H'am Dickson 3 Con, from the centre line E to the 1/4 line & from the 4th to the 3 Con on the 1/4 line
Marcus Diamond 3 Con, River to Town Line
Thos Spears on the 1/4 line from 3 Con to G. Road
John Roach on the 1/4 line from 4th Con to 6th
Wm Burgess 5 Con, Jas Fritz W line to the C. line
Jas Fritz 5 Con, W. line to J. Roachs
N. Pickle 5 Con, from J. Roach to the River
Joshua Burnett 5 Con, Pines to Town line
Sam'l Hoe 5 Con, Centre line W
Wm Whitehead 5 Con, 1/4 line 4 Con to Harp Bridge
Jas Kenedy 6 Con, 1/4 line to Camp W line
John Burgess 6 Con, 1/4 line to Centre line
Stephen Henry 6 Con, W of the Center line
Aaron Clark 6 to 7 Con
C. Rupert 6 Con, W of the River
Jas Sipperell 6 Con, C of the River
B. Swears 7 Con, W of the River to Centre line
John Kitchen 7 Con, Centre line to E line of N
Caloire Fox 7 Con, E line of 16 to 21
Wm Dawson 7 Con
H.T. Reyan 8 Con, 3/4 line to 22
John Bawtinhimer 8 Con
P. Bawtinhimer 9 Con
W. Winegarden 9 Con
Joseph Sherman 9 Con
Sam'l Guigisbeng 10 Con
Silas Sprague 10 Con, Town line 5 Con S
Thos Hulbut 10 Con, Town line 5 Con N
Joseph Himan 14 Con, 1st Div.
Sam'l Cramer 14 Con, 2nd Div.
Francis Dayton 14 Con, 3rd Div.
Robt Cooke 14 Con, 4th Div.
Daniel Slicter 13 Con, 1st Div.
Thos Woolsy 13 Con, 2nd Div.
Thos Hamson 13 Con, 3rd Div.
Jas Eaten 13 Con, 4th Div.
Moses Bricker 12 Con, 1st Div.
John Rice 12 Con, 2nd Div.
Laysander Quigly 12 Con, 3rd Div.
John Taylor 11 Con, 1st Div.
Obed Willson 11 Con, 2nd Div.
Geo Horner 11 Con, 3rd Div.
Robert Holborne Townline
Wm Warden 1/4 line
Geo SLipper Centre line

YEAR: 1843
PATHMASTERS: Robert Millard
A. Gifery E. Martin
M. Wonch A. Wonch
G. Mann Wm Shear
Jas Willson Hiram Beamer
Geo Grigg Wm Richardson
Robt Grigg Thos Shear
H.F. Rochester Sam'l Foe
John Campbell John C. Burgess
Jas Lazenby John Maynard
G. Rupert Daniel Towl
Thos Merrell Ben Swears
James Pelton Sam'l Pine
Warren Snow John Bawtinhamer
Peter Bawtinhamer William Winegarden
John C. Harp Hansen Pinkem
Jas Fritz John McLeod
Johsua Burnett Geo Crumback
John Brundell Obed Willson
John Horner F. Partridge
Peter Bricker Jas Pickewell
Geo Reynolds Hy Rush
William Warden Peter Vandecar
George Hazel Rollin Pearce
George Lilly W. Yale
Robt Green Ben Colborne
John Thompson Joseph Kensy
Geo Thompson R. Broderick
John Johnson Robt Vance
Thos Gefton Geo Coxen

YEAR: 1844
PATHMASTERS: William Goble John Tennant
Elial Martin Samuel Crosby
Wallice Martin J.A. Clement
Jeremiah Harp Dan. Martin
Rob't Richardson Edward Burgess
Geo. Burgess Elijah Sprague
Nicholas Pickle George Fritch
William Baily Angus Clark
John Roach Wm. Dawson
William Speirs Samuel Howell
Lysender Quigley George Reynolds
Stephen York John Hesten
Rollin Pearce Isaac Smith
Aaron Clarke James Ellam
Michael Muma John Vandecar
Theophilus Prosser John Rathome
Christian D. Rosenberger John Bedford
Abm. Haldough Sam'l Crumback
Cerif Bulgar Lared Kilborne
John Melick William Daniel
James Innis Joseph Hallman
Welcome Yale Christopher Rupert
George Lilly

Source: Blenheim Township Minute Book 1822-1844.

Transcription held by Edward Kipp.
Photographic Copy held by Princeton Public Library, Princeton, Ontario.
Original held by the The Provincial Archives of Ontario.

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Orleans, Ontario
Updated December 15, 2004