Diana of the Ephesians

DEMETRIUS, a silversmith 
ALASIA, his wife 
LOBELIUS, his friend
MARCUS, his friend 
NICHOLAS, his slave 



ANNOUNCER: In Ephesus, a city of Asia, stood the great temple of the goddess 
Diana. Thither came many to worship, and to lay their sacrifice before the 
golden statue of the goddess. Outside the marble steps of the temple were 
many booths; and not the least of these were the shops where the silversmiths 
sold small images of Diana. Business was good, and they prospered.

Now, it came to pass about this time that a new Faith began to find its way 
into Asia, and even into the city of the temple of the goddess Diana, a Faith 
that struck not only at the security of the temple, but also at the prosperity 
of those men who sold silver images of the goddess. It grew slowly, this 
Faith, it suffered persecution; but it grew; and at length the image makers of 
Ephesus saw in it a very real danger to their business.

Now, the leader of the silversmiths was a man named Demetrius, and one night 
he called the members of his Guild together; and when they were all 
comfortably seated in his luxurious home, when the wine had been passed 
around, and a few pleasantries had been exchanged, Demetrius called the 
meeting to order.
DEMETRIUS: Ah, gentlemen, it's very good of you to come here--all of you; and 
I assure you, gentlemen, I shall not keep you any longer than is necessary. 

MARCUS:  My dear Demetrius; you don't need to make any apologies for calling 
us together; and with this excellent wine you've given us, I for one am 
willing to stay all night!


DEMETRIUS: It's very nice of you to say so. Here, slave! 

NICHOLAS: Yes, master.

DEMETRIUS: More wine for the gentlemen. And be quick about it! 

NICHOLAS: Yes, master.

DEMETRIUS: No, gentlemen, I think you may have guessed what I'm going to say?
LOBELIUS: Indeed I have, Demetrius. It's this new religion that's poisoning 
our city--these Christians! 

DEMETRIUS: You are right, Lobelius. You've taken the words right out of my 
mouth.  These Christians--exactly! And what are we going to do about it?
MARCUS: But, gentlemen, what can be done about it? 

DEMETRIUS: My dear friend! We are business men; solid, substantial--and, I 
feel sure, honest business men; the backbone of this city.

LOBELIUS: Exactly; the very backbone of the city!

DEMETRIUS: Members of an old and honourable craft, my friends, a craft that is 
identified with the religious life of this city; image-makers to the temple!   
Why, gentlemen, if we do not take a stand against this new sect that would 
overthrow the Goddess Diana--great is her glory!--who will do it? 

LOBELIUS: Demetrius is quite right, gentlemen. These Christians are 
undermining our institutions; why, they're spreading like a secret plague!  
You don't know who is a Christian and who isn't! Half the slaves have been 
tainted with it--get that point, gentlemen! The slaves, I say, joining a 
religion that declares there is no slavery! That's a pretty state of things! 
And furthermore, gentlemen, they're getting bolder--these Christians! They're 
sending fellows right here, to Ephesus, to hold public meetings. 

MARCUS: No! I can't believe it! 

DEMETRIUS: It's quite true! I have it on good report that one Paul, a Jew, of 

LOBELIUS: Oh, I've heard of Paul! There's a dangerous fellow for you! What's 
he up to this time, Demetrius? 

DEMETRIUS: He's coming here to-morrow night to hold a meeting--
LOBELIUS: Here? In the city of the Goddess Diana? He won't dare! 

DEMETRIUS: He will dare. I tell you, these men are fanatics--afraid of 

LOBELIUS: We'll turn him back at the gates, gentlemen--that's what we'll do! 

VOICES: Indeed, we will! Dangerous radicals! They ought to be hanged! 

DEMETRIUS: Just a moment, gentlemen; I commend you for your zeal. But I'm 
opposed to driving Paul away from here.

