I have been part of many other organizations and have been
completely frustrated with the "because the book says so, it's right"
attitude. I have had many people tell me that I was wrong because
"this book" says this, but then I point out that another book says
another thing, and third yet another and so on. Which one is right?
You cannot hope to find Truth in one book, as it is spread in many,
and in many different forms and symbolism.
I created this page for those of like mind, who are
searching for Truth to have somewhere to expose my ideas and
revelations, to share with others without judgement or prejudice.
For each of us is a different person, each of us will see a different
piece of Truth, and perhaps together we can create one that applies
to all of us. For in that is absolute Truth, which I believe exists
beyond personal Truth.
Here I share my ideas
and philosophies, practices and rituals. It is through sharing that we all
broaden our magickal perspective and practice. Since we all do not,
undoubtedly practice exactly the same thing, it would be useful to
share what we do in order that others may experiment and find out
what works for them.
We are all here for the same reason,
to learn and to find Truth. This will only happen with all of our
participation and openness.
So, read on. See what I have learned and what I have to share, and maybe my angle on Truth will help you to see more of what the universe holds.
My Magickal Model of the Universe
Essays and Thoughts
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