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Colon Cleansing...

  How important is it?

Toxins and waste build up in your colon just like they do in the pipes of your home. Both demand immediate attention or the results can be disastrous!
No wonder Colon cancer is second only to lung cancer in terms of cancer deaths in the U.S., claiming the lives of nearly 50,000 men and women annually.

Since "Death begins in the colon," your nutritional program should begin with a good Colon Cleansing Program.

View unhealthy Colon Here

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Liquid Vitamins

Body Balance...

Body Balance nutrifies your body with virtually every vitamin, macro-mineral, micro-mineral, ultra trace minerals, amino acids,
essential fatty acids, and enzymes needed for your optimal health.

Together, with aloe Vera, cherry, and an exclusive blend of 9 sea vegetables, you get over 121 vital essential nutrients per ounce of Liquid Body Balance.   There is no other liquid vitamin on the market today that can touch  'Liquid Body Balance'.  It has the absorption rate of 98%, as compared to pills which is only 10 - 20%.

"You can trace every ailment, every sickness and every disease to a mineral deficiency." - Dr. Linus Pauling, renowned scientist and two time Nobel Prize Winner.

You only have one chance at good health, so start today by taking care of yourself and giving your body what it needs for optimal health!

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Turn Back the Clock Naturally ...  

Liquid Sunbright

There are four advantages to Sunbright that make it superior to other HGH products!  

The human body produces human growth hormone throughout its lifetime, however, as we age, the secretion of this hormone decreases significantly, thus causing the aging process.

HGH has many beneficial influences on the human body, most of them due to what is called "age-reversing" action. For example, it enhances collagen synthesis that leads to improved skin condition and wound healing. HGH also provides an overall improvement of the immune system and the anti-tumor defense system.

Start the "age-reversing" action today, with Liquid Sunbright!

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Arthritis and Joint Pain Relief...

Joint aches and stiffness are perhaps the most common of all physical complaints, affecting almost 50 million Americans. It comes in all forms and shapes: the jogger with creaky, stiff knees, the grandmother having trouble opening a jar or turning her neck...But there is hope!

It is....

ARTHRITIS IS NOW THE #1 cause of disability in America.
OsteoProCare is the ANSWER!
If you are tired of your pain, we can help you. 

OsteoProCare contains the most advanced bone AND joint building nutrients known to science, in a delicious LIQUID format, that is 98% absorbable unlike pills.

Read about 
OsteoProCare HERE

Flexeoplus Will ...

Improve Joint Flexibility

Stimulate Cartilage Growth

Decrease  Joint Pain

Improve Connective Tissue

Why live with the pain of the past when you can replace it with joy? Whether happily walking on the beach, enjoying athletics again, painlessly opening a jar, or simply playing with your grandchildren, enjoy the thankful benefits many others have after using

Read about
FlexeoPlus HERE

Herbal Body Wrap Kit
For Permanent Fat Loss...

With our Exclusive
Herbal Body Wraps you will permanently shrink inches of fat, reduce cellulite, smooth and tighten skin, and detoxify your body all in  one hour, or your money back!

Herbal Body Wrap" the
"Best on the Market"?  I'm glad you asked!

Beware of other Body Wrap Claims on the Market

As you may have noticed, there's lots of body wrap
products on the market for weight loss and fat loss.
You may even be confused not knowing what to look
for, we can  help

Before you buy, read our 7-Point Body Wrap Check List

$18.00 to $19.50 per wrap

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Weight Loss Products...
Feed Yourself Thin with the TrimWise Plan!

With our
TrimWise weight loss plan you can get SAFE, Drug-free and Pill-Free permanent  Weight Loss Products for real FAT loss, not water loss!  The TrimWise plan consist of three products, Aminocharge, Truegreens, &

If you have had trouble in the past losing weight, this plan will work for you, guaranteed!   You do not take pills that are bad for you, you drink delicious shakes, and eat  your meals.  You are feeding yourself thin!   Say goodbye forever to the Yo-Yo syndrome.

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Now you'll burn fat even faster than ever before, with our
AminoCharge/AminoRegulator. Discover how a new
break-through weight loss technology helps you "re-boot" your body into
the right bio-chemical state to shed your fat easily, quickly and safely.

Check out this new "
Fast Fat Burner Technology"

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Dream Away Your Weight!

Liquid DreamAway...

Sleep restful and lose weight at the
same time with  Liquid
Dream Away.

"I lost 5 pounds and 1 1/4" after just 3 weeks with incredible energy and no hunger!  Even more, it helped me sleep then awake feeling exceptionally alert!  I absolutely love this product and will use it for life! Its fantastic!!!!" Diane Cooper
Santa Barbara, CA

Put  your metabolism to work while you sleep.  You only want to burn your fat, NOT your muscles.

So the balanced protein in
Dream Away is designed to keep your body from metabolizing your lean muscle mass.


A Salad Bar in a Jar....


TrueGreens is a mild tasting sweet drink that's good just by itself, to give you a unique combination of anti-oxidants, probiotics, essential fatty acids, amino acids, enzymes, fiber, natural source vitamins, chlorophyll, and phytonutrients. 

TrueGreens daily to enrich your diet with all the healthy nutrients that your body doesn't get in todays busy society, of fast food, and junk food. 

TrueGreens, can also be takes with the above AminoCharge, and DreamAway as part of the TrimWise Weight Loss Plan.

Read More on TrueGreens...

Read More on the TrimWise Plan...

Relieve your stress...

Liquid Sunset

Sunset calm the nervous system and help manage the effects of stress on the body.  Many of the clinically tested ingredients found in this liquid preparation have been shown to maintain mental equilibrium, relax the body and strengthen the nervous and immune systems.

Stress effects the nervous system by increasing the release of adrenaline and other hormonal substances. Over extended periods of time, these substances can tax your body by increasing heart rate, blood pressure, anxiety, depression and many other disorders.

It is not good for a body to be under stress 24/7 and with "
Liquid Sunset" you  can relieve stress and calm your nerves, and help you to better handle your everyday stress!

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Natures Antibiotic..

Colloidal Silver
A Silver Lining for a Healthy Life!

According to the dictionary, a colloid is a substance separated into minute particles so tiny that they remain in solution without settling (they are suspended). These minute particles are small enough to be used by the body to destroy bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites.

Although a colloid of silver is a microscopic particle, it must be small enough to penetrate the membrane of a pathogen. Through clinical observation, it was found that larger silver particles produce no antiseptic effect. Only particles of .001 microns or smaller have proven to have antiseptic properties.  Of course, the colloidal silver available from Life Force International is .001 microns!

Silver is a powerful healer!

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Natures Life Insurance

Taheebo Tea...

The entire extract of
Taheebo regulates sugar levels, promotes digestion, and appears to strengthen cellular structure while eliminating pain.  Clinical studies show that Taheebo has no contraindications, no incompatibilities and has proven to be non-toxic.

To stay healthy and increase your longevity, Life Force brings you
nature's real life insurance... Taheebo!


Information on our site should not be misconstrued as giving therapeutic recommendations
for any disease or symptom. It is not intended to provide medical advice which should be
  provided by a licensed  medical physician. The intent of our articles are to inform individuals.

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