Welcome to my Guestbook!

Tara & Claire - 11/23/99 20:35:01
My Email:Lilgrly87@hotmail.com

Hey Chris, What's ^? How are u..i miss u! I wish i could see you more but you are always at college. But i will see you on Christmas hopefully! Well G2G LUV YA! Tara

Samantha - 10/24/99 18:48:39
My Email:Samantha@URdirect.net

Hey Chris! Wow I haven't seen you in a while and I hardly reconized you, but you look good! Well i really miss you and hope to see you soon! ~Love Always~:) Sam

Cristina aka Kitina - 09/17/99 01:31:05
My URL:http://www.albany.edu/~cf9638
My Email:kitina914@hotmail.com
comments:: Chris I luv the page. You are the sweetest guy and we def have to chill more this semester!


Tara - 09/12/99 01:19:25
My Email:2true4u@gurlmail.com

Hey Chris I have not seen u in a while hope to see u sooooon i miss u come and visit me soon ok? good Luv Ya!!

Ilona - 09/08/99 04:14:15
My Email:pokie2@hotmail

Hey CRAZY CHRIS like the web page you look great! Do you think I may be able to get a copy of one them ..thanks.... love you...

Lana - 06/07/99 03:12:27

hey. you can actually do that? wow! just kidding! i like it, see ya at work(hopefully)and thanks for you know what. peace.

Jeff Mittler - 05/16/99 20:51:58
My Email:jm2679@aol.com
comments:: Looks good!

Hey Chris! I like the website. its really cool! i look forward to seeing you back in Rye! Talk to you soon! -Jeff

Cliff - 05/16/99 18:07:01
My Email:Wondrlava@aol.com
comments:: nice

You're so cute Chris, but I'd rather do the guy next to u in the picture. He's a hottie and a half.

Dave - 05/16/99 16:09:38

Good Job! See ya soon!

NIk - 05/16/99 06:04:13
My Email:jacobx@aol.com

yo what's up chris. the illest nigga alive has visited your page so there is no need to worry....hope no one had problems in their first year of the big show... i'll come visit you up in albany... sometime, i swear bro.. i've been saying that for the long st right ...well anyway what's up to everyone i know that's reading this... peace out bro!!!!!!

Nancy* - 05/16/99 00:19:30
My Email:Nanniebean@Aol.com
comments:: It's a 10

Hey Chris, How ya doing? Thanks for sending me this homepage. You did a great job putting it together! I actually learned a few things! Your pictures are great I wish I knew a nice girl your age to send them too! How's school? Please study hard it wil be worth it down the road. Well I think it's great the work you've done on this home page. I want to put one together too it's just I don't have a clue where to start. Got any tips? ha ha ha Take care and don't party too much and if you do remember to be careful you have a great smile so don't loose it. Take care and I hope all stays w l for you. Love Nancy*

esther - 05/15/99 23:44:20

chris...this is adorable!

alexis zabbia - 05/15/99 22:01:56
My Email:azabbia@aol.com

hey there stud' whats up cool web page talk to soon love ya?

NiCole - 05/15/99 05:02:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ne/SillyGurl
My Email:NiC311PunK@aol.com
comments:: shit...LOL...can i put that here?! :)

Chris... hey mister...nice webpage. you did a wicked job. way to respresent!! yo i'll show you mine if you show me yours...errr...i mean I'll hook you up on my website if you hook me up on yours. LOL. I still thinks yer a cutie. LaterssSss. **Hugs** NiC

Mitch - 05/12/99 20:01:27
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/paris/cafe/5266
My Email:mitchlove78@hotmail.com
comments:: Good Job !!!!!!

I am impressed Chris. I like your designs and the pictures are really good. Like always I do have one observation... I think you need some females in your page :) Attractive one's by the way...... Hey great job bro..... Keep in touch..... Mitch

chris - 05/12/99 16:46:34
My Email:chris3mes1@aol.com

Chris you are so hot, your webpage rules. You are the best. peace out!!!!!!!

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