I Am Curious (Yellow)

[a.k.a. "Jag är nyfiken - en film i gult"]

1. The elevator

Someone is overheard composing a jingle, "At Sandrews they make good films ..." A well-dressed elderly woman enters the building at Kungsgatan 65, Stockholm. Unfortunately, the elevator is already occupied by a burly middle-aged man and a pint-sized young woman who's pulling at his tie ingratiatingly. They are LENA NYMAN, DRAMA STUDENT, AGE 22, and VILGOT SJÖMAN, YOUNG DIRECTOR, AGE 42, who have just been visiting Sandrews, the film company. The elderly woman is disgusted. Over a close-up of Lena, the title: I AM CURIOUS Over a close-up of Vilgot: I AM CURIOUS LADY (answering the titles) But I'm not. You stick to your films! Visibly annoyed, she turns her back and walks up the stairs to Saga, a sports organization located in the same building. For a moment Lena is distressed. LENA Oh. I thought it was my old lady. VILGOT Your old lady?! Oooh!

2. Slogans

Dusk. A trade-union hall. Above the building flies the Swedish flag, a yellow cross on a blue background. MALE VOICE Buy our film. Buy it! Buy it! The only film that's shown in two editions: One yellow and one blue! FEMALE VOICE Buy the yellow! Buy the blue! Buy our film because it's two! MALE VOICE Exactly the same picture, yet so different. FEMALE VOICE Big things and little things! MALE VOICE The blue picture! FEMALE VOICE Beautiful things and ugly things! VOICES The yellow picture! This is the yellow edition! Yes, the yellow edition! The yellow edition! Presenting the yellow edition! This is the yellow edition!

3. Yevtushenko reads poetry

A meeting hall inside the building. YEVGENY YEVTUSHENKO, RUSSIAN POET, AGE 33, stands before a microphone at Clarté, a radical political organization. But the sound system doesn't work. There are catcalls. VOICES Louder! Louder! Check the one to the right. No, no, the left. Further left. The left! (chanting) To the left, the left, the left. Further to the left. Laughter. Lena and Vilgot are in the audience. Lena hums an old sailor's song. LENA "In Rio de Janeiro you can fuck for free ..." VILGOT (embarrassed) Quiet. LENA Look over there. Do you see that guy? VILGOT Yes. LENA Magnus. He's an actor at the University theater. He would be fine as the slave. VILGOT Him? LENA Mmm. And I could have a little love scene with him. VILGOT Oh, I see. LENA Hmm. VILGOT And what would that love scene be like? LENA Oh, just a quickie, you know. VILGOT Well ... Confusion on the stage. The microphone still doesn't work. No one can find out what's wrong. Yevtushenko loses his patience and speaks in a loud voice directly to the audience. YEVTUSHENKO Dear friends! I have heard that quite a few members of Clarté are revolutionary. But if they're going to organize the revolution the way they've organized tonight's meeting -- how will that end? Laughter and applause. The reading soon begins. VILGOT (voice over) It's a damn shame that Lena doesn't understand politics. But God, drama students! Yevtushenko begins reading. YEVTUSHENKO "There are no memorials over Babi Yar. Only an abrupt bank like a crude epitaph rears ..." VILGOT (voice over) Well, one day I'll tell Lena about the fate of socialism in Sweden. No! I'll have to tell her about the two heads of Swedish socialism: the big self-satisfied head and the little shrunken one. Photos of workingmen in the thirties; then shots of a mongoloid child beating his head against the metal bars of a crib.

4. Lena sleeps over

The same evening, after the reading, at Vilgot's apartment. Lena washes her face and crawls into bed with the outline for a film, LENA ON THE ROAD: A KALEIDOSCOPE. Vilgot looks at photographs of ancient erotic Indian temple sculptures while he trims his hair with electric clippers and hums a song he is composing. VILGOT (sings) "I like my own sweet name. I like the touch of fame. I like my own sweet name. I like the touch of fame." VILGOT (voice over) Sneak Lena into my bed. She doesn't even dare to tell her mother that she's spending the night with me. Oh, no, her mother is supposed to believe that Lena is staying with some girl friend from drama school. Vilgot goes into the room. Lena pretends to be asleep. In Lena on the Road, Lena will often wear different kinds of glasses, both old and new. Vilgot begins to try them on her. Sometimes she looks like a little child; sometimes like an old grandmother. Lena wakens from her make-believe sleep and grabs Vilgot by the beard, pulls him down to her. VILGOT Ouch!

5. Lena asks questions

Vilgot sends Lena into the streets of Stockholm to collect interview material for the new film. She is assisted by Ulla Lyttkens, another drama student, and Magnus, who is to play the slave. Lena walks into a restaurant kitchen, carrying a tape recorder and microphone. LENA Do you think that Swedish society has a class system? WOMAN IN RESTAURANT KITCHEN Class system, how do you mean? Ulla in an auto repair shop. FOREMAN Strictly speaking, I don't think it has. We have ... I mean, everybody is kind of sticking together. In a restaurant near the dock. FIRST DOCK WORKER I don't know. I can't answer that. Ask somebody else. SECOND DOCK WORKER I don't think it has. LENA You don't? SECOND DOCK WORKER No. In a post office. OLD MESSENGER No politics for me, thanks! Outside a shop. Lena is kneeling in the doorway. LENA Do you think that Swedish society has a class system? THREE-YEAR-OLD BOY Yes. LENA You do? THREE-YEAR-OLD BOY Yes. Lena with two students, recently engaged. LENA An architect or a doctor earns ten to fifteen times more than a dishwasher. Do you think that's fair? FEMALE STUDENT Yes, I think that's fair. MALE STUDENT Sure, that's fair. FEMALE STUDENT When you consider that an education takes at least seven years and how much you have to deny yourself during that time ... Magnus is taking still photographs of some of the subjects. In a restaurant. LENA (voice over) But ten to fifteen times more! I think that's too much. Much too much! YOUNG WORKER (complacently) Well ... I don't think it's that bad. In the street. SALVATION ARMY OFFICER It's fair to the extent that those who aren't clever enough can hardly go on with their studies. Studying is a thorny path and few people have the energy to do it. I have to go now. In a repair shop. ULLA Do you think that women have the same opportunities as men in our society? MAN WITH "VOLVO" CAP Yes, I suppose they have. ANOTHER MECHANIC Yes, sure they have, if not more. (smiling) Don't you think that the women are running things now? In a hospital corridor, Lena approaches two young nurses' aides. LENA Do you think that there is a hierarchy in this hospital? FIRST NURSES' AID (shyly) No. LENA So you don't think there is a difference between doctors and nurses' aids? SECOND NURSES' AID Of course, the time you eat is different. LENA The time you eat? SECOND NURSES' AID Yes, the time you eat. In the subway. ULLA Do you think that Swedish society has a class system? YOUNG MAN What? ULLA Do you think that Swedish society has a class system? YOUNG MAN No. ULLA Can you explain yourself? YOUNG MAN I don't get what you're saying. He hurries off. Ulla approaches a man walking, reading a newspaper. ULLA Excuse my interrupting your reading. Do you think Sweden has a class system? MAN WITH NEWSPAPER I am not Swedish. ULLA Don't you understand Swedish? MAN WITH NEWSPAPER I understand it. But I'm not Swedish. LADY IN HAT I don't understand. I am German. UNSHAVEN MAN I-I-am-not-Swedish. ULLA Do you think that Sweden has a class system? MAN IN HAT Yes. MAN IN GLASSES A what? ULLA A class system. MAN IN GLASSES Yes, in a way. In a department store. LADY IN FEATHER HAT Yes, I think it has. LADY IN GLASSES No, I don't think so. ULLA So you think that Sweden has gone as far as it can in removing class barriers? LADY IN GLASSES Yes, it just might go a little bit farther, but ... BEARDED YOUNG MAN I don't think you can go much farther as far as that's concerned. There has to be a difference in wages according to efficiency, so to speak, if society is to function. In an elegant shoe store. BOOTBLACK Oh, this kind of interview I don't like... In the subway. MAN IN HAT AND COAT In the thirties there was a difference between the classes. At that time we had the white-collar workers. The gap between the classes is just as wide today, if not wider. In a restaurant kitchen. CHEF It depends on the people themselves, doesn't it? Undress them all! When they are naked they're all alike. Dress them again and you have the class system.