LOBELIUS: Opposed, Demetrius! You want him here?
DEMETRIUS: Gentlemen, don't you see my point? I want the Christians to have 
their meeting. I want to break it up! I want to show them, once and for all, 
we won't stand for this sort of thing! And, above all, I hope we can work up a 
riot; and in the midst of it we'll lay hold of this Paul--and we'll finish 

LOBELIUS: Splendid, splendid!

DEMETRIUS: Just a moment, gentlemen! Here, boy! Come in here with that wine! 
Why were you hanging round the door that way? Huh? 

NICHOLAS: I - I didn't want to interrupt you, master. 

DEMETRIUS: Well, serve the wine!

NICHOLAS: Yes, master!

DEMETRIUS: There! This knave has thrown my thoughts off their course; let me 
see now--ah--oh, yes; the meeting to-morrow night!

MARCUS: Where's it to be held?

DEMETRIUS: In the Public Theatre. Now, see that you are all there.

VOICE: We'll be there, Demetrius, never fear! 

DEMETRIUS: Lobelius, you're good at talking. You get up and heckle this Paul, 
and whoever speaks--make it hot for him, and when he tries to answer you, 
we'll hoot him down!
ALL: We will. Never fear! We'll raise the roof!

DEMETRIUS: I have it! We'll begin to yell: "Great is Diana of the Ephesians!" 

LOBELIUS: That's a splendid idea! That appeals to patriotism!

DEMETRIUS: We'll show these foreigners they can't come in here and tell us 
anything! Why, all the people will join us! 

LOBELIUS: We'll hoot them out! We'll yell them down! We'll show them! 
Gentlemen, great is Diana of the Ephesians! Now--
ALL: Great is Diana of the Ephesians! 

LOBELIUS: Oh, louder! Louder! As though you meant it!

ALL: Great is Diana of the Ephesians! 

LOBELIUS: Good! Good! 

DEMETRIUS: And keep it up, men! Work the people up! And when the time is 
ripe--lay hold of this Paul and his disciples; and don't be too gentle with 

VOICES: We'll kill them, that's what we'll do! Good-night, Demetrius; you can 
count on me! 

LOBELIUS: And on me, good friend! 

DEMETRIUS: Good-night, Lobelius. Good-night, good friends. Good-night. 

OTHERS: Good-night.

[Exit all except DEMETRIUS and MARCUS.]

DEMETRIUS: Well, Marcus, we're alone now, and I tell you it's gratifying to me 
to see our business men rise to this emergency--with determination.  
Determination, sir!
MARCUS: They'd better, Demetrius!

DEMETRIUS: Why do you say it in that tone, Marcus?

MARCUS: You know as well as I do, my dear fellow!

DEMETRIUS: I know that we're doing a great public service--

MARCUS: Service?

DEMETRIUS: For Religion!

MARCUS: Religion? So?

DEMETRIUS: And Public Morals!

MARCUS: Now, really, old friend, you don't expect me to listen to such 

DEMETRIUS: Nonsense, Marcus! 
MARCUS: Why, of course it's nonsense! It's all right to talk that way in 
public, or at a meeting of the Guild; but really, in private, why can't we be 
honest with each other--and say what we all know--instead of all this high-
sounding talk about Service and Religion? 

DEMETRIUS: I--I don't even know what you're talking about! 

MARCUS: Of course you do! Even that slave standing there knows! My dear 
Demetrius, it's quite apparent, even to a stupid man--like the ordinary 
citizen--that what worries us is not Religion but Business!

DEMETRIUS: What a sordid idea, Marcus! 

MARCUS: Not at all. We make statues of Diana. It's our living. These 
Christians come along and say: "There are no gods made with hands. There are 
no gods of silver and gold." Some people begin to believe them. Of course they 
stop buying our merchandise. It's very serious. It worries me as much as it 
does you. I'm as anxious to crush the Christians as you are--but, for the sake 
of honesty, why not look at the thing in the face?

DEMETRIUS: Marcus, I am devoted to the Goddess Diana.
MARCUS: Fiddlesticks! 


