Examine the area and make a mental note of where all the security cameras are. Look for "hidden" cameras too. Look for mirrors etc... Don't let ANYONE see you shoplifting(you never know they might be undercover cops or they might report you) Wear big coats and baggy pants when you is much much easier to shoplift that way... For example you want to steal a playboy magazine or something, You can slip it in your pants in the front. It helps to wear a jacket so you don't see something sticking out. DO NOT look suspicious. Examine the product beforehand and remove any alarm tags there are on the product. Remember to thing of an excuse beforehand God forbid you get caught doing any of these.

REGULAR SHOPLIFTING--- You can shoplift by sticking the product in your schoolbag, under your shirt etc...

"PAY" SHOPLIFTING--- You put a product of a higher value into a container of a lower value. Then, you just bring it up to the counter and "buy" it... If they find out you switched containers, just say that was the way it was and you took it off the shelf.

"FREE" SHOPLIFTING--- You can get $$$ and products for free this way... You find a reciept. Then you bring it to that store and get the product off the shelf. Take all security devices off of the product. Then take it to a customer service desk or something and "return" it. You will get $$$ this way. You can also buy a product, put it in your bag and then, with the reciept, take the item off the shelf and "return" it.

"PRICE CHANGING" SHOPLIFTING--- You can "change" the price of items by taking price tags off of items and putting a lower priced price tag and buy the item.