6. Lena at the Forbundshuset

The Forbundshuset is a building housing Sweden's major trade-union organizations. LENA (voice over) In order to try to understand all this better I decided to go to the headquarters of the labor movement at Branting's Square. Lena goes into the offices of the Carpenters' Union. In the corridor, she meets an ombudsman on his way to Parliament. OMBUDSMAN There couldn't be a class system. Don't we live in a democracy? In a democratic society? Lena goes down to the cafeteria. Since people who don't work for trade unions also eat here, she has to ask her way along the cafeteria line. LENA Do you belong to the labor movement? MAN What now? LENA Are you with the labor movement? MAN No. LENA Is anybody? MAN No, not here. LENA Labor movement? VOICE No. LENA Are you with the labor movement? ANOTHER VOICE NO! Lena finds two ombudsmen seated at a table. LENA Why is the labor movement so damned conservative when it comes to women's rights? FIRST OMBUDSMAN So you find the labor movement conservative on the subject of women's rights? In the offices of The Metalworker. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF I guess that's partially true. But it could possibly be partly due to the fact that we have a lot of conservatives in this country. And there's bound to be quite a few of them even in the labor movement. In the cafeteria, with the ombudsmen. LENA But why is it that women have fewer chances of getting good jobs? SECOND OMBUDSMAN You're the one who's claiming that. LENA Sure, I'm the one who's claiming that. Do you claim that it isn't so? SECOND OMBUDSMAN No, I don't have to make any claims. You have to prove that you are right. FIRST OMBUDSMAN Yes, let's have some proof! You shouldn't go around making claims when you don't know the facts. LENA My mother works as a furrier. She works every day of the year. She makes about 14,000 kroner. [One dollar equals approximately 5.18 kroner.] SECOND OMBUDSMAN But if I became a furrier, what would I get? LENA But you won't become a furrier. SECOND OMBUDSMAN You never know. Lena finds an architect in the cafeteria. LENA Do you think that Swedish society has a class system? ARCHITECT Well, I think it has -- to a certain extent. LENA What are you going to do about it? ARCHITECT (smiling) I'm going to climb up the ladder. You've got to live in the society you were born into. LENA Do you work for the labor movement? ARCHITECT No, I don't. LENA What do you do then? ARCHITECT I'm an architect. Lena, with the two ombudsmen again. FIRST OMBUDSMAN Oh, yes, there is a class system, of course there is. LENA What are you going to do about it? SECOND OMBUDSMAN We aren't going to do anything about it, at least not for the moment. LENA Why not? SECOND OMBUDSMAN Since we all live in a society with class barriers, I'm a part of it. And then, you know, there are democratic rules, and the individual doesn't have a direct influence on development. In an office. SECRETARY I'm sure the individual can't do very much. LENA (voice over) Nothing? Can't he do anything? SECRETARY No, I don't think so. In a corridor. LADY WITH UPSWEPT HAIR I'm not an active union member. In the cafeteria. MAN'S VOICE But we're going to negotiate. LENA Negotiate? MAN'S VOICE Yes. LENA What will happen then? MAN'S VOICE You don't know? LENA No, I don't. MAN'S VOICE Don't you keep up with things like that? LENA No. MAN'S VOICE And yet you run around asking questions. LENA So I've got to ask you people who do know. MAN'S VOICE Then read the newspapers. You can learn a lot from them. LENA You can't tell me? What happens at those negotiations? Are there any results? How long will it take before the class barriers can be removed? Equal wages and no class system? A MAN A very long time, probably. LENA Why? THE MAN Because people are conservative. They don't want any radical changes. LENA Like what, for example? ANOTHER MAN Extended government programs, for example... Increased participation in management decisions, that's another thing ... LENA Anything else? THE OTHER MAN (to a friend across from him) Well, what else are we going to do? In the offices of The Metalworker. LENA You really think that you are doing something to get rid of the class system? EDITOR As much as I can. LENA Can't you do anything more? EDITOR It all has to do with what position you have in society. LENA Do you have to be at the very top in order to do anything at all? EDITOR No, no, no! This is a matter of applying pressure from underneath that will have an effect all the way up. LENA But the real big-shots who have influence and power to do a lot -- do they use it?

7. At the home of Olof Palme

The question leads directly to OLOF PALME, AGE 39, then MINISTER OF TRANSPORT in the Social-Democratic government. In foreign affairs he is known for his sharp criticism of the American role in the Vietnam war. On domestic issues, he has been called "a fanatic about equality." OLOF PALME In many ways we still have some of the characteristics of the old class system. We have, as I think someone has said, a class system by income, and you can see exactly why. Rural workers have lower wages than urban workers. Women earn less than men, and older people less than the young. Education perpetuates the class system. University graduates get six to seven times more than those who leave school and go straight to work in the country. Olof Palme lives in a little row house outside Stockholm. The film crew is working in the backyard. Magnus happens to be present. He is sitting beside Lena, which irritates Vilgot. The filming is also interrupted by MÅRTEN (MOUSIE), AGE 5, who is banging against the wall from inside the house. VILGOT (breaking off) Come outside, Mousie! You see, if you make that noise, it'll ruin the sound track. The shooting has stopped. The boy crawls up onto Palme's knee. The cameramen load the camera. Vilgot asks Palme how he became a Social Democrat. OLOF PALME Well, this problem of class system in Swedish society -- I feel very strongly about it. That's what I've reacted against from the beginning ... VILGOT What is your own background? OLOF PALME I come from a middle-class family. You learn a lot through books, you observe a lot, and suddenly it starts forming a pattern. This happened to me sometime between the ages of fifteen and twenty -- around the time when I saw American society. VILGOT You traveled in the States? About what year was that? OLOF PALME '47 to '48. I hitchhiked. VILGOT I see. OLOF PALME Thirty-four states. Three months without money. VILGOT I see. OLOF PALME You see, it's mixed up with the books you read. You read fiction: I think that some fiction has enormous political importance. For me, in any case. VILGOT I see. OLOF PALME This -- in connection with political theory and visual impressions -- that's quite a rough combination. The filming drags on. Palme's wife, Lisbeth, looks out from an upstairs window and wonders how much more time the crew will need. Mousie jumps around on his father's knee and waves to his mother. LISBETH PALME Mousie was going to ask you a few questions too. But he seems to have forgotten them. VILGOT I see. Do you have any questions, Mousie? LISBETH PALME He didn't think there was any point in Olof's becoming an M.P. OLOF PALME (smiles) That's a good thought in itself. The camera is loaded. The shooting resumes. VILGOT Well, take Sweden from this point of view: Foreigners tend to think that we are very far ahead. Do you think we are? OLOF PALME Yes, somewhat. I mean, we're far ahead compared to other countries. And we're far ahead compared to what Sweden looked like thirty to forty years ago. But we have not gone very far if you want your dream of a classless society to come true. In that case, most of the work remains to be done! Vilgot finds it difficult to concentrate. To tease him, Lena moves even closer to Magnus, looking at Vilgot with a big grin.