MARCUS: I say, Fiddlesticks! You're no more devoted than I am. We worship from 
force of habit. If we'd started worshipping a tree or a rock or an elephant --
we'd be doing that now. Of course we would! Look at that image of the goddess 
standing there in the corner. You made it. Do you believe it is a god?  Would 
you go to it in your hour of torment and ask for help? Would you give your 
life for that bit of metal? Would you? No! And neither would I. Your wife 
doesn't worship it. It's the bane of your life that she doesn't go to the 
temple--because it may hurt your position--


MARCUS: Let me finish. She doesn't go, and I respect her for it; we've got to 
go--and stand up in the front row and be seen, because it's our business. But 
in private, my dear friend--let us at least be honest men. 

DEMETRIUS: Oh, you misunderstand me, Marcus--I--

MARCUS: Demetrius, I shall see you to-morrow night. I shall be at the meeting, 
filled with a holy zeal, and I shall stand where all my customers can see me--
and I shall yell, "Great is Diana of the Ephesians!" Good-night, my dear 


ANNOUNCER: And so the mildly cynical Marcus went home, leaving Demetrius 
somewhat disturbed. It was not Marcus's ideas about Diana that bothered 
Demetrius; it was a matter much closer to home than that. The good man stood 
for a moment, looking at the statue of Diana, that returned a cold and 
somewhat vacant stare; but since Demetrius had fashioned the features of the 
goddess himself, it was his own fault that she was not a little more human.  
But he was not thinking of Diana. His thoughts were on another lady--a 
distinctly human person, with nothing of the goddess about her--namely, his 
wife. Demetrius called his servant.
DEMETRIUS: Nicholas! Boy!

NICHOLAS: Yes, master?

DEMETRIUS: Where's your mistress? 

NICHOLAS: I don't know, master.
DEMETRIUS: Find out--and tell her to come here. At once.

NICHOLAS: Yes, master. 

DEMETRIUS: Ah--Nicholas!

NICHOLAS: Yes, sir?

DEMETRIUS: Ah--you know a good many of the slaves in this vicinity. Don't you? 

NICHOLAS: Quite a number, sir.
DEMETRIUS: Do you know any Christians? 

DEMETRIUS: Do you know any Christians, I said. 

NICHOLAS: N-no, sir.

DEMETRIUS: Why do you hesitate like that?

NICHOLAS: I don't know any, sir. They don't tell that they are Christians.  
There's too much fear of persecution, sir.

DEMETRIUS: Fear, eh? Well, they're going to fear more from now on. Go along, 
boy. Do what I told you.
NICHOLAS: Here comes my mistress now, sir. 

DEMETRIUS: Then get out--get out! Didn't you hear me?

ALASIA: Good-evening, Demetrius.
DEMETRIUS: I was going to send for you, Alasia. 

ALASIA: Here I am.

DEMETRIUS: I have something to tell you. 

ALASIA: You look as though it might be something unpleasant.

DEMETRIUS: It is. Very. You're being talked about. 

ALASIA: How ridiculous! [Laughs.]

DEMETRIUS: I don't mean what you think I mean! 

ALASIA: Dear me, Demetrius; I thought you were going to be jealous. It would 
have been so exciting.
DEMETRIUS: Don't be trivial! This is an important matter. You've got to go to 
the temple with me in the future.

ALASIA: O Demetrius! You're so funny!

DEMETRIUS: I'm not funny. I'm very upset--

ALASIA: And just as red as a turkey cock! 

DEMETRIUS: Listen to me!

ALASIA: Grrrrr! woof! 

DEMETRIUS: Stop it! 

ALASIA: Demetrius, you know I can't go to the temple and worship six hundred-
weight of silver. It's too ridiculous. You may have to, but I don't--and I 
shall not.
DEMETRIUS: You shall! And you're going to the meeting of the Christians to-
morrow night--

ALASIA: Christians!

DEMETRIUS: Yes, Christians! Why do you jump like that when I say the word?
ALASIA: I didn't jump, as you said. I simply wonder what you're talking about.
DEMETRIUS: You're going there with me, and you're going to help the decent 
people of the city break up that meeting.

