Ask yourself if you're ready to delve into the mind of a psychopath? If so, read this interview! The performer you are about to read about is for real. You will hear about his stage rituals, beliefs and ranger! Judge for yourself if he really is a psychopath, a money making capitalist performer, or a man trying to express his pure rage at a world of mindless drones. So, fasten your seatbelt for a most disturbing interview with the almighty GG Allin. This interview was originally printed in the Spring/Summer '93 issue of Diarrheader Zine. It is being reprinted by permission with much thanks to Evan, Sean and Allison. That issue also has Eyehategod, Man Is The Bastard, plenty of reviews, and artikals on the US in Somalia and the true meaning of Anarchism. To get it, send 2 or 3 bucks to Diarrheader Zine, Box 8443, Fort Worth, Texas 76124-0443. For those who don't know, GG is dead now and has a new LP, Brutality and Bloodshed For All out soon on Alive Records and his authorized video documentary, Hated, has just been released by Film Threat Video. He ODed in NYC just days before he was to do and interview for THORA-ZINE. Actually, he called us one day from a NYC payphone and asked if we were serious about getting and interview. (Operator's voice: "This is the operator call with a collect call from, say your name please, sir...GG ALLIN!") Anyways, he said he was going to call us back a few days later for the interview...but he never called. And then we found out why. He went on the big vacation. So, read on or run for your life.
THORA-ZINE: How long have you been around?
GG ALLIN: My soul is the ultimate power, ageless and eternal. It has been in this flesh, blood, body and mind for the purpose of my R & R mission. I cannot be restricted to time as I have been around forever and will continue to poison the universe long after these wars are over and this life has ended.
T/Z: What bands have you sang for while in your musical career?
GG: I do not consider what I do to be a fucking career. A career is something you learn. What I do comes from within. A career is something you do part-time and then retreat from. I live my life's blood in the R & R underground every fucking second of this life. Most bands, however, only use the underground venue as a stepping stone for their own commercial gain to a major label sellout. They do not truly believe in what they say or sing about. It's just a fucking act to them. These are the very frauds and phonies that I am out to destroy. Because I am the real motherfucker. My blood shed and broken bones are brutal, existing reality. My R & R is about real rebellion and non-conformity aimed like a fucking machine gun, cocked and loaded against society, government and all of the robots who conform to the rules of these brainwashing organizations. My R & R is about being a real threat, danger, and terror to the status quo. In the past, I have used many bands to get where I had to go - The Scumfucs, Texas Nazis, Cedar St. Sluts. Drug Whores, Psycho, (Anti-Seen), etc., etc., but the only fucking band that really matters is the one that's with me now - The Murder Junkies. Because, when I bleed a band dry, I have no further use for them. I never go back. It's always full speed ahead into every fucking future confrontation.
T/Z: Some bands are against such things as vivisection. Are you for or against such things as capitalism, racism and or sexism?
GG: You can call me whatever you want. I don't fucking care. I'm a cold motherfucker. I wouldn't give two fucks about societies social problems. I deal with my own. I live my life in the underworld on the outskirts of life. I'll steal whatever I want and hustle what I need. Kill the capitalist bastards, kill the cry assed, stupid, bitch, cunts who are so busy trying to find new ways to incriminate men that they have lost all fucking sight of their useless skills, and fuck all the weak niggers who are always whining about their pasts and how much the government should support them with money, holidays, etc. Fuck them African sell outs. I fucking hate them all. I do not want anything out of this life that I can't get on my own.
T/Z: Do you think your songs are sexist?
GG: So fucking what if they are. They all deal with my own personal realities. Let me tell you this, there are a lot of fucking women bitches on this Earth who deserved to be raped and tortured. I'm sick of all you fucking lame woman's rights fuckheads always crying about shit. If you want to be an equal, fucking be an equal. But if a man fucks a young girl, it's rape. If a woman fucks a young boy, she's considered lucky. If a woman slaps a child, it's discipline. If a man slaps a child, it's child abuse. So fuck off with all of your woman's rights garbage. It's the bitches who seem to have all the rights. Just like a nigger...yes, I said nigger. They use it on themselves and so will I, so fuck off. If they want equal rights they had better stop pointing a finger and feeling sorry for themselves 'cause when they say the white man owes them this and owes them that for what happened in the past, that's a fucking weak coward. When they want to talk that shit I've got something for them all...a fucking bullet in the head. Be strong or be dead. I hate a sniveling coward.
T/Z: What's the most outrageous performance you did on stage?
