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Don't Call Us Molls: Women of the John Dillinger Gang

New 20s & 30s Crime History Magazine

On The Spot

Feature Articles
Pat Cherrington Headstone Project 2006

Escape from Crown Point County Jail: Next Stop -- Chicago!

Alderson Housed the 1930s Female Desperadoes

A Retrospective: Hollywood's B-Movie Moll

Anna Sage The Woman in Red - Dillinger: The Untold Story Expanded and Revised

Where Did Polly Go after the Biograph Theater?

Molls Travelogue: The Little Bohemia Lodge

Profiles of The Dillinger Gun Molls

Helen Gillis
Sally Bachman
Pearl Elliott
Marie Comforti
Mary Kinder
Opal Long
Jean Delaney Crompton
Patricia Cherrington

Did John Dillinger Hit Billie Frechette?

1930s Music Online & Archived

Rich Conaty's "The Big Broadcast"

Bonnie & Clyde Theater

Blanche Barrow

Frank Ballinger's Bonnie & Clyde

Newest 1930s Crime History Books

Rick Mattix & Bill Helmer's Complete Public Enemy Almanac

The Case Against Lucky Luciano by Ellen Poulsen

New Book on Wilbur Underhill

Dillinger: The Untold Story Revised

Patterson Smith Antiquarian Bookseller
John Dillinger Links

Voted #1 ~Lori's Dillinger Scrapbook

The Dillinger File

John Dillinger Died For You Society

Baby Face Nelson Journal

The Hidden Truth

Women of the 1930s Midwest Crime Wave

[ Dillinger's Women ]
Goodbye to the Biograph Marquee - And To An Era

[ Sensationalism after Little Bohemia ]


The marquee at Chicago's legendary Biography Theater has been removed. It is temporarily being held in a lot in Chicago. Hopefully, the Chicago Historical Society will be able to obtain this amazing, long-standing symbol of Dillinger. [ John Dillinger, Federal fugitive ]

[ Polly Hamilton ]     

This site is created to take a look at the molls of the Dillinger era. Called "paramours" by F.B.I. agents, the historical relevance of the 1930s gun moll was lost to parody and sterotype through movies and pulp comic books.

This site attempts to reclaim their history as it demystifies Mary Kinder, Helen Gillis, Pat Cherrington, and their female accomplices.

Tune in for the January, 2007 feature article, "Captain John Stege." John Stege, a policeman who worked tirelessly within Chicago's Legendary Dillinger Squad, also spent many hours in the company of the Dillinger molls.

Forthcoming in January, 2007.