DEMETRIUS: And you're going to be seen--and put an end to this talk that 
you're not devoted to Diana. That's all I've got to say.
ALASIA: You've said quite enough for one evening; haven't you, dear? 

DEMETRIUS: Good-night! [Exits.]

ALASIA: Good-night, dear. [Pause. In a moment Nicholas enters.] Nicholas--What 
is it? What is it? 

NICHOLAS: Wait till I'm sure he can't hear us!
ALASIA: Why, you're trembling! 

NICHOLAS: O Alasia, my mistress--they know that Paul, our leader, is coming 

ALASIA: For all our secrecy, I feared they would. 

NICHOLAS: Not only that! Your husband and his friends will be at the meeting, 
will start a riot--and seek to kill our leader. I stood here and heard all 
this as they planned it!

ALASIA: We must get word to Paul and his disciples! He must not run the risk 
of coming here. 

NICHOLAS: There is time to warn him.
ALASIA: I will go out of the city to meet him and warn him myself--

NICHOLAS: You might be discovered. Let me!

ALASIA: No. You are a slave--not a slave in the spirit, O my comrade in God--
but a slave in the flesh; they would stop you at the gate, thinking you were 
seeking freedom. I shall go myself.


ANNOUNCER: It is now evening of the next day--the place the great open 
amphitheatre at Ephesus. Crowds have gathered--good-natured, curious crowds of 
people; simple townsfolk who have come to hear and to see--more for amusement 
than for anything else. Marcus, the mildly cynical silversmith, is there, 
also, likewise Lobelius and his friends--all primed to do their part, all 
watching for the entrance of Paul of Tarsus. Demetrius is also there--but he 
is alone, and his friends chaff him.
MARCUS: Well, Demetrius, you boasted this morning that your wife was to be 
here. Where is she, eh?
DEMETRIUS: I don't know any more than you do where she is! She went off this 
morning--I can't bother about her now--
MARCUS: I knew she wouldn't come!
LOBELIUS: Look, friends! There's a Jew from Macedonia, one Gaius, that pale 
thin fellow in rags, pushing his way to the front! He's one of them--but he's 
not the one we want!
MARCUS: I wonder where Paul is.
LOBELIUS: He should be here. He landed this morning, I heard. I sent one of my 
servants out to spy on him and make report.

[Crowd noises.]
MARCUS: The crowd's getting impatient. They've come to see a show, and the 
chief actor isn't here, ha!
DEMETRIUS: Do you think it possible he was warned; and is keeping away?
LOBELIUS: No, no! Nobody heard us last night.
DEMETRIUS: There was that slave of mine!
LOBELIUS: That's right! He was there.
DEMETRIUS: But he's had no chance to warn anyone. He's been at work all day--
and there he is, standing over there now. Oh, he's too stupid to do anything 
like that.

[A steady clapping of hands and stamping of feet.]
MARCUS: Ha! The crowd is getting impatient, clapping and stamping. They'll be 
easy to work on!
DEMETRIUS: You go up a bit in front, Lobelius. We mustn't all stand together. 
See! That Jew has taken his place on the stage--and he's holding up his hand.
MARCUS: Yes, and there was some more people crowding to the platform. They're 
getting more courageous, these Christians! Showing themselves.
DEMETRIUS: Yes, but only a few poor slaves. Look at them! A sorry crew!

MARCUS: No, there are some people from the next town going forward--

DEMETRIUS: Good! The more the better. 

MARCUS: But where is Paul? Look, that fellow is going to speak.
SPEAKER (off): Men of Ephesus, I am come here--

LOBELIUS (off, but not so far): Oh, you've come here, have you? Well, we don't 
need you. You can go home! 


VOICE (off): Let the fellow speak!

MARCUS: Lobelius is over-anxious! 

SPEAKER (off): My friend, you must fear what I have to say, since you will not 
let me speak.    


MARCUS: He hit Lobelius off, there--eh? 