8. The cutting room

In order to be alone, Vilgot goes up to his cutting room at Sandrews. Evening. Silent and peaceful. VILGOT (voice over) Isn't it sad that -- in spite of a Social- Democratic government for thirty years -- so little has been done? Lena surprises him! She sneaks in and puts her hands on his shoulders. He becomes irritated. VILGOT No, not now! LENA Are you angry? (looks at him) Oh yes, you are angry! Lena looks at a death notice taped to the editing table: VILGOT SJÖMAN BORN DECEMBER 2, 1924 DIED JUNE 9, 1974 ___________________________ THE FUNERAL HAS TAKEN PLACE LENA 1974! That's six or seven years from now! So you've decided to live that long? VILGOT Stop playing games, will you? LENA You are in a bad mood! VILGOT Hell, yes! The way you and Magnus acted at Palme's! LENA What's this? VILGOT I really need some peace and quiet to be able to make this picture. Now if you sit there and -- even if you're not doing anything -- I just can't work. LENA Oh, I can't stand listening to Palme. I don't get what the hell he's talking about. VILGOT You could at least pretend, couldn't you? Now that we're making this picture, you could at least pretend to understand what it's all about. LENA Is that why you won't let me have a love scene with Magnus? Don't you want a girl for the lead? VILGOT Yes, I do. LENA And you want a girl in bed too? VILGOT Yes. LENA And if you manage to combine the two, that's just fine, eh? VILGOT So what? Don't you want the lead? LENA Yes. VILGOT And don't you want somebody in bed as well? LENA Yes. VILGOT So who's using whom? LENA We're using each other. But don't go and say it's on the same terms. Don't say that! Vilgot cannot find any answer. He smiles and turns to the editing table. He begins to run a previously filmed interview for Lena. This was made in March, 1966, when MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., AGE 37, was in Stockholm with Harry Belafonte to initiate a large Swedish fundraising campaign for American Negroes. After a speech to students at Stockholm University, he took the time to answer some questions on non-violence. VILGOT Do you have to have a religious belief to take part in a non-violent movement? MARTIN LUTHER KING No, not necessarily. VILGOT If you find that a person cannot stand being attacked, what do you do with him? Do you speak to him and explain to him that he cannot be with you any longer? MARTIN LUTHER KING Well, we always discourage those who cannot be subjected to attack -- the one who would retaliate with violence -- not to participate in a demonstration. The rules are very rigid in a non-violent movement and we feel that a person who can't take it -- a person who cannot submit himself to violence if it comes to him and who would retaliate with violence -- should not at all participate and so we discourage that person completely. Lena seems fascinated by King. LENA I like him. He talks about better things than Palme. Vilgot grimaces at the childish comment. But it gives him something to think about. In the forthcoming film, he wants to present Lena with three idols: a Russian, an American, and a Swede, to whom Lena turns for imaginary interviews when she is confused and depressed. Yevtushenko could be her Russian idol; Palme, her Swedish; and Martin Luther King, Jr., her American, because he represents the dream of non-violence. Non-violence should be another theme in the film, in contrast to the Swedish class system.

9. "If Sweden were occupied?"

Vilgot sends Lena and Ulla out to investigate what the general public knows about non-violence. MAN IN GLASSES Non-violence? MAN Non-violence? MAN IN HAT Non-violence? ANOTHER MAN Non-violence? MAN IN COAT Well, those hippies -- aren't they involved in something like that? Ulla asks two policemen on patrol. ULLA Have you ever heard of non-violence? FIRST POLICEMAN Non-violence? ULLA Yes. FIRST POLICEMAN No, I haven't. SECOND POLICEMAN No, I've never heard of it. ULLA Thank you. Ulla asks a dock worker. DOCK WORKER Those who don't use violence? Well, I guess those are educated people who don't want to hurt others. LADY IN BERET Dr. Martin Luther King, for example. ULLA That's right. Do you know what methods he uses? LADY IN CLOCHE HAT Yes, he doesn't want to fight for his ideas. Lena walks into an induction center. Boys eighteen and nineteen years old have to pass a physical examination before they are assigned to the Army, Navy, or Air Force -- young boys ready for slaughter if Sweden is drawn into a war. LENA Have you ever thought of becoming a conscientious objector? VOICE No, I haven't. SITTING BOY No, never. BOY AT THE WALL No. BARE-CHESTED BOY No. BOY WEARING CHAIN No. BOY IN TURTLE-NECK SWEATER Oh yes, I have. BLOND BOY Like many others, I guess, I want to get out as soon as possible. And it seems it would be sooner if I don't resist. BOY IN SWEATER You only have to serve longer if you refuse to bear arms. A hot discussion is going on outside the induction center. Handbills are passed out by a group of "Provies". [From "provacateur." Originally a group of young people in Holland with leftist tendencies whose program was essentially anti-authoritarian and anarchistic. In the sixties, there were groups of Provos all over Europe. In Sweden, they are called "Provies" -- "pro" - for; "vie" -life.] They are explaining to another young man that there are loopholes in the new Swedish draft laws. One leaflet reads: YOU ARE FREE FROM MILITARY DUTY, IF YOU ... A boy in uniform laughs at the young idealists. BOY IN UNIFORM Yes, but the military pays me for ten months, and I get to be here in Stockholm. I have room and board and a great time. I'm through by 1:30 and then I can go down ... PROVO (voice over) And what's more important, you get to learn how to kill. ANOTHER PROVO (voice over) You are part of a system, you know, and its main mission is killing. A VOICE We are part of a system of violence. Lena appears, takes a handbill, and soon enters into the discussion. BOY IN FUR COLLAR We have no pat alternative to how to act in a war, but ... LENA So you think we should keep our defense? BOY IN FUR COLLAR Absolutely not. LENA Why not refuse absolutely? BOY IN FUR COLLAR Sure, you should absolutely refuse military service. What you shouldn't refuse, though, is to work for peace with some civilian institution. BOY IN CAP There are alternative services. We encourage everyone to refuse to do military service. Inside the induction center. LENA If Sweden were occupied, how do you think we should defend ourselves then? Do you think there is any way of continuing to fight? BOY IN UNIFORM But I have already explained that I'm not trained for combat, so they don't teach me things like that. LENA Do they teach it to those who are? BOY IN UNIFORM Probably. Ask them. BOY IN SUIT I don't know. I don't think so. SHIRTLESS BOY It depends on what rank you are in the military. LENA And what would you others do, if we were invaded? ANOTHER BOY IN UNIFORM You know, like, one should never surrender. Sweden won't give up. And all those radio messages and that kind of talk about Sweden being defeated, that's just nonsense and we shouldn't worry about it. LENA Is that what you're taught? BOY IN UNIFORM That's kind of number one on the program. It's in this "If the war comes" -- the pamphlet that's distributed to everybody. Lena gets very upset when she realizes how little the military knows about non-violence. She brings Ulla and Magnus along and goes out to demonstrate in the streets of Stockholm. They carry posters reading: REFUSE TO KILL REFUSE MILITARY SERVICE LET NON-VIOLENCE BE YOUR DEFENSE

