Recently, Club Space Fish Café, the Orlando alternative nightclub, made the newspapers, radio, and television news shows around the state after a rather rowdy show by the notorious GG Allin and his band, The Murder Junkies.
News reports said that on the night of Nov. 18, police noticed about 75 people fleeing the club. After the police investigated, the arrested GG and one of the band members, Donald Sachs, on charges of exposing their sexual organs. Both were released without bond the following day. Reports said that Allin, who was performing naked, started the show by smashing a beer bottle over his shaven head, then rubbing the shattered glass into his forehead. He and Sachs urinated on stage, licked up the urine and spat it at the audience, according to the police report. Supposedly, they also defecated, ate some of the feces, and threw some of it at the audience. Later, Allin left the stage and started roaming through the audience.
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