SPEAKER (off): I have no dangerous doctrine, my friends. I am not come here to 
destroy your temple and overthrow your city. I come offering you a Truth, so 
simple that you may not see it--

LOBELIUS (off): Is it truth to preach against our Goddess? 

VOICES (off): Aye! Is that truth?  A fine sort of truth! 

MARCUS: Our friends warm to their work, Demetrius. 

SPEAKER (off): O my brothers--there is only one truth--

LOBELIUS (off): My brothers, you call us! We know you for what you are--a Jew 
of Macedonia! Deny that! 

SPEAKER (off): I do not deny it. I am a Jew and a follower of Jesus Christ, 
and would that you followed Him, too! 

LOBELIUS (off): You hear that, men of Ephesus? He confesses he's a Jew! And 
he's coming here to tell us what to believe!
VOICES (off): Rascal! A Jew! Out with him!

[After these few speeches there is an ominous muttering.] 

MARCUS: Demetrius, that stroke went home! The people mutter--but the fellow 
yonder is unafraid--

SPEAKER (off): I do not ask you to stay, but this is a free province of Rome, 
and the right of speech is free to all men.

LOBELIUS (off): To a Jew who comes here to destroy our faith, eh?

SPEAKER (off): I see that you will cry me down--but, men of Ephesus, you 
cannot cry down the Truth! You can silence my voice, but you cannot silence 
the voice of Truth! You cannot--

LOBELIUS (off): Answer one question, Christian! Should men worship the Goddess 

SPEAKER (off): I know you seek to trap me, but I will answer, or I were 
unworthy of my Master! There are no gods that are made with hands! 

LOBELIUS (off): He denies Diana! Men, he denies Diana! 

VOICES (off): He denies Diana! 

MARCUS: Demetrius, the crowd is with us. 

LOBELIUS (off): Come, men of honest mind! Come, patriots! Show this fellow 
where you stand! Great is Diana of the Ephesians! 

MARCUS AND DEMETRIUS: Great is Diana of the Ephesians!

LOBELIUS (off): Let all Christians hear you, men! Come!

VOICES (very loud): Great is Diana of the Ephesians! Great is Diana of the 

LOBELIUS (off): Drive them out! Drive them out of the city!

VOICES: Out with them! Great is Diana of the Ephesians! Wow! Out with them! 
Duck them in the river! Out with them! 

MARCUS: Demetrius, the pack is at its work. 

DEMETRIUS: But Paul escaped us. He was warned, I know it! I'll question that 
slave of mine! I'll find out! 

MARCUS: Good-night, Demetrius. Well, Diana is justified--and business should 
pick up. On that score at least, great is Diana of the Silversmiths! Good-


ANNOUNCER: The plan succeeds only partially. To be sure, the meeting is broken 
up, and a few Christians get driven out of the city by the mob, but Paul--
already warned, as you know, and prevented by his disciples from risking his 
life--has escaped Demetrius and his colleagues. And now Demetrius returns 
home, determined to cross-examine the slave who was present at the meeting of 
the previous night. His wife greets him at the threshold of the room.     
ALASIA: Well, Demetrius, what happened?

DEMETRIUS: We broke up the meeting. 

ALASIA: You don't seem very happy about it. 

DEMETRIUS: No! We really failed in what we set out to do--get that Paul and do 
away with him!

ALASIA: Good! 


ALASIA: Why should you kill this man? Why should you persecute people for 
their faith? 

DEMETRIUS: Don't ask such a silly question. 

ALASIA: Some day you may have to answer it.
DEMETRIUS: Well, I'm not going to answer it now. Where were you all day? Huh?

ALASIA: Out beyond the walls in the sunshine. 

DEMETRIUS: You left just to spite me. I know. 

ALASIA: Demetrius, do you love me?

DEMETRIUS: You know I love you--when you don't try to go against everything I 

ALASIA: Do you love me so much that--

DEMETRIUS: That what?

ALASIA: Try to understand! You must. 

