Family: Ceratophyllaceae
Continent: Cosmopolitan
Region: Cosmopolitan
Height: 2-32"+
Width: 2-6"+
Light requirements: very low-very high
Temperature: 50-82°F
Hardness tolerance: soft-very hard
pH tolerance: 6-9
Growth: fast
Demands: easy
Ceratophyllum demersum, also known as Hornwort, is a genuine cosmopolitan
found all over the globe. It has no true roots but can be planted
in the bottom. In the wild it is often found rooted, with the lower
leaves forming anchors. As a floating plant it provides a good hiding-place
for young fish. C. demersum can be useful in combating algae because
it consumes nutrients in the water and secretes substances that counteract
algae. Some varieties are difficult to transport.
For trimming this plant. I pull the stem up from
the gravel, as stated above it does not grow true roots, and trim
from the bottom of the plant. Be prepared to trim this plant alot.
It grows incredibly fast.