Other Fanfiction sites

Crimenet's not the only game in town, fanfiction-wise. There are many other Fanfic libraries out there, each with it's own unique flavor and take on the Carmen Sandiego experiance. And, sometimes, to really get the feel of a fanfic, you have to see where it all began...

The sites on this page are both Normal fic as well as Darkfic. The Darkfic sites are mentioned but cannot be linked. If you can access Crimenet's Darkfic page, I urge you to check out these sites.

The Sandiego Manor's / Fanfic: Where it all began. Up-to-date on the latest fics, as well as a Fanart page from the Forums finest artists. Acceptable for all age groups.

Reccomended Reading

Sara/Kallah's /Darkfic page : A must-see. This site is a Kalidoscope of glittering tales from a multitude of fanfiction kingdoms. With the Wallpaper to match. Darkfic included on this page. Viewer disgression is advised.

Reccomended Reading

Nytecat's site / And her fanfic site: Nytecat is a well-know face in the Carmen universe. Her site specializes in Carmen and Gargoyles fanfic. Darkfic page. Discression is advised.

Reccomended Reading

Globie's fanfic site : A repedative, tedious page. Mostly fantasies of the author, with himself writen as a charicter. The few fresh breaths of air are the stories writen by/with Jaci Harris and the Christmas collective. Acceptable for all age groups.

Carmen Fic found on this page.

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