The Kingdom Of
Here you will find a list of quotes made by mostly famous people about the king and the artist of the century, Elvis Presley.
John Lennon:
-  ''If there hadn't been Elvis, there would not have been the Beatles''

-  ''Before Elvis there was nothing''

-  ''Nothing really affected me until Elvis''

-  ''We just idolized the guy so much....He was a legend in his own lifetime     ....Tanks for ze music, Elvis - and long live ze King!''

-  ''My crushing ambition in life was to be as big as Elvis Presley''
Click here for a list of Elvis' influences
A list of famous Elvis fans
Paul McCartney:
-  ''Every time I felt low, I just put on an Elvis record and I'd feel great,                 beautiful''

Jim Morrison:
-  ''Elvis was the best. The most unique. He started the ball rolling. He                    deserves the recognition''

Buddy Holly:
-  ''Without Elvis, none of us could have made it'

Eddie Murphy:
-  ''Elvis was the greatest entertainer of all time''

Bruce Springsteen:
-  ''There have been contenders but there is only one King''

-  ''He's as the whole dream....Nothing will ever take the place of that guy'' 

James Brown:
-  ''He taught white America how to get down''

Eric Clapton:
- ''Discount the commercial rubbish he had done often during his career. I just like to think of his traiblazing glorious best, when he sang black in white style and taught the world something about true originality''.

David Bowie:
- ''I saw a cousin of mine when I was young. She was dancing to ''Hound Dog'' and I had never seen her get up and be moved so much by anything. It really impressed me, the power of the music. I started getting records immediately after that.

Rod Stewart:
- ''People like myself, Mick Jagger and all the others only really followed in his footsteps''.

Scotty Moore:
- ''He had so much energy we had to sit up nights to wear him out so we could sleep''.
Bill Clinton:
-  ''Elvis was the first and the best of the rock 'n' roll era. He's my                          favourite''