Sun Sets

Most of these have been taken from my back yard. 
Sun Sets

#1 This one and the following two are the same one, but at different times and angles.
#2 Not exactly noteworthy, since it's basically just a different angle.
#3 The last one of this set, it's rather nice.
#4 Not quite a sunset, but the rays passing by are rather neat.
#5 January Sunset.
#6 Same one, but earlier.
#7 Earliest of this batch.  I accidently put them in reverse order, but the world won't end :P
#8 Early October sunset
#9 Same one a bit later.
#10 Another October sunset.  This one is... wierd.  But cool.
#11 Same, but as you know, later :p

Sun Flares: Not a particularly interesting set, in my opinion.

Sun Fire:
This following set was taken during the summer when there was a huge forest fire out in the Yakima area.  Here you can see the smoke from it while the sun is setting.  Really cool!