GG: I do not consider what I do to be outrageous...society does. If my reality outrages you, I don't fucking care. When you walk into my life or attend one of my stage rituals, you are walking into a world of lawlessness and complete unchartered chaos. You cannot shackle your primitive soul in any way, shape or form. I live by the laws of the jungle. That is the big problem with a lot of the death metal bands today, they are trying to be outrageous as an acceptable theater form. They try to shock just for the sake of shock with no substantial danger involved. That is not my purpose. My purpose is to discomfort you, make you feel pain, and put you into my dangerous environment. My on-stage self-mutilations are a therapy from the inner turmoil and the wars in my head that exist every day. The audience is my enemy. Just as the fucking robots I see walking the streets everyday. They are all my fucking enemy. I will fucking assault you if you stand in my path. That is the only way for me to sort out the crowd, to find who the real allies in my R & R revolution are going to be, and who are just around out of curiosity. Because I'm not out to entertain, I'm out to fuck you up.
T/Z: Why do you advocate violence?
GG: Violence is quick and effective. It demands reaction without delay. Do you really believe that voting and negotiations actually work for the people? If you believe that, then you truly are brainwashed, because all of that fucking talk is all a stall tactic to put you off and pacify you. Do you really believe the people in power really give a fuck about your problems, or the starving, or the homeless, etc.? Fuck, no! These so called bleeding heart liberals can all go suck my fucking ass. They are all right wing conservatives in disguise. Don't think Bill Clinton is any different that George Bush. The only rights we have are the fucking rights we take. Violence and revolution speak louder than words, so get out and make a fucking stand, or die on your knees.
T/Z: What's the story behind your incarceration and what do you stand accused of?
GG: That is why I'm in prison now, because of who I am and what I represent. I have been arrested on and off stage and charged with everything from attempted murder, rape, felonious assault, inciting riots, breaking and entering, disorderly conduct, indecent exposure, criminal trespass, and on and on and on. But the bottom line is...I'm out of control in the eyes of the system. I'm uncool, unclean, and unacceptable, but I don't give a fuck. I will continue to be the dagger in the system's back. I will never act civilized.
T/Z: Do you feel this is a direct violation of your constitutional rights?
GG: Absolutely. An individual who rebels against society that wants to control him never has any rights.
T/Z: Have you always had nihilistic urges?
GG: Always. I'm not into R & R for the money, fame, women, or to be part of any social scene. I'm in it for my own personal vengeance. When I put my first band together, we had set out as a band of anti-social outcasts and misfits hellbent on revenge. Our entire purpose was to destroy all the clubs who booked lame bands to support commercialism and to fuck up all the people that we hated. That is still how I fell. If I was not into R & R, I would be on death row.
T/Z: How do you respond to the theory, "The only true nihilist is dead nihilist?"
GG: I believe in the theory of destroy to create. If a nihilist dies while fighting the fight that he believes in and if he dies on his own terms in the line of action, then the dead nihilist died with honor and his soul shall remain in full power. But one must try to stay alive at least long enough to reach the point of his destruction and leave the groundwork for his allies to carry on. Then he has done his time with pride and dignity.
T/Z: What's the conflict between you and Bloody F. Mess?
GG: I don't fucking care. I have not heard from him in over a year. I don't make friends or relationships. When someone drops out, big fucking deal. Good fucking bye. The mission carries on.
T/Z: What was the deal with you being on Geraldo?
GG: The deal is I fucking did it, so what? But let me tell you this, I did it on my terms only, as you well know if you saw the show. I did it out of pure hatred, so I could be in every fucking living room across the nations with a big fuck you to everybody. GG Allin in your fucking face, in your safe little world where your wall protect you, there I was. You had to let me in. It was my place to tell the world that I truly am the highest power and that nobody can escape me.
T/Z: Skinhead Nazis think they're punk as fuck. What is the most violent thing you did to one of these Nazi fucks?
GG: I don't give a fuck what you are or what title you go by. If you fuck with me, then you better come full speed, because win or lose, one of us is going down in a pool of blood. I live for pain so I can deal with any tragedy or conflict. Can you?
T/Z: Sorry to bring up old news, but what was the outcome of the rape trial?
GG: I'm not about to discuss any of my trial activities in this interview. It was a very long and drawn out process and it's just too fucking much to get into right now. But I will say this, I have no remorse for any of my prior criminal activities or anything I have done or will continue to do. If you lay with me in a field of fire, be prepared to fucking burn. I don't play games.
