Hi, Welcome to my little slice of the web!

As you can see if you have taken the time to look at my pictures,
I am a, "real" vain Vampire, I hope you like them :}
It was great fun doing them.

Well, I live in France, the people here taste better,
it must be all that red wine!
I moved from England many moons ago, bought a big Castle.
I love the darker things in life & have a passion for the night,
its when I become my true self!
Feeding on the souls of mortals, they think I am so nice
as I suck the life out of them..."He He He".

I have always been a little Devil & like to live life to the very edge,
Dangerous sports are one of the things I do, makes you feel Alive
in this sometimes boring life, we all have to share, I turn fear into
Energy, "What a rush, falling at 105 miles per hour towards the
ground, with only a sheet with strings, in a bag on your back!"
Only at deaths door can you feel the true Meaning Of Life!

The Past is History, The Future a Mystery, The Present a Gift.
My Advice to all you Mortals is, "Live The Now".

We all have a dark side, most of us never show it, when you do
it is one of the most liberating experiences.
I am Not saying "Hey, be Evil", just let that Devil out, for if you
don't it will come out at the wrong time, things around will be out
of your Control, people you Love will get hurt, you will be forced
to follow the Wrong Path.

If you would Like a Darker Insight into Life, E Mail Me!
I could Eat you, "opps" I mean meet you in Cyber Space.

Lots of Sucking Suckers,

Ellisa Moore.        :}

PS. Buffy I Know Where You Live !!!!!!!!.