Rock Bottom: Dark Moments In Music Babylon

G.G. Allin: Public Animal Number One

"To me comfort and conformity are the two biggest enemies. I want to die in tragedy. That really excites me." G.G.'s big plan was to off himself onstage, but he died in an all-too-common OD on June 28, 1993, after being chased out of another one of his outer-limits performance at the Gas Station club in New York.

When asked what kind of music he played, G.G. responded, "Mud, rot, cunt-suckin' sleaze trash. It can't be described at all. We don't fit in with anybody and nobody wants anything to do with us." Answering the question why he started a band, G.G. said, "Just to fuckin' bother people, for revenge. I don't give a fuck what you think of me. I wanted total destruction and I didn't and don't care if everyone hates it. Fuck you. I wanted to be the total self-destructive animal, and I am. I don't like or trust anybody really. When I'm onstage nothin' fuckin' matters. You could fuckin' shoot me, but I might fuck you up first, and I'll definitely rape some bitches." Arrested over fifty times for attempted murder, assault and battery, public lewdness, inciting a riot, indecent exposure, endangering lives, etc., G.G. made sure his audience knew how he hated himself and all of them through nudity, assault, defecation, urination, masturbation (himself and others), oral sex, rape, eating and flinging his feces, sex with dead animals, bashing out his teeth, eating his own flesh, breaking bones (his own and others), setting himself on fire, slicing himself up with broken bottles and ripped aluminum cans, and knocking himself completely unconscious. But G.G. Allin had a surprisingly dedicated following. "You'd have the real fans who knew G.G. and understood, they would stand right there and exchange punches and get covered with blood and love it," G.G.'s brother and band mate Merle tells me. "It was the greatest thing they had ever experienced - 'Here I am covered with blood. I love you, G.G.'"

In 1988, G.G. released a song called "Expose Yourself to Kids" - "Let's fuck some kids/They can't say no/Molest them now/Before they grow." Was this guy serious?

Merle is the keeper of his younger brother's flame - a fascinating combo of outrage and charm. He provides G.G.'s devoted fans with an astonishing number of live videos and taped concerts.

I watched one of G.G.'s videos, Hated, and was so repulsed when he got down on his knees and ate his own feces that the ghastly image stayed with me for days. I'm sure that would have pleased G.G. no end. I ask Merle when and why G.G. started this charming practice. "It was in '86 that G.G. first defecated onstage. As things progressed, he had to have an answer for it, so his answer was it was a communion to his people. If you were a Christian, you ate the body of Christ. If you're a G.G. Allin worshiper, you ate the body of G.G. Allin. It was a communion to his people. His blood, his piss, all of that was for his people." "How was he able to do it on call?" I inquire sweetly. "That's a talent right there! When he started defecating onstage, he would use Ex-Lax before a show. I don't know what it was. It seemed like he could do it whenever he wanted to! Ha-ha-ha..."

In an article for Naked Aggression Magazine, written by a friend of G.G.'s, Joe Coughlin, he describes one of G.G.'s shows:

G.G. owns the place. The hype, it turns out, was true all along. This is war ... He turns his back to them and squats. They seem to've been expecting it ... He pumps out a chain of dark, wet turds, spins around, drops to his knees ... They know he's gonna do it, but they're praying he won't just the same ... He starts gulping down the pile, spits in mouthfuls at the crowd, barking out lines of the chorus between bites. The room is choking on its own dread. Then of all things, a fucking guitar solo. G.G. scoops his poop, grunts, drops the mike, takes a whiff and smears it over his face with both hands, down his chest, around his cock, and runs back into the crowd. He gets up and smacks his head into the nearest wall a few times ...

It took a lot of digging, but when I finally located G.G.'s brother, Merle, he invited me to his wicked New York loft (his kitchen is painted blood red, decorated with skulls and severed body parts made of some scary, unrecognizable substance), where he reflected on the mad/tragic life he shared with his little brother. "We had a really strange childhood. We lived in a log cabin in New Hampshire, no shower, no bath. You couldn't drink the water or flush the toilet. We didn't socialize with other kids, go to their houses. My dad was...a religious fanatic. When G.G. was born my dad named him Jesus Christ Allin." (His mother later changed it to Kevin Michael.) In the sixth grade G.G. started playing drums, graduating to guitar, preferring music to girls or drugs. "The first time G.G. tripped was when I stuck a tab of acid in his French fries at McDonald's," Merle insists. "He wasn't into drugs. He never had girlfriends in high school. The only sex G.G. had when he was a kid was me and him masturbating each other as young teenagers. He was heavily into masturbation."

I'm a bit apprehensive at first, but soon warm to Merle. He's actually quite appealing in a curious way, covered in leather, his beard in braids. He proudly walks me over to a colorful, childlike painting done by mass murderer John Wayne Gacy, who was brother G.G.'s pen pal. It seems the two men shared a perverse kindred spirit. Merle then continues on with G.G.'s life story.

G.G. played in local bands, recorded with small labels, married his only girlfriend in high school, and settled down. "I was totally disgusted with G.G. at that point," Merle says. "Sandy had him pussy-whipped. He was wearing button-down shirts and taking out the garbage." But since G.G. hadn't sown his wacky oats, after five years of marital bliss he was off with a thirteen-year-old ("G.G. liked 'em young," says Merle. "Ha-ha"), living off people, crashing in cheap boardinghouses. Merle moved to Boston and G.G. worked with two different bands, the Jabbers and the Scumfucs, cutting many records on many different labels, teetering closer and closer to the edge.

"G.G.'s big thing was getting women's panties, getting a bottle of their urine and drinking it or having them pee in his mouth and masturbate. He wasn't into sex, not at all," Merle told me.

