Welcome to my Totally Cool Harry Potter web site!

How's everyon's summer been so far? Good, I hope. Anyway, I just finished adding pages to my new site, so be sure to check those out. Please note that if you are going to email me about mistakes on pages, please say if those mistakes are on the new or old site, because I have fixed some on the new site.



* Visit my NEW web page here!

*To see a list of the Hogwarts teachers, click here

*To see a list of the Hogwarts Ghosts, click here

* For profiles on the characters, click here

* To see some magical candies, click here

* To see some pictures from Harry Potter, click here

* Here are some coloring pages, drawn by Lar DeSouza. brought to you by The Unofficial Harry Potter Fan Club

* Oops! Mistakes from books 1, 2, 3 and 4. NOTE <--Important!!

* News! Find out about the latest updates about the movie and merchandise!

* Rumors galore

* Common rooms

* Ever wonder what the names of some characters mean? Click here to find out.


The Unofficial Harry Potter Fan Club




This is my mood today :The current mood of electric_banana22@hotmail.com at www.imood.com Just thought you'd want to know. Care of imood.com

 Please note that my site is my creation, so if you want to take pictures or information off my site, please contact me here. Of course, you can also e-mail me with any questions or comments at that same address. Thanx!