10. Lena opens an Institute

Lena and Ulla work on a pamphlet, IF WE ARE OCCUPIED, in which they argue that Sweden ought to have a non-violent defense system. Lena teaches Ulla the first argument. LENA If you can teach a whole country, all its inhabitants, then they have a much better chance this way! They must learn that many of them will die, that lots of them will be tortured -- but what's good about it is that less people will die in this war than in a war where everybody keeps throwing bombs at each other. Thus you can reduce the number of dead. And that must be worth a hell of a lot. Where were we now? She holds up a cloth on which she has lettered in outline: THE GUILTY CONSCIENCE OF SOCIAL DEMOCRACY ULLA We have: Negotiation. Mediation. Demonstrations. Sit-ins. Lie-ins. Strikes. Counter-demonstrations. Hunger strikes. Sabotage. Economic and social boycotts. Tax refusal. Civil disobedience. Paralysis of the entire society. Even more methods can be invented. However, the basic ideas of a non- violent defense system can be summed up in these three slogans, which are flashed on the screen: NON-COOPERATION SABOTAGE FRATERNIZATION LENA "Underground government," is that on your list as well? ULLA Yes, I've got that too. To whom are we going to send this pamphlet? LENA To the Swedish Commander-in-Chief. They must be out of their minds not teaching us things like that! Lena and Ulla also discuss different methods of masturbation. LENA I tried the shower hose yesterday. ULLA Did you? LENA Mmm. ULLA How was it? LENA It didn't work at all. ULLA Did you hold it the right way? LENA I held it the way you said. Like this. ULLA How about the vacuum cleaner? I know a girl who always uses the vacuum cleaner. LENA No, I'd rather use a massage machine. Magnus arrives; he pauses before a new sign by the door, NYMAN'S INSTITUTE. He brings a tape recorder and a typewriter that he bought on the black market. The girls are delighted. Magnus is afraid that Lena's father, snoring on the couch in the kitchen, will wake up. MAGNUS Sssh! LENA Oh, don't worry. He's asleep. Hey, Dad, there's a civil war in Spain! Listen, riots in Adalen, they're shooting down workers! ... General strike! Her father continues snoring. LENA Well, what did I tell you? Lena has opened an "Institute." Magnus asks her what her plans are. LENA Well, you have to start on your own, see. They don't do anything. The newspapers work far too fast, so they can't be trusted. And science works far too slowly, so you can't expect to get any results there. You've got to start on your own. Hey, Magnus, will you start with the stencils? MAGNUS (picking up the empty black bag) Lena, what's this bag? Lena has had a bright idea. The Social Democrats have been in power in Sweden for thirty years. In spite of that, they have only carried out a few of their ideas. Lena is making a big, black bag which she calls "The Guilty Conscience of Social Democracy." She's going to fill it with everything she finds that belongs there. The audience is invited to take part. SPEAKER (voice over) We announce a fantastic contest. Various slogans are flashed on the screen: SHARPEN YOUR MEMORY SHARPEN YOUR MIND WHAT IS LENA HIDING IN THE BAG? SPEAKER (voice over) First prize: your own cabana in Spain. Second prize: a luxury cruise around the world. Third prize: a week of gymnastics with Princess Birgitta.

11. Lena protests

On the street, Lena, holding a microphone, scolds an opponent. LENA Do you really think people lose their desire to work just because of a tax increase? That they will stop working just because they don't make a hell of a lot of money? Don't you think that their jobs mean anything to them? Are you that fucking stupid? Do you know what I think? (sounding as if the opponent had a dread disease) I think you're conservative. From various points in Hötorget Square in the center of Stockholm, Lena, Ulla, and Magnus hold a summer clearance sale of the conservative newspaper. One after the other they call out their slogans. LENA, ULLA, AND MAGNUS Svenska Dagbladet gives you Sweden's most ancient points of view. A newspaper with gout, Svenska Dagbladet! Buy Svenska Dagbladet, the newspaper with gout! An airplane passes overhead; a banner attached to it carries the slogan: CONSERVATIVE STUDENTS LENA, ULLA, AND MAGNUS Svenska Dagbladet gives you Sweden's most ancient points of view daily. New, improved -- with gout! Lena attacks the Great Injustice. LENA Some people were born with very little talent. They are lost, sort of butterfingered and brainless. Others, on the other hand, have altogether different qualifications. From the very moment they were born they had brains and talent. Should they be rewarded for that? So that they later on get the better jobs and the higher incomes? They get to do what they like and they have better opportunities in society. Shouldn't you do something about this? Magnus pretends that he is from Expressen, a newspaper that exploits political and social scandals. He stands in a doorway, talking to a middle-aged housewife. MAGNUS Good afternoon! I wonder if you have any interesting welfare cases in this block? People living in crummy little pads or people who have unpaid dentist bills? Junkies are okay too. You see, I'm working for Expressen and we are now arranging for the Conservatives to win the 1968 election. We are preparing a series about the ten filthiest welfare cases. Could you help me out? The door slams. Lena encounters a pessimistic doctor. DOCTOR Well, the class system. I guess that will always be with us. LENA But shouldn't we do anything about it? DOCTOR No, I hardly think so. LENA Why not? DOCTOR (shrugging) Well, it turns up everywhere anyway, even where we try to get rid of it. Take Russia, for example! Now they have it again. You can have a house, you can have a profession, and many people are much better off than others, and so on. LENA But why shouldn't we do anything about it? DOCTOR Well, you can see that even under the worst conditions we have not been able to eliminate it. Lena, Magnus, and Ulla demonstrate on the sidewalk, carrying posters. LENA (voice over) I didn't like what he said, so I went to the Russian Embassy with a simple question. One poster reads: HAVE YOU ESTABLISHED A NEW CLASS SYSTEM?

