After meeting Ann, I decided to go and see her in her home country of Uganda. I had no idea how to get there from Korea, but my travel agent, Mr Song, put together an amazing flight package with almost no waiting at either Schipol Amsterdam or Nairobi. Almost 24 hours after leaving Pusan, I landed at Entebbe International Airport in Uganda, not knowing what day it was, jetlagged and knackered.

First impressions of Uganda were that is was much greener than the Africa I had seen before in Zambia and Zimbabwe. Almost seemed like a drive in the  English countryside, except for big trees and tea or coffee farms all over the place. The airport is about 40 minutes drive from central Kampala if you take an airport taxi (expensive), but if you get a matatu (local minibus taxi) it costs next to nothing. They are a bit rough and ready, but they get you there quickly.

After arriving in Kampala, I need to sit down, get my head together and get a shower. We grabbed a special taxi (car rather than minibus) and headed out to Ann's house in a district called Kamwokwe off the Kira Road. After stumbling down the hill, we arrived at her house and I collapsed in a heap on the doorstep, only to have a cold beer pressed into my hand. Shame!!!
A few pictures of Ann's place and surroundings can be seen below,
Onto the River Nile!