What I Offer.......
For all of us there may be times in our lives when we feel unhappy, alone,  depressed or dissatisfied, even angry with ourselves, with others or with life.There are many different problems that people suffer from that may be psychological, emotional, behavioural or personaI which may be helped in a relaxed atmosphere on a one to one basis at a pace that feels right for you, where you can be heard and understood. I offer confidential counselling for all individuals, couples/familes both male and female and children/adolescents struggling and finding it difficult to cope with problems such as:

        * Relationship Difficulties
        * Emotional / Sexual / Physical Abuse / Trauma
        * Low Self-esteem / Confidence / Anxiety
        * Stress / including Post Traumatic
        * Fears / Panic Attacks / Obsessions
        * Addictions, Obsessions (Food/Drugs/Alcohol/OCD)
        * Image / Identity Issues / Sexuality
        * Depression / including Post Natal
        * Mental Health Issues
        * Anger/Control Issues
        * Bereavement / Loss / Pet Bereavement
        * Injury Rehibilitation/Trauma
        * Work or School Issues/Bullying
        * Individual Counselling
        * Teenage/Child/Parent/Family Counselling
        * Couple Counselling
*If you feel you identify with any of the above then counselling with Inner-Self may be able to help you, my services are open to anyone who feels they will benefit from them. Always remember it takes courage to be honest with yourself about life's struggles, it is a sign of strength to come for counselling*

I believe qualified Counsellors should have the following qualities - you can expect this of Inner-Self Counselling:

          * Professional & Approachable
          * Understanding & Accepting   
          * Honest & Respectful
          * Adaptable & Flexible
          * Respect Diversity
          * Non-Judgemental
          * Non-Discriminatory
          * Maintain Confidentiality

I accept referrals from Insurance Companies, Injury Rehibilitation Consultants, Solicitors, Employers, NHS, GP's. I invoice monthly by agreement directly to the company or by request to the client. I also accept self-referrals.     


Confidentiality is respected and maintained at all times from the very first phone call, email or visit. No information will be disclosed to anyone including your GP, hospital or workplace, with the following exceptions:

*Where you the client gives written consent for the confidence to be broken
*Where i am compelled by law or under the terms of the childrens act
*Where the client is believed to be in real danger to his/herself or where another person or organisation is believed to be at risk.
(i will always endevour to speak to you first regarding any of these issues)


I have Personal Idemnity and Public Liability Insurance covering up to £2,5000,000 in my practice and anywhere else i choose to offer counselling i.e home visits/GP/Schools    
About Me
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