About Us...ElementalsForge started as
a personal website for posting news and information about our lives.
It has evolved into a place to share some of the things we care about
with readers on the Web. On our site you will find links to progressive
environmental and social organizations, information on sustainability,
and businesses selling environmentally and/or socially responsible
products. And we still post our newsletters, photos, artwork, publications,
and links to 'wicked' humor. ~ Narissa Kent Willever (AKA "Nik") |
The blog has turned out to be too much work for too little readership. Instead, I've started posting whenever I have new pics or stories on my Nikwaters Gather site. And also, *sigh*, I've given in to convenience and started posting travel and other photos to Flickr. | |||||||
Site SpotLightCheck out some of my favorite sites on the Web! |
Made Marion: a fresh, fabulous take on used fabric. |
LoL! This site is WEIRD. |
Use GoodSearch instead of Google and your usual shopping sites. For every search or purchase, cash is donated to your favorite charity/nonprofit - like my library, Norman Williams! | |||||||
Buy one of Jen's wonderfully Warped bags! |
Shop EcoChic at Revolution. |