12. Lena hates Franco

The three of them picket various travel agencies, including one which specializes in promoting tours to Spain. Their posters read: DO YOU REMEMBER THE CIVIL WAR? IT WAS FRANCO WHO WON DO YOU LIKE FRANCO? SALAZAR IS HIS BUDDY Lena goes to Arlanda, Stockholm's airport, to try to make tourists face their responsibilities. Two planes have just landed with tourists returning from Spain. Lena confronts them. LENA Aren't you ashamed of going to a fascist dictatorial state? MAN (beaming) Am I ashamed of going there? LENA Yes, aren't you ashamed? MAN No, absolutely not. MAN IN FUR HAT No, why should I be ashamed? LENA Because Franco is there! Because of his regime! LADY I think there are certain trends toward dictatorship in this country as well, when a bottle of whisky costs fifty kroner. That's a kind of dictatorship, too, you know. LADY IN CROCHETED HAT Yes, we were so confused. We thought of Israel for a while, but that was even more expensive... LADY'S MALE COMPANION I find it really very hard to take a stand... LADY IN CROCHETED HAT ... so that decided it. LENA How do you think they're doing, the people in Spain? ELDERLY GENTLEMAN Oh, they're doing just fine. LENA Mmm. MAN IN HAT AND GLASSES They don't look so unhappy. ANOTHER MAN On Grand Canary they don't seem to be starving. YOUNG BLONDE They're very poor. LENA How do you like Franco? MAN IN HAT AND GLASSES I won't say anything about that. LENA Why not? YOUNG MAN (smiling) Why should I? LENA Well, why shouldn't you? If you really have any opinion. Maybe you don't have one! YOUNG MAN No, I don't think I do. MAN IN SUNGLASSES I'd rather not talk about him. LENA Why not? MAN IN SUNGLASSES What? LENA Why not? ANOTHER TOURIST If you ask a Spaniard what he thinks about Franco, he'll say: "Franco is fine!" LENA Do you know what'd happen to him if he said anything else? THE TOURIST (simultaneously) Quiet! Quiet, I say! LENA Have you ever thought about Franco? MAN WITH SUNTAN (seriously) I have never even thought about you. LENA About Franco? MAN WITH SUNTAN About Franco? LENA What do you think of Franco? MAN WITH SUNTAN Do you know Franco? LENA No. MAN WITH SUNTAN Neither do I. LENA But what do you think of his politics? What do you think of his regime? MAN WITH SUNTAN I've been on a vacation. I haven't been talking politics. ANOTHER BLONDE After all, you go there to swim and rest, not to get tangled up in politics. BALDING MAN No, I went there for a vacation -- to sunbathe and swim. MAN IN HAT AND GLASSES I don't care at all about such things. LENA No. MAN IN FUR HAT You forget all about it when you're down there. LENA Oh, you do? MAN IN FUR HAT You sure do. LENA So you just don't give a shit about it, eh? MAN IN FUR HAT That's right. MAN IN DARK SHIRT Well, I wouldn't say "shit." You just say "We're off!" LENA So you have no opinion? FIRST MAN None whatsoever. LENA You don't care if a whole country and all its inhabitants suffer like hell under a dictator? FIRST MAN No, I wouldn't say that, but I just don't want to get involved, that's all. Lena, Magnus, and Ulla picket the Spanish Tourist Office. BOYCOTT TRIPS TO SPAIN A MALLORCA VACATION IS A SCANDAL YOU ARE PARASITES ON THE SPANISH WORKERS SPREAD SOCIALISM IN SPAIN!

13. The picture-frame shop

Lena needs money. After leaving Arlanda, she visits her father, Rune, at his job in an old picture-frame shop. Tired and withdrawn, Rune stands in the back room making frames. LENA Did you hear what I said? RUNE Yes. What do you want with that much money all of a sudden? LENA I'm going to a hypnotist! Rune snorts. LENA Don't you think you ought to pay me back what you borrowed? RUNE Sure, but ... Listen, don't I give you a few kroner now and then? LENA Yes, a few kroner now and then! RUNE What do you expect me to pay the rent with? LENA (shouting) But I've got to have it today! Rune tries to quiet her. She says, calmer: LENA You've promised me at least ten times that I'd get it back and I haven't gotten it yet. RUNE Sssh. LENA It's three months now since you borrowed it. You've said that every damn time! RUNE Yes, yes, all right! LENA Well, give it to me then! Rune leaves the workroom and goes to the proprietor's desk at the rear of the shop. PROPRIETOR Listen, there's an errand to be run. RUNE I need a hundred in advance. PROPRIETOR Well, not right now. RUNE What's the errand? PROPRIETOR To the picture restorer. RUNE Yes, yes. (to Lena) Listen! I've got to run an errand. Contemptuously, Lena watches her father leave the shop. As she walks out, she pays no attention to a customer who has been watching her all this time: a young man who has been waiting for a newly framed watercolor.

14. Factory sabotage

Bo Holmström, a well-known television reporter, is making an imaginary Utopian TV series on the non-violent defense system which may be introduced in Sweden. Right now he's interviewing a worker in a factory outside Stockholm. BO HOLMSTRÖM This is foreman Evert Svensson, who is also a part of the factory defense. (to Svensson) What is your job here? SVENSSON My job is to sabotage this machinery. A title appears on screen: SABOTAGE HOLMSTRÖM What kind of machinery is this? SVENSSON These are machines that produce these things for diesel and jet motors. HOLMSTRÖM Delicate things! SVENSSON Yes, very. There are electronic systems here that are extremely delicate. HOLMSTRÖM Can you explain how you'll sabotage machinery? SVENSSON I can show you here. HOLMSTRÖM Yes. SVENSSON Well, this is a relay, you see. If you only damage a very small part in this relay, the whole machine will be put out of use. NON-COOPERATION HOLMSTRÖM Is it hard to find the damage? SVENSSON Yes, very. Then it's my job to delay the repairs as long as possible. HOLMSTRÖM Is this just a small part of a big sabotage plan? SVENSSON Yes. This is just a part of it. There are many possible ways of doing it. HOLMSTRÖM Don't you think the enemy would get rid of you immediately if they were to occupy Sweden? SVENSSON Don't be too sure of that. You have to separate the idea from the individual. We shall fight the enemy's ideas ... FRATERNIZATION SVENSSON ...but we'll make friends with the enemy soldiers. HOLMSTRÖM Do you believe in non-violent defense? SVENSSON Yes, I do. I've taken a course in non-violent resistance, and it seems right and sensible, I think. HOLMSTRÖM You are a former member of the regular military defense system? SVENSSON Yes. HOLMSTRÖM But you prefer non-violence? SVENSSON Yes, I do. I think that if you can show how efficiently we have built up our sabotage system, the enemy will respect Sweden. HOLMSTRÖM Does this sabotage have serious consequences? SVENSSON It has enormous consequences. It prevents the new planes from flying and the new buses from running.

