The Date - 24-MAY-1993

I bought Joel a GG Allin and The Murder Junkies (I'm pretty sure it was the Murder Junkies) ticket for his birthday. Joel has some GG records and listened to them too many times. He was once giving blood at a blood drive at high school and he was listening to GG on a Walkman. The nurse told him not to flex his arm as they put the needle in, but he couldn't hear because GG was too loud, so he said "Flex?" and flexed and burst a blood vessel or something. He couldn't give blood and they made him put an ice pack on his arm for a while.

So, anywho, Joel and I went to SF in his Tercel to see GG at club no name. It was an 18 and over show and we weren't 21 yet so the bouncer took longer to make sure our ID's weren't fake. We go in and the Insaints are just near the end of their set. I think they had like two chicks making out on stage nude or something. I just remember that the singer chick chucked a mike stand into the crowd and I thought 'Gee Davey, that would probably kill you if the base hit your head.' The club had a loft area that has two stairways to it so a lot of people were watching from there.

Eventually GG came out. He was only wearing a toque and boots. He was really sick looking. He fought with people in the crowd that were dumb enough to stand close (like tough hipsters that are just looking for a fight). He grabbed a chick and was hitting or laying on the floor with her and her boyfriend started to fight GG and a bouncer pulled him away. GG was just insane just walking around like a drunk robot. Eventually he did the 'microphone in the ass' and 'hit forehead with microphone 'til it bleeds.' Then he took a crap and started running around. Joel and I were running toward the stairs with most of the rest of the crowd. I remember hearing someone say, "He's going to throw it!" and thinking I better cover my head. Joel and I got up to the loft/balcony place and watched from there. A little later we lost site of GG for a minute and he appeared on the balcony, I guess he climbed up the front or something. Anyways, everyone on the balcony was running away. I was going down a flight of stairs on my knees just using the banister to hold me up from getting trampled. It was pretty scary. Joel got stuck up in the balcony with GG but GG didn't get him. Then GG played some more I think, and eventually paraded off into the streets of San Francisco. Then a bunch of cops showed up and we left.

The whole way home we just talked about how we would never see GG live again unless he was in a cage. We were right. GG died like a month or two later.

A while after that Hated the GG Allin movie came out and we went with The Bananas and Los Huevos to see it. It was good and it had a short film before about a guy who goes around and kills bald eagles. He also would get porno mags and draw clothes on the pictures.

Tonight is Movie Night and we're showing Hated on DVD.

written/posted 03-AUG-2000

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