Merle returned and briefly formed the AIDS Brigade with his brother, but G.G. was arrested in 1989 and spent eighteen months in prison. Merle calls it "the Ann Arbor incident." A woman, who had invited the band to stay with her while they were performing a gig, accused G.G. of having assaulted her when she passed out after drinking with the band. Apparently G.G. went to town on this girl after she woke up, carving her breasts, face, and stomach, dripping hot wax into her wounds, putting cigarettes out on her and choking her for three days. In her statement to investigators, the victim said, "He was cutting at my chest. He said it was beautiful. Like painting a picture. He wanted my breasts to bleed more. He gouged at my left breast ... and when it began to bleed more he said ... that my breast looked like crying eyes." "What happened was," Merle recalls, "she had to go to the hospital and the police made her fill out a report. Originally she accused a bunch of black guys." However, the victim says that she was initially afraid of retaliation by G.G., so she didn't name him at first.

After pleading no contest to felonious assault charges, G.G. spent eighteen months in prison. When he was released in 1991, he formed the Murder Junkies with Merle and continued to tour. Joe Coughlin recalls a show in Atlanta: "In a stark moment I saw him standing under a severe white light, his bandanna off, his face knotted in a rage, a trickle of blood running into his eyes. I was sad and drained to think he's endured fifteen years of this. I thought of the million bands I'd seen adn suddenly they meant nothing, a fluffy bunch of notes. This was uncool, a threat, what rock and roll was meant to be, but it was more than that. G.G. hit me as everything both right and wrong with being alive all at once: all of the power and all of the sickness working together. There wasn't one possible emotion not being felt in that room. That in itself was dangerous. It was huge, and it was real."

"Prison was the best thing to happen to G.G." says Merle. "It made him more angry, stronger, and it made him realize he wanted to go out and fuck other people up. He was much more focused on getting his message out there. The intensity level was multiplied by ten." G.G. wanted to kill himself onstage. "He would have taken many people with him," Merle insists. "He talked about sticking dynamite up his ass and jumping into the crowd, or having a machine gun. He would have killed as many people as he could have while killing himself." In 1992, after being arrested all over the country, G.G. was extradited back to Michigan and had to serve another year in prison. Upon release, the Murder Junkies did another record, G.G. appeared on the Jerry Springer and Jane Whitney talk shows, pissing off America, and went back on the road. The last show of the tour was the Gas Station in New York. Merle tells me G.G. was sick from the blood poisoning he got so often - the hazard of feces getting into fresh wounds. "I don't know if it had anything to do with his death, but G.G. wasn't really healthy when he came off tour. It wasn't a suicide. He would have been angry at himself for dying that way." After the Gas Station mania, G.G. took heroin with some acquaintances and OD'd. "Drugs were something G.G. would do when everything else was taken care of," Merle says. "He had his message to get across, and that was the most important thing to him. The tour was over, we had just done our last show, the record was in the can, he was in New York, so let's get high!"

Merle misses his brother. "G.G. was Kevin and Kevin was G.G. He was a multiple personality. He tried to balance both parts out as much as he could, but G.G. always took over. He could be Kevin in front of me and my mom ... He could relax and enjoy without having to prove himself to everyone, without having to be this tough guy that he was ninety percent of the time. He was always trapped. People wanted more all the time and G.G. felt he had to come up with something more to shock them. Every time he would do something, you'd think, 'Wow! How can he top that?' He always would." Merle has so mcuh respect for his brother, it's quite remarkable. "He really did it the hard way," Merle marvels. "G.G. took it ten times more extreme than Sid Vicious. Sid was a pussy. No doubt."

Pamela Des Barres

Excerpts from "Childhood Essay" by G.G. Allin

Born: jesus christ allin
august 29, 1956
lancaster, nh

the first five years of my life were infested with sickness and violence ... we lived in darkness father hated light ... i observed the world around me as a mere movie, a movie of culprits and phonies. i was the leading man outside of the screen with a hammer just waiting for my chance to smash it all to oblivion ... brother and I became partners in drug dealing and theft. i never felt like i belonged around anyone. i felt superior. i hated school and all the other students ... i would purposely piss my pants so the teachers would send me home ... my principal once told me i was a penny waiting for change ... i also had predetermined very early in life that i obtained a special, very powerful soul that nobody would ... be able to stop me from achieving whatever i wanted. an irriating fire was building up inside of me from a seed that was planted at my birth ... bizarre personalities were awakening within ... i realize now that these personalities were the demons living inside of me. i welcomed them as my friends. later in life i would have intercourse with the devil himself. i could always make anyone believe what i had to make them believe. the bottom line was, when you turn your back i'll stab you in it. i also enjoyed wearing my mothers clothes ... i was a wild child who wanted to look beautifully outrageous and bright, even if i was filled with inner darkness and machine gun thoughts.

sexual abnormalities were awakening. i liked to play under the table when mother had company ... to check out the tightly fitted panties and fantasize. soon fantasy became reality. i got off sucking the crusty cunt scrapings from mothers panties ... i would raid hampers, garbage cans, and toilets for panties, snot rags, piss, shit, bloody rags, etc. if female company came cover i would fix the toilet so it wouldn't flush. that way i could go in later and feast on body fluids while jerking off ... i was always masturbating ... i had a constant erection. the first sex i had with another human was with brother. but later in life ... with the smelliest of prostitutes, living and dead animals would prevail. i always felt like my parents must have found me on the ground somewhere and that the darkness of night came from an alien storm leaving me from another galaxy on the back grounds of that broken down cabin ...

CONCLUSION - my demons, inner strengths and physical battles have guided me through life. my demons and i are not compatible. we never have been and never will be. we invite you to danger and possibly DEATH ... i guess after all i must be my father's sons, i am the second coming of jesus christ through alm [sic] and constant fire ...

G.G. Allin

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