A Pragmatic Approach to the Issues
The Montgomery County Republican Party is at a crossroads in history where, based on several principles and trends, it has the potential to become the majority party in Montgomery County. This requires a new mindset. To put it another way: Baltimore is our past, and Montgomery County is our future. As candidates for the Central Committee, we are committed to building the Republican Party in Montgomery County as the basis for achieving our goal of being the majority party in Maryland.
As candidates for the Republican Party’s Central Committee, here’s what we pledge to do:
Conducting Aggressive Voter Registration Efforts. A vigorous and aggressive voter registration initiative is key to achieving a new Republican majority in Maryland. Given the choice, more independents who register to vote here will register as Republicans. As part of the Republican Central Committee, we will initiate an aggressive voter-registration drive in Montgomery County to register more Republicans.
- Changing the Mindset from ‘Loyal Opposition’ to Majority Party. We will share our principles with those Montgomery County voters who have been let down by the politicians of the past. Given a fair presentation and an open hearing, disaffected voters will come home to their Republican Party in droves and be better served.
- Strengthening our Republican Team. The strongest Republican candidates must be asked before they will run—we’re asking. We also realize the benefit of cultivating new talent and our young Republicans out there—they are our future leaders. As members of the Central Committee, we will work hard to identify and promote a new generation of Republican leaders within every level of the Party and throughout the state.