15. Lena meets Börje

Lena has recorded the TV program on her tape recorder, and has been listening to it as she cuts out white letters to paste on the black bag. These will read: THE GUILTY CONSCIENCE OF SOCIAL DEMOCRACY She hears the door open. Her father comes home. He has brought the young man from the frame shop home with him. The boy's name is Börje. But Lena doesn't want to speak to anybody. She slams her door and tells her father to go to hell. She tacks a clipping to a shelf above her bed. It reads: I AM FREE Her father sets out beer and sandwiches on the kitchen table. He starts talking about Sweden's inadequate social welfare, having just read in a newspaper that several hundred blind people were discovered who had never received assistance from any organization. RUNE Listen! They're blind themselves. BÖRJE The bureaucrats? RUNE Sure. They're the ones who investigated this. And I wonder too why people who really can see something don't take care of them. And just think of how many there must be left of those who ... There are lots of blind people in Sweden. BÖRJE Yes, yes. RUNE We keep sending money to all the underdeveloped countries, but why not look after your own home first, eh? What do you say about that? Why don't we look after our own country before we start talking about other countries? BÖRJE Oh yes, the underdeveloped countries. RUNE And then those people have to be retrained and given new jobs: office jobs, metalworking jobs, and darkroom jobs. Not that I know what they're trying to do but... Well, darkroom jobs I can understand. But a metalworker. I mean, if he stands at a lathe he has to be sensitive, so that he doesn't ... Well, I don't know how it works. During this conversation Lena has sauntered into the kitchen and washed down a diet pill with a glass of water. Börje eyes her with interest but she pays no attention. Finally she sits on the edge of the sink and crunches away at a piece of hard bread. Suddenly she interrupts her father and asks Börje: LENA What do you do? RUNE He works in a men's shop. BÖRJE At Ryden's. LENA Is it fun? BÖRJE Sometimes. It's on Kungsgatan. [Kungsgatan is a fashionable street.] LENA Then what's the matter? BÖRJE Well, your Dad and I were talking at the café about my job. LENA About your men's shop? BÖRJE Yes. RUNE This is a fine guy, you know. LENA Yeah, he may very well be, even though he works in a shop. BÖRJE Hey, listen! Can I have a look at your room? RUNE Sure, go on! But it's a mess in there. BÖRJE Okay? LENA Okay. When Börje disappears into Lena's archive, her father takes a small roll of bills out of his pocket. RUNE Here's the money you were yakking about. LENA Where did you get it? Rune won't answer. Lena counts the bills. There should be 100 kroner. She throws them back at him. LENA Only ninety-five. RUNE (looks at her) Sometimes you're too much like your mother. During this, Börje wanders about in Lena's archive. Piles of books, walls covered with posters, boxes full of newspaper clippings and other junk. He stares amazed at a portrait of Generalissimo Franco hanging in a gilded frame surrounded by a wilted laurel wreath. That is Börje's first question when Lena comes into the room. BÖRJE Why do you have Franco on the wall? As Lena's black bag comes into view, so does this title: THE CONTEST BÖRJE What are all these boxes? LENA My files. BÖRJE And that one there? What does "R" stand for? LENA Religion. BÖRJE Well, there isn't much in it. LENA No, I've just started on it. BÖRJE "M" then? LENA Men! BÖRJE Do you collect men? LENA No, but I used to. They exchange smiling glances. In the kitchen, her father chews on a cheese sandwich. When he goes to join the kids in the other room, he pauses in the doorway: he sees them embracing in a corner and hears them murmuring together. BÖRJE Hey, you're beautiful. Rune decides to leave them in peace. But before going back to work, he picks up the money Lena refused. The door slams. BÖRJE Did he leave? LENA Mmm. He went back to work. BÖRJE Maybe I should go too? LENA (smiles agreeably, clinging to him) Mmm. BÖRJE What do you think? LENA Mmm. BÖRJE No? LENA Yes. Their embraces continue. Börje can't unbutton Lena's slacks. Lena thinks that Börje is clumsy. She has to do it herself. BÖRJE Thank you. Finally, they both get their pants off. Börje tries to lift Lena against the wall. Lena finds the position uncomfortable. LENA No. BÖRJE Yes. LENA No, it doesn't work. BÖRJE It doesn't? LENA No, it won't work. BÖRJE It'll work. Lena pulls away from Börje and disappears into the closet, her panties and slacks around her ankles. There is a terrible racket inside as cartons and boxes fall. Lena comes out with a mattress. She intends to make a bed on the floor. Börje stares in astonishment at what she is doing. His trousers are tangled around his ankles. LENA Help me then! He moves the tape recorder. LENA God, you're slow! BÖRJE I'm doing my best. LENA Hurry up! Magnus arrives on the stairway outside with two enormous stacks of books tied in bundles. He finds a notice on the door: NYMAN'S INSTITUTE CLOSED FOR LUNCH (ALL AFTERNOON) He sits on a stool and waits for Lena to re-open her institute. Inside, the bed is being made. LENA Should we have sheets? BÖRJE Yes, one. LENA Pillow? BÖRJE Yes, a pillow. Rapid undressing. Lena's bra is twisted. Börje is only too willing to help. BÖRJE No, I'll do it, I'll do it. When he sees Lena's breasts, he exclaims softly. Lena is particular. She always takes off the boy's wrist watch before she goes to bed with him. Only then is she ready to continue their lovemaking. Interruption. A female announcer appears on the television screen. It seems there is a faulty coupling ... ANNOUNCER We are sorry that we have had some technical difficulties in the south of Sweden during the last hour. Late in the evening in Lena's archive. They lie on the floor, tired and naked, quieting their hunger by nibbling on a chicken leg. Lena takes down a photograph of her father when he was young and shows it to Börje. LENA And a socialist. He was damned active too. BÖRJE Mmm. LENA He belonged to a lot of youth groups. And he sang. BÖRJE Oh, did he? LENA And he sang very well. And he read poems. Then he took off for Spain to fight in the Civil War. The International Brigade. BÖRJE I see. How long was he there? LENA Three weeks. BÖRJE Was he wounded? LENA No. BÖRJE Well, why'd he come back so soon? LENA I don't know. BÖRJE Have you asked him? LENA Sure, but he doesn't answer. They prick up their ears. A doorknob is turned. Her father has come home. He hears that Lena still has a visitor and quietly closes the kitchen door. Börje rises and closes the archive door, just as discreetly. While doing this, he notices Franco's portrait again. BÖRJE Isn't it pretty nasty then to have Franco on the wall? LENA Yes. Under the picture, Börje notices Lena's altar. Two candles, photographs from German concentration camps, and a blackboard (The Great Scandal Board), on which Lena inscribes the number of days that have passed since her father came back from Spain. BÖRJE Why do you have pictures from concentration camps? LENA Doesn't that go together with Franco? BÖRJE 11,273 ... LENA ... days since he chickened out on the Spanish Civil War. (Lena holds a pad and pencil) Do you have a license? BÖRJE Eh? Börje turns his head: why does she ask that? Because Lena registers the boys she sleeps with. She interviews them and enters them into a card file. LENA Do you have a driver's license? BÖRJE Yes, I have. LENA Did you take your first Communion? BÖRJE Yes, I did. LENA Did you ever consider refusing military service? BÖRJE (lies) Yes. Börje looks at the pictures from the Vietnam war that Lena has pinned up over her bed: soldiers, weapons, agony, torture, abandoned children. BÖRJE How can you sleep with all these pictures hanging over your head? LENA (ignoring the question) Do you think that women should earn the same wages as men? BÖRJE No. LENA Equal sexual freedom? BÖRJE Yes. LENA Are you married? BÖRJE No. LENA Should the Swedish Church be separated from the State? BÖRJE No. LENA Should the monarchy be abolished? BÖRJE No. LENA What party did you vote for in the last election? BÖRJE The Conservative. LENA And in the election before that? BÖRJE The Liberal. LENA Do you think that Swedish society has a class structure? BÖRJE No, absolutely not. LENA Where did you get to know my father? BÖRJE At the frame shop. Then we went to a café and talked. (he takes a card at random from the file) Stig Björkman, born 1941, confirmed. He has a driver's license. LENA Did Dad borrow money from you? BÖRJE Yes. LENA I could have bet my sweet life on that. BÖRJE (handing her a glass of wine) Skål, Lena! Skål! LENA When did you turn on to me? BÖRJE At the frame shop. LENA Do you think I was good? BÖRJE You were great! You were great! LENA How many girls have you slept with? BÖRJE I don't know. I've never counted them. Have you? LENA Mmm. BÖRJE Well, how many boys are there? LENA Twenty-three. But the first nineteen were no fun. BÖRJE I see. LENA No fun. BÖRJE So, I'm number twenty-four? LENA Mmm. 23? We interrupt for an imaginary special meeting at the BOARD OF FILM CENSORS in Stockholm. When this film reaches the Board, Lena's number causes a problem. We see Mr. Erik Skoglund, 63, young film censor, checking the rules and regulations; his co-workers wonder if the number was true or to be taken as a boast. Some even begin to count on their fingers. DID SHE SAY 23? In any case, Mr. Skoglund decides not to question the figure before he seeks advice from his fellow-censor, Pastor Gunnar Dahmén, a representative of the Swedish Church. Dawn in Lena's archive. It is 1:30 A.M. Börje coughs in his sleep, wakes up, and shivers a bit. He puts a blanket over Lena, but she awakens also. LENA (whispers) What is it? BÖRJE (whispers) Hey, Lena, I'm off now. LENA No. BÖRJE I've got to go now, you see. LENA No, don't go. BÖRJE Listen, I've got to go. LENA No. BÖRJE I'm serious, I've got to leave. It's late! Listen Lena, I've got to run now. You lie down and go back to sleep. LENA No, I'll come with you. BÖRJE Okay, but make it quick, make it ... LENA Mmm. BÖRJE You've got to make it quick. Clothes on, quickly. LENA Mmm. Mmm. BÖRJE Quickly. LENA Mmm. BÖRJE Where are my trousers? Where the hell are my trousers? LENA And my bra! BÖRJE You can go without one. LENA Yes. Lena's father awakens in the kitchen. He wanders sleepily to the sink and pisses in the basin. Some voices are heard in the courtyard: good friends of his who want to come up for a beer. But he waves them away. He can't have them up where Lena has a boyfriend in there. Because it is a new day Lena must change 11,273 to 11,274 before she steals out with Börje. Her father, by the sink, nods in a friendly way. Once he hears them leave, he waves to his friends in the yard. It's okay now! Come on up! The kids are gone! This is Tuesday, June 14. Sunrise 2:35 A.M. Temperature in Stockholm 62 degrees Fahrenheit. And with Börje in back on the luggage carrier, Lena cycles through an empty Stockholm at dawn. They pause by the Royal Palace and watch the changing of the guard. Leaning over the stone balcony, they regard the quietness. LENA (croons) "In Rio de Janeiro you can folk for free ..." Panoramic views of the Parliament, the biggest banking houses, the Opera, the Grand Hotel, various waterways, and a crowd of seagulls chattering as the pass. LENA (voice over) Now the Prime Minister gets up to take care of Sweden. And the Minister of Trade wakes up. And all the Lefties. And the whole mixed economy. The Conservative party leader rubs his eyes because he's had a nightmare. And Torsten Eriksson gets up and makes pee-pee; and begins devising another defense of the new State Prison at Kumla. And Per Wigstad vomits again in Expressen. [Torsten Eriksson is the Head of the Bureau of Prisons who is under heavy attack from Swedish radicals for blocking further reforms. Per Wigstad is the editor-in-chief who uses his newspaper for vulgar anti-socialist propaganda. His favorite target: Olof Palme.] Börje thinks. He thinks that he and Lena have been together exactly half a day, from lunch yesterday. Shall they end the idyll here? Put the finishing touches on the masterwork, the cork in the bottle, so to speak? He whispers his idea in Lena's ear. She gladly nods yes. Börje takes off his jacket; Lena takes off her panties. A watching Palace guard swallows, his Adam's apple bobbing. After Börje places his jacket over Lena's shoulders, they swing up onto the balustrade in front of the Palace and rock in each other's arms, while the guard continues to watch impassively. A choir sings the national anthem, "The King's Song." "From the depth of Swedish hearts we sing A simple hymn unto our King. Show faith in him! Don't let him down! Lighten the burden of his crown!" And Lena wonders how things are going with the King. Why not go into the Palace and interview him?

