The Emei Huo Long School
As its name suggest the Emei School of wushu
originated from the Emei Mountains ,a famous Buddhist center in Southwest
China's Sichuan Province .It is sometimes listened alongside Shaolin and Wudang
as one of the three major school of chinnesse Wu Shu.
But it differs from
the other in style. Different stories are told about the origin of this kind of
boxing.One story says that it was invented by a daugther of the last Emperator
of the Ming Dynasty in collaboration with Wu tinling ,a surviving adherent of
the overthrown dynasty,while another says ,that it was evolved by an old wu shu
Master after observation of the fighting between two big monkey in tha Emei
mountains .A third story goes that during The Qing Dynasty an eigthy years old
elder of a Buddhist monastery in the Emei mountains used this kind of boxing to
fight triumphant battle against suppersive Qing soldier ,following wich its name
spread far and wide.
(from China Sports magazine Nr 6 June 1983)
(from China Sports magazine Nr 6 June 1983)
While the Emei school ,wich is said to be younger than those Shaolin and Wudang,has assimilated the strong points of the two.In terms of theory,the Emei school advocatres the combination of movement and stillness and of internal and external exercises.It lays stress on both fitness building and the adquisition of practical skills for combat.It require its followers to cultive good moral qualities and use his combat skills mainly for defense.
A set of fitre Dragon Boxing consists of some 160 movements in the form of quick twist and turn of the waist and hips aided by nimble footwork.The exertion of force is based on qiqong .
Si Tai Gung, Li Chiong Liong
Grand Master of China
Si Tai Gung, Walter Urdánegui M
Grand Master 10°Thuan-Perú
Please contac with us in C.E. Andrés Bello -Pueblo Libre Lima -Perú South America ,for interchange messages culture and kung fu knowledge
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