If this article seems a tad silly, well, it is. G.G. Allin has been written about to death, mainly because so far gone. Since you can pick up practically any zine and see his smiling mug in it, HO! Zine isn't going to bother writing a great lengthy article examining this fellow. We present the interview, we present the facts.
Arrange the facts into an article of your own doing! Then publish it in a zine called corroded car batteries and be the envy of everyone in the underground.
First, let's say thanks to MARK ROBINSON. Without his info, this article wouldn't be possible.
77-83 G.G. Allin played in the JABBERS, his first real band. They had recordings in Boston. He can play drums, acoustic guitar, bass. On tour he sings.
There is a NO BAR stipulation.
He suffers misdemeanor charges from the Odd Rock Café, Milwaukee. Milwaukee is also home to Jeffrey Dahmer. I guess harassing performers is more important to Milwaukee cops than arresting a guy who murders homosexuals.
He was in Tampa for a country western album recording at USF's sycom, interviews, and a photo shoot. Seven Days.
There is a book detailing the events up to when G.G. was arrested. It is titled "The Ann Arbor Incident." Mark Robinson is seeking a publisher for it. Around 151 pages. If no publisher, he mentioned he may Xerox it. But there is no hurry on his part.
G.G. Allin's brother is Merle Allen, a NYC video tape distributor.
Mark is putting together a video documentary on G.G. Allin. As of mid-July, the video will be all interview, spoken poetry, and something else. To quote Mark's plug, it's "good, high quality video."
G.G. Allin made an appearance one Saturday at the Alternative Record Store, courtesy of Mark Robinson.
Mark had G.G. come down to Tampa to record an album and finish up a video tape documentary that should be available about now.
Mark was cool and put forth a lot of facts about Mr. Allin, which helped in asking the questions for this interviews.
The guy shits, pisses, comes on stage: beats up audience members. The stage is his life, to the extreme.
He has no conventional morality. G.G. has confessed to having sex with animals, his brother, and other cute stuff like that. But c'mon, do we really care?
His fans love him to death. One guy at the instore had a portrait of Mr. Allin tattooed on his thigh.
Mark arranged the whole G.G. Allin deal, which took a lot more time and money than you would think.
Mark is publishing (?) the "Ann Arbor Incident" which is about the incidents that lead up to G.G. Allin's imprisonment.
Mark told me that the art scene in Tampa sucks, that the people in it are suck-faced pussies that hang at the alternative dance clubs and concerts to kiss ass and look progressive. Well, those aren't his exact words, but that's sure what he meant, I'm sure.
Mark's uncredited photo graces the back cover of G.G. Allin with ANTiSEEN's Murder Junkies c.d.
He and G.G. have a good working relationship. But Mark pointed out that if he was at a G.G. Allin show, G.G. wouldn't hesitate to attack him (no one is safe.)
G.G. Allin isn't a guy who'll "stick his finger up your ass," as some idiots have told me before. On stage, well, maybe. When I talked to him at the in-store he was very cool, and answered the questions.
Concerning the method of his death, well, he wouldn't answer.
The "final bloody mutilation tour" started Oct. 31, 1991 and will end with his suicide a year later, Halloween 92.
If you want more info on the book or video, contact
Mark Robinson
USF 3088
4202 E. Fowler Ave.
Tampa, FL 33620-3088
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