Zoo Review


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Polar Bear in Amsterdam Zoo (Artis)

July 11, 1998

Overall Impression

You know how sometimes you seem to just see or do something that you are sure no one else will experience. Our visit to the "Artis" in Amsterdam was one of those experiences. Rest assured that this review is heavily biased. I absolutely loved this zoo. Unless you; see a Gazelle being born, almost get trampled by a European Bison and see Polar Bears do back flips into the water, then maybe, just maybe you will get out of the Amsterdam Zoo what we did. 


I'm not sure if the animals were just feeling frisky or what, but all the animals seemed very alert and rambunctious. Usually the animals just lookup at you with that "yeah yeah another human..." kind of look but these animals were different. First of all, when we arrived a Gazelle had just given birth and the baby was on the ground all wet and gooey with the mother trembling beside it. The afterbirth was still hanging out of her vagina and she acted as though she was in shock. No zoo keepers were around to assist, not that she needed it, nature just took its course. What and incredible moment. The baby would try and stand and the crowd's reaction would build, "aaahhhhh" and then the baby would fall back to its' knees and the crowd would hush with an "ooooohhhhhhh" We stayed and watched for at least an hour but the little calf couldn't stand. We didn't want to leave this part of the zoo but we needed to adventure on... 

A rare Andean Condor gave us quite a show. (It's strange that such a creature is in Amsterdam. When I was in Merida, Venezuela we saw two mamed condors in cages in a sanctuary on a mountain near Pico Agular. These birds were there because rebels in the mountains shoot these beautiful birds claiming that if they can't be "free" then neither should the condors. Therefore they shoot them. Go figure.) 

Andean Condor
Not all zoos have hippos so I was pleased to see one here in Amsterdam. In my opinion however he/she didn't have enough space. 
Big Ole' Hippo
The polar bears were quite frisky. At first they seemed a bit neurotic just pacing around on the ledge you see below. But then all of a sudden one of them jumped in the pool directly underneath the ledge and started swimming around and batting a big tire around. Then the larger bear joined and they started rough-housing. Quite exciting. Most of the times bears are sound asleep. 
It's hot I need a dip.

Score ***

My only complaints: The big cats had very small cages for their size. The price was a bit steep, around $15. The snack bars serve animals to be eaten by humans.

By the way, before leaving we went to see the baby gazelle and it was walking around with no problems.


Chad Bearden 
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