DEMETRIUS: Well--Oh, wait a minute--there's that slave Nicholas. I've got to 
have a word with him. Here, boy--come here!

DEMETRIUS: You answer me truthfully now, mind you! Did you leave this house 
NICHOLAS: I did not, sir.
DEMETRIUS: You're telling me a lie!

NICHOLAS: No, sir, I'm not!

DEMETRIUS: You are! You were here last night, and you heard that we were 
going to kill Paul of Tarsus-didn't you?
NICHOLAS: Yes, sir, I did.
ALASIA: Demetrius, don't scream at the boy!

DEMETRIUS: I'll wager you're a cursed Christian, fellow! Deny it--


DEMETRIUS: Deny it! Take your oath! Get down and swear it! Oh, you're standing 
up and defying me, are you? 

NICHOLAS: How can I swear that which is not true?

DEMETRIUS: You are a Christian! You took that news to Paul of Tarsus!

NICHOLAS: I did not.
DEMETRIUS: Get down on your knees! 

ALASIA: What are you going to do? 

DEMETRIUS (taking down lash): Look at this lash; you'll see! 

ALASIA: Don't strike that boy! 

NICHOLAS: Let him strike me--he'll not make me talk! 

DEMETRIUS: I won't eh?

[Whips Nicholas.] 


DEMETRIUS: Who took that news to Paul? Whom did you tell?

ALASIA: Demetrius! Don't strike him again!

DEMETRIUS: Tell me, slave! 

[Whips Nicholas again.] 


ALASIA: Demetrius! Don't you dare to--

DEMETRIUS: I'll beat him to death, if I must! Tell me, fellow, or you'll feel 
this whip again! 

NICHOLAS: I--will--say nothing. 

DEMETRIUS: Then by the gods--

ALASIA (holding his arm): Hold that whip! You are striking the wrong one, 


ALASIA: I took that message to Paul of Tarsus. 

DEMETRIUS: You! Alasia! 

ALASIA: I am a Christian. I haven't told you. I feared you--and I couldn't 
tell you. I've tried. Again and again. I loved you, Demetrius, in spite of all 
your pompous words, and shallow talk. I wanted to stay by you, and reach your 
heart--little by little. Well, you know it now.

DEMETRIUS: Yes. Get out, boy. 

NICHOLAS: Don't strike her, or--

ALASIA: Go, Nicholas--he won't harm me. Go. [Exit Nicholas.] Well, Demetrius? 

DEMETRIUS: Alasia, you see that statue of Diana? 

ALASIA: I see that silver statue that you made. 

DEMETRIUS: Get down and worship it. 

ALASIA: I will not worship an idol.
DEMETRIUS: You will worship that statue with your mouth--if not with your 
heart. Down on your knees, Alasia! [Forces her to her knees.]
ALASIA: You have forced me to my knees.
DEMETRIUS: Worship it! Renounce your God! Renounce your Christ! 

DEMETRIUS: If you love life--renounce your God and worship here! 

ALASIA: I will worship my God.

DEMETRIUS: Come--give lip service to the goddess! I ask for nothing more! But 
in the eyes of men you shall worship her! 

ALASIA: I cannot, even with my lips.

DEMETRIUS: Feel this knife? Pray to her--pray to Diana! 

ALASIA: Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name--


ALASIA: Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

DEMETRIUS: Alasia, I cannot kill you--you are right! But for my sake--if you 
love me--if you would not destroy me--at least in the eyes of men worship the 
goddess! Aye, kneel there with your eyes closed--and your heart closed to my 
words! Leave me! Leave me! It is finished! Leave me! Leave me! And may I 
never see you again!


