

Hello if you would kindly take some time out and look over this website you may see something you like, enjoy, perhaps even a little bit curious about, but were afraid to ask, or experience.  Women we are offering you a chance to experience something perhaps a little taboo,  or risqué, but face it, you think about it, and even fantasize about it. 

You may be wondering, "Why did I get a link to this page?"  Well the reason is that we see something in you, weather it be in your Yahoo profile or from somewhere else that caught our eyes, and probably even made our hearts race a little in anticipation in hearing back from you.  You also may be wondering why we have put forth so much effort in making a little page to describe what we are looking for.  Well we did this because what we are looking for isn't anything easy to find, much less describe, so we figured a website would be the easiest way of clearing up all of that.

So if you have the time (which it will only take a few minuets, we promise) to look at the site, navigate around, we could interest you in a little fun (if you're up to it), or if not, we are very sorry to of wasted your time.



Page last updated: 8/26/02