T/Z: I hear that you don't make all your shows. Is that true?
GG: When I do a tour, it's not your average, everyday routine. My stage is a fucking war zone and I go with my moods. I do not think ahead or live beyond the confrontations that I am faced with in each and every town we stop in. So, if I get to the next town and the next gig, then I get there. But if I don't, so fucking what. You have to consider the possibilities that I could be in a hospital, a jail cell, a whorehouse, passed out in an alley, or dead. My tours are brutal both onstage and off, so we never can plan ahead. So the answer to your question would be true. Catch us when you can...if you dare.
T/Z: Can you describe some of the prison abuse that exists today?
GG: I've seen beatings, heads split open, prisoners put in the hole and physically and mentally fucked with. Come on, this is prison. You live by the laws of hustle, survival, strength, and endurance. The strong survive and the weak are crumbled. That's why I have proven once again my powers of leadership. They have never been able to penetrate my mind, body or soul. I have beaten them. I remain untamed and in full power of who I am. All they have done is enhance my almighty fires from within and added more bullets to my machine gun mind. Soon it will be my turn for revenge.
T/Z: Do you consider yourself a role model for the angry youth?
GG: I am a leader for the real R & R underground of danger and non-conformity. I am a rebel, an outcast, a terrorist, and proud to be. The angry youth of America know they can look to me for the real soul warrior who will never sell out and who will challenge any motherfucker who stands in my way, be it hardcore, punk, metal, death metal, grind, grunge, industrial, noise, thrash, etc. The bottom line is believing in what the real underground is all about. Let's start living it. Let's kill the commercial, corporate dickheads and those imposters who are nonbelievers who are invading our turf. I will not tolerate it. It's time to say die motherfucker, this is real.
T/Z: Do you believe in the superiority of the phallus?
GG: I believe in the superiority of self worship, the superiority of the primitive beast from within, the superiority of the untamed animal.
T/Z: Do you believe that all women are nothing more than blow-up dolls to be used at your convenience, or do you actually hold some minute amount of respect for women?
GG: I have actually fucked some of those plastic pussy sex dolls. A few of them had more personality than some of the girls I have fucked in the flesh. Some of the dolls were even a better fuck, seriously. I had five dolls. I respect women as an equal as long as she can act equal in her convictions and actions, a strong woman who can talk and think for herself. But life is brutal and you must prepare for retaliations at all times and never let yourself fall into the traps of comfort and safety. When I first meet a girl and we are going to collide through sexual actions, the first thing I do is give her some rope, a whip, a dagger, fire, handcuffs, and a gun, if available. I'll put myself in the position of death, that is my sexual eclipse. I have no problem being on both ends burning. Now tell me that's not respect. Maybe one day I will give you a knife and then we will find out just how serious you are in your threats to cut me into a thousand pieces. I would look forward to it.
T/Z: How would you explain the fact that women attend your shows, in spite of the attitude you assume towards females?
GG: Why do you assume I hate all females? You are a very narrow minded person who obviously has no idea as to what or who I am. I do not give a fuck if you are male or female because you are still my enemy. If you are in my path and you put yourself there, then I'm going to take you down. Some of the women, girls, females, etc., who attend my shows are often times tougher than some of the guys. A couple have even stabbed me, some have sucked my dick on stage, and some have let me eat the shit off their cunts and assholes. I often go home with many of them for rituals that go beyond the stage. So, maybe you should look in the fucking mirror when talking about sexism. Maybe you are insecure and have to point the finger at others. Maybe it is you who feels inferior to men. That's a problem you've got to deal with. But take your fucking finger out of my face before I chew it off.
T/Z: Do you believe that the existence of global patriarchy is a good thing or do you believe in self-determination for women?
GG: I believe in self-determination for men and women. If you need somebody else to tell you who you are or to push you toward something, then you are a worthless piece of flesh, blood, and soul. Being in a crowd is one thing, but you are who you are. If you are a coward, you will always be a fucking coward. If you are the ruler of your own temple, you will prevail. But if you do not believe in yourself, who the fuck else will?
T/Z: Any closing comments?
GG: If you support the GG Allin mission, keep it going at all costs. Keep the rampage and fury spreading like wildfire. If you do not support my mission, then go back to the world of corporate puppets who created you and keep kissing their asses...because it's you who lose.
GG talks a lot of strength, but who is strong 'cause who is dead now? To get more information on GG Allin, contact Merle Allin at Box 14164, Chicago, IL 60614
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