NEWS: 09-12-07: a year and a half since the last update....and i'm only updating now because i've been unemployed for nine weeks and i'm finally running out of things to do to keep myself busy...and because i got bitched at for not having updated the venues page looks a little better now, all the links should work...but that's all i did so don't expect any of the other pages to have correct links. 04-15-06: wow....can't believe this is my first update of '06....i've been busy...all i did was add a couple bands...and update the shows....i broke the april page, so it's really hard to read, and i don't know how to fix it.....oh well. 12-27-05: I've got the whole week off work so i've been busy updating the site....the shows are updated through MARCH, WOW....i tried fixing most of the broken links on the bands page and added a few new bands....fixed a link on the venue page and added a link to dandercroft's new site on the front page and on the links page....check it out...updated statistics on the way. 10-2-05: Second update of 2005...whoo hoo!!!!...i've been working on this damn site all weekend and all i got accomplished was an updated shows page, updated statistics (check out my list of people shows to commemerate my upcoming 50th show), and an updated venue page...i took down a bunch of bum links and added a couple new ones, including a site for the coolest new bar in kc, The Record other news i need to pimp a few more cool sites....Move The Music.....and the new Minus Story record....i think that is all. 03-20-05: Finally a real update for's about time...i added a few new bands to the bands links pages and a couple new venues too...of course the shows and stats are updated as always as well.....i also tried to reply to everyone who's signed the guestbook, sorry it's taken so long. 10-10-04: Two more brick shows to go until i've seen 100 shows there....i'm excited...check out the entire list of shows i've seen there here....also updated the shows page but i still don't have november up yet...i need to get to that soon. 10-2-04: Tonight i'm slacking on going to the shows but getting a lot done on the website...i finally updated the bands page and now almost all of the links should work...i updated the kc bands page and the kansas bands...if your band is not listed email your link to me and i will get it up...i've updated the shows page and my statistics as usual, that's all i really keep up with anymore on a regular basis...also i've added lyrics to the new elevator division cd, check that out here. 07-03-04: i'm a slacker.....i don't have the time, energy, or motivation to update this site anymore.....but i finally put some new shows up....that's the best i can do. old news older news old featured pictures older guestbook old guestbook |