ANNOUNCER: And so Demetrius drove his wife Alasia from his home. Weeks passed, 
weeks of persecution for the little groups of Christians. They were forced to 
meet in secret--conduct their worship in caves, or under the arched vault of 
the sky, in the wilderness, by night. And they were weeks of loneliness, too, 
for the man Demetrius in his empty house. Week after week he waited, waited 
for his wife Alasia to return to him, but she did not come. And though he 
prospered, though he sold many silver images of the goddess Diana, there was 
no happiness for him. He searched for Alasia, he hired men to seek her, but in 

Now, one night, more lonely than ever, Demetrius came into his house and found 
a message from the cynical Marcus--a note that bade him come at once to a 
place not distant from the city. Throwing his cloak about him, Demetrius went 
out into the darkness, hurried through the city street, passed through the 
gate, crossed a wild moor, until at length he saw the spot of rendezvous--a 
gnarled oak close by a low hill. In the dim light he saw the bulky figure of a 
man and heard a voice calling--
MARCUS: Demetrius? 

DEMETRIUS: I have come. Why have you sent for me, Marcus? Have you news of 

MARCUS: I have.
DEMETRIUS: And know where she is? 

DEMETRIUS: I must see her. Oh, I've fought against it, Marcus; I drove her  
from my  house; I swore I would never see her again; but it's too lonely. I--I 
want to see her--I want her to come back to me.
MARCUS: On your terms, or hers? 

DEMETRIUS: Well--I cannot tell you that. 

MARCUS: I can tell you she'll never go back on your terms, Demetrius--if it 
means a pretense of worship to your silver goddess. Never!

DEMETRIUS: Where is she, Marcus? Let me see her! 

MARCUS: Demetrius, before I tell you, I want to ask you one thing.


MARCUS: This has gone hard with you--hard. You know that. You've aged. There 
are lines in your face--lines of sorrow, torment.

DEMETRIUS: Torment enough for one man. 

MARCUS: Yes. And I've seen her, my friend--not an hour ago; and her face is 
serene--at peace; and it made me wonder whether she didn't have something to 
turn to, in her crisis, more real than Diana of the Ephesians. 

DEMETRIUS: More real?

MARCUS: I mean, something that cannot be destroyed. Something in her heart.  
Imperishable, eternal, deeper than love; greater than self--more triumphant 
than death.

DEMETRIUS: I do not believe she is happy. I do not believe it.

MARCUS: It isn't just happiness, it's deeper than that; I know she loves you, 
I know she wants you--can she really be happy in the sense most of us mean? 
No! It's not happiness she's found; it's something--by the gods, I don't know 
what it is! Unless--

DEMETRIUS: Unless what?

MARCUS: Listen! 

[A distant hymn is heard, intoned.] 

DEMETRIUS: What is that singing?

MARCUS: The voice of your wife and of those who worship here--in secret.

[The hymn continues to its end.]
DEMETRIUS: It came from the hillside--

MARCUS: There is a cavern there. The Christians worship their God in greatness 
of solitude, in the temple of the heart of the hills.

DEMETRIUS: Let us draw closer. I hear words. Listen. 

MARCUS: Come closer--

DEMETRIUS (whisper): Look--in the candle's light--a man reads from a scroll--

MARCUS: Shhhh! They will hear us. I can almost hear them breathe.

DEMETRIUS: It is my slave, Nicholas, who reads. An epistle.

NICHOLAS (a bit distant): For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ 
in behalf of you Gentiles. . . . Let all bitterness and wrath, and anger, and 
clamor, and railing, be put away from you, with all malice. . . . Be strong in 
the Lord, and in the strength of his might. . . Take up the whole armor of 
God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all, 
to stand.... Stand, therefore, having girded your loins with truth. And peace 
be unto the brethren, and love with faith, from God the father and the Lord 
Jesus Christ.
VOICES (subdued): Amen. Amen. 

MARCUS: Demetrius, shall I call her? 

DEMETRIUS: Marcus, I will go to her. 

MARCUS: Wait--

VOICES: Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, 
thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily 
bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against 
us; deliver us from evil. 

DEMETRIUS: Deliver us from evil-- We have found a God--greater than Diana of 
the Ephesians.

Originally broadcast: December 4, 1927 
Starring Hilda Spong as Alasia
Written by William Ford Manley for 
NBC's weekly half-hour anthology series, 
"Biblical Dramas."