This page was made in May 1998,  Originanly Called "The IWish" Expansion
This is more Like a bad set of Unglued Cards. For space.... I saved only the Card texts, no pictures where ever made.

Please Note that some of the card text is incorect by September 2000  Rules for Magic The Gathering..... I did not alter the text in any way..... I appologize in advance for the confusion below.

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Tears of Joy UUU

Sorrcery MU Cry For One Minute, On Tears Of joy. After one minute count up tears on card add that number to your life total.

WipeOut!  UUUUU

Sorrcery MU Remove Every counter in play to their owners Grave yard 2: Instead of moving counters to Grave yard have them Removed from the game! (Play when your Rival has Life Counters: Remove ALL Counters)

Boot's Of Hermes 4

Artifact MU Tap: Put this card under target creature, That creature gains  flying permanently. 0:Return Boots to owners hand to regenrate "enchanted" creature  That creasture then loses flying (even if the rules box says  it has flying) and can only regain flying if targeted by Boots again

LightHouse X

sorrcery   MU  Buyback; 5   X=one color mana of casters choice  Give All creatures of that color +1/+1 and flanking until  end of turn Any player my pay 3 life to counter this effect

White Lotus(Not to be confused with Black Lotus)O

Artifact MU When White lotus Comes into play sacrifice 3 Lands sharing one sole color. Tap,Sacrifice Lotus: Add 3 color mana to your pool (this can only be the color of the lands you sacrificed.)

Crazy Fate 3   Artifact MU  CU: 2  T:Pick a card from target Libary   Check the color of the card with fates effect below:   That Effect Last Until That cards  owner's upkeep when appl.   If the card is gold caster of fate picks a color on that gold card, Artifact Target player picks a color of the basic 5   Blue: Target creature Gains flying  White: Target creature Gains 1 life  Red: Target creature gains +2/+0  Black: Target creature gains +1/+1  Green: Target Player Gains One Life  Drawn Card goes Under drawn from libary

Funny Out-come 5

Enchantment MU

2T:Tell a joke. If Traget Oppoent Cracks UP Gain 1 Life. 3T:Tell a joke. If target Person (playing M;TG or NOT) in the room (area if outdoors) Cracks up gain 3 life. Target and mana Must Bee paid Before Joke is Told. Caster Can Not be the target this spell targets

Disscussion    G

Enchantment MU

Tap a creature card you control tap target oppoent's target creature card. This effect can be used more than once providing you have a creature to tap and so does oppoent.All Cards Untap (if you wish them to become untapped) normaly (unless a card otherwise prevents this) at their controllers untap phase.

Steroids 3R

Creature Enchantment MU

Give Target 1/1 creature +5/+5 and trmaple until your next upkeep at that time destroy that creature and all creature enchantments on it incl.Steroids

Discuss 0

Enchantment MU

1Tap Give Discus to target Opponent.At the same time take a card from his side of the table out of the game throwing it like a discus.That card Is out of the game for the rest of current game)That oppoent may then instantly do the same to one of your cards. he/she Must give you back discus and pay 1 to do this.This can continue as long as 1 is paid and discus swiches sides affter the card is thrown.Any person (playing or not) Can pay 2 (if they  can and know how) At any time after the first 2 throws To stop this madness! if this is done the card that would have been thrown stays in play if in air it is thrown out of game. in either case the spell stops there  and is trown out it self

Instant MU T:Target player can make up a new rule.As this rule is spoken  another player must get calvin ball or all effects fizzle he can then make up a rule instantly affter that countering of a rule is a rule

*****Shard *fill in  with Pearl Jet Ruby etc. WWWWW Or BBBBB  corresponding jewlcolor ( is that color mana times 5) You lose 5 life when a shard you cast comes into play If at any one second you have all 5 shards one of each color in play you Win game!(Must be in play area loss of life cant be countered)