16. Lena comforts the King

An imaginary interview. There is a collection of family portraits on a table in one of the Palace chambers. One is of Carl Gustaf, the crown prince, who looks remarkably like Börje. His Majesty is walking through the chambers of the Palace, a suitcase in each hand; a Pekinese trots after him. A music box is playing softly. He has just finished his long service, now that the Kingdom of Sweden has been turned into a republic. The court has been pensioned off. Now he needs his grandson to help with his departure. THE KING Carl Gustaf, where are you? Lena hurries up, microphone in hand. LENA Is there anything I can do? THE KING No, it's all right. I'm ready. Is it chilly outside? LENA No, your Majesty, it's a nice Swedish summer morning. THE KING A bit chilly then. LENA Yes, a bit. THE KING If only Carl Gustaf would come with the tickets. He promised to take care of them. The last thing he was to do yesterday was to go to the travel agency. LENA I know that I'm intruding. But may I just ask what it feels like? THE KING What it feels like? What do you mean? LENA We've had kings in Sweden for a billion years. How does it feel to be absolutely the last one? THE KING If you give me a moment to consider, I'll find an answer for you. (sets down his bags) Well, it's like this: It's important to separate the idea from the individual. That's something we have to learn from early childhood. I've been trying all my life to separate these two things. I've really made an effort. (picks up his bags) But sometimes it's difficult. Very difficult. LENA But Nancy Eriksson explained it on TV, and all the socialists said it too: It isn't you as a person they wanted to get at. On the contrary, you have been an outstanding representative of ... THE KING Yes, yes, I know. [The Social Democratic Party in Sweden has always had as part of its program: Abolish the Kingship. However, the issue was shelved for several decades. Not until the mid-sixties was it taken down and dusted off. A group of M.P.'s led by Nancy Eriksson moved for an investigation of the "Kingship question."] And then it happens. In comes the "Prince." And he looks remarkably like Börje. A VOICE Grandfather! THE KING Yes, I'm here. Where have you been? I thought you had forgotten ... BÖRJE (as Crown Prince Carl Gustaf) Well, I ... Here they are anyway. He gives the plane tickets to his "Grandfather," the King; then turns to Lena and whispers. BÖRJE (as the Prince) It's been delightful meeting you, Lena, but I'm tired, so I've got to take a nap. (Börje as Börje) We're having a sale at Ryden's, you see. (as the Prince again) Delightful meeting you. LENA But what about you? How do you feel? Just think of not being able to be anything but a crown prince. BÖRJE I don't give a damn about that! (walks away, pauses, turns) Will you call me? LENA Where? BÖRJE At Ryden's. It's in the phone book. He disappears. THE KING I hope it's nice in Italy now. Not too hot. At the airport in Rome it's usually ... LENA I think it's just great down there now. I wouldn't mind going myself, if only I could get away, but with the Institute and all the investigations ... Come along! Mind the step, now. (to the Pekinese) Is your master taking you to Italy? ...

