Soon Kit's Corner !!
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Nevertherless to say that, this page is dedicated specially to my idol, Cheah Soon Kit !! It was during Thomas Cup 1992 when i first noticed Soon Kit. You must be thinking that it was because of, he, together with Soo Beng Kiang clinched the winning point for Malaysia in that year's Thomas Cup.. Well, you're wrong.. hehe.. Don't laugh if i said it was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT !! *LOL* It was at a stage of 2-1 with Malaysia leading a point ahead when our second doubles, Cheah Soon Kit-Soo Beng Kiang walked out from a corner and started warming up to play against Ricky Subagja-Rexy Manaiky. I didn't know his name at that time. His cute look caught my attention straight away.. Actually i like Soon Kit's jumping smash very much. What's more, his performance with Soo Beng Kiang that night was so remarkable and their victory over Ricky-Rexy ended the drought for Malaysian Thomas Cup after 25 years since 1967. Ever since that night, he has been my hero.. my idol.. till now ^_^ How i wish i could have a chance to meet him one day...

Full Name : Cheah Soon Kit
Date of Birth :9 January 1968
Place of Birth :Ipoh, Perak
Height : 180cm
Weight : 68 kg

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