17. Marie

The same morning. A small apartment. A blonde young woman is brushing the hair of her three-year-old daughter before giving her breakfast. A key turns in the lock. MARIE Who's coming? Who's coming? GIRL Daddy? MARIE Yes. BÖRJE Hello. MARIE Hello. GIRL Daddy? MARIE Yes. GIRL It is Daddy. MARIE Yes, it is Daddy. A VOICE FROM THE RADIO Sartre meant that the Tribunal would investigate what sentences should be passed if the laws used at the Nuremburg trials were applied to the aggressors in Vietnam. "We represent no government, no party, and therefore we take orders from no one." These were Jean-Paul Sartre's words at the opening of the Russell Tribunal in Stockholm. "We are powerless," he said, "and in that lies the guarantee of our independence." Börje turns off the radio. He stretches out on the bed, tired after being awake all night with Lena. In the kitchen, Marie empties the contents of a can into a bowl in front of the child. GIRL No, I want food. MARIE But this is food. Now eat like a good girl! (to Börje) Would you like something too? A sandwich? BÖRJE Yes, please. MARIE A beer? BÖRJE Mmm. Marie takes a beer from the refrigerator. Börje gives her a package. It is the picture he had picked up at the frame shop the day before during his lunch hour. Marie recognizes the watercolor. She painted it a few years ago. She is shy but a little moved by his thoughtfulness. MARIE Did you frame this? BÖRJE Like it? MARIE I paint a lot better now. BÖRJE Yes, but it's nice. MARIE Yes, we had a wonderful time that afternoon, anyway. BÖRJE Are you happy? MARIE Yes. Börje kisses Marie. Their daughter laughs, delighted.

18. Lena and The Universal Problem

LENA (voice over) Occasionally, I was negligent with The Great Scandal Board. But all of a sudden something would remind me of how my old man chickened out on the Spanish Civil War and ... The count on the board increases: 11,274, 11,275, 11,276, etc., through 11,283. LENA (voice over) Besides, I think that you should make your opinion clear to the world. So Ulla, Magnus, and I went to the big embassies. In front of the American Embassy there was a police car. There was always a police car there, all summer. Their signs say: EVEN SWEDEN ONCE BELIEVED IN THE U.S. NOW WE ARE ASHAMED DO YOU KNOW WHY? LENA (voice over) I told the police that I wasn't out looking for trouble, simply taking an intellectual position. But since the cops didn't understand the difference, it was quite a short demonstration. Lena joins a protest march of writers, students, and youths chanting "U.S.A. murderers! U.S.A. murderers! U.S.A. murderers!" Many of the signs read: U.S.A. GET OUT OF VIETNAM! Lena also makes new posters for the communist embassies. I LIKE COMMUNISM WITHOUT SLAVE CAMPS I LIKE SOCIALISM WITHOUT TYRANNY LENA (voice over) The next day we went to the Chinese Embassy at Bragevgen. After that I went to the Russian Embassy to talk to the Ambassador himself; he wasn't in. But Yevtushenko was there. He said that my signs were ridiculous. Lena gets very upset and has an imaginary interview with Yevtushenko and his interpreter. LENA What? What does he mean? INTERPRETER Well, what he means is very simple. Millions of people all over the world today are starving, living under conditions so miserable that you, Lena Nyman, would never accept them -- not even for five minutes. Now, if you chose the capitalistic solution -- then you have free enterprise, free speech, and a lot of other good things. But that development would take three hundred years. LENA So let it then. Yevtushenko responds in dismay and disbelief. INTERPRETER But don't you see? It has to be done in thirty years. In thirty years illiteracy must be eliminated. In thirty years the country must be industrialized -- and you think this could be done without compulsion! No! But Lena, you mustn't forget that compulsion isn't the same to you as it is to them. They've had the whip over them for a thousand years, so another thirty years doesn't mean a thing, as long as they believe there will really be a change. LENA But what about the purges and the murders? And people being deported? The slave camps? (to the interpreter) Look at his country under Stalin! He has written poetry himself about the terror they endured. Can he deny that? (to Yevtushenko) Can you deny that? INTERPRETER No, he doesn't deny that. He says it is sad that the new Soviet had to be born with so much sacrifice, but one has to take risks. LENA Risks! Doesn't he realize what hideous risks he's talking about? INTERPRETER Oh yes, he certainly does. But realizing that millions of people are starving to death, do you think that's taking less of a hideous risk? Lena looks down, ashamed. LENA (voice over) Well, there I was with my fear of the Russians and the Chinese, and what she said was probably right. That was more than I could take.

19. A cozy evening

Lena is with her father in the frame shop. He has been working late. Now he's washing up. He turns his shirt inside-out before going out to grab a bite to eat. Lena is hand-printing little cards for her files, but cuts the board incorrectly. RUNE When my old man died, I was with ... No, wait a minute, wait now. You mustn't do it that way, don't you realize that it's much harder that way? You should only draw a fine line first. Like this, see? You do it like this! Then you press hard. Like this. (continues his story) Yes, when my old man died, I was in the room lying beside him in the bed. He lay there, tossing and turning, and I woke up twice during the night. I only thought he was a little restless, but when I woke up the next morning his neck had turned blue. LENA Do you think animals feel the same way as we do when they die? RUNE Oh yes, sure they do. I was at a bullfight in Spain once, and I almost puked. I had to leave. Oh, come on, have some wine! He hands her the bottle; then he takes a drink himself. LENA What do you think of Börje? RUNE Mmm. LENA Do you like him? RUNE Mmm. LENA He's kind of groovy. RUNE Yes, he's a fine boy. LENA Mmm. I'm getting kind of turned on to him. She giggles. RUNE (laughs) Do you think I didn't see anything through the door before I left that day? LENA (laughing) No! RUNE Oh yes, I did! LENA No! RUNE Oh yes! LENA I see. RUNE But listen, what's important with that guy is that ... At the café before ... well, he talked so nicely about his child. He talked so nicely about her. Lena's father doesn't notice that she suddenly looks gloomy. RUNE Just like I felt about you when you were little and your mother ran off. LENA Oh, that bitch! RUNE Oh, well, she was all right ... LENA No, she wasn't -- showing up after eight years and wanting me back! RUNE (sings) "Here I sat on the river bank -- I'm singing, tra la la ... to myself -- Listening to the river surging in the valley -- I hear him calling --" LENA What's her name, that woman? RUNE (sings) "... tra la la ..." (to Lena) What? LENA The kid's mother? RUNE I think it was Marie or something like that. (sings) "I'll take my violin -- Let the river be my bass --" LENA (in a sudden outburst) What the hell does he want with me then, when he's got both Marie and ... That damn ... RUNE Yes, but listen, you've been experimenting yourself! LENA Yes, but that's a completely different thing! At least I say when I'm experimenting! But that bastard hasn't said a thing! Everybody else ... Hell, even you know! But I don't ... RUNE (sings) "Dear old river, surging in the valley -- We are old, you and I, and rather gray. Girls want young lovers Who are fast and light on their feet. Our days are over ..." Lena, melancholy, gently straightens the collar of her father's inside-out shirt. LENA Have you put it on inside out again? RUNE (sings) "... And in our nook we sit and watch The young people dancing. Our days are over. And in our nook we sit and watch The young people dancing."

20. A TV program

ANNOUNCER (on screen) We regret having to interrupt this program with a message. BO HOLMSTRÖM (in a studio) After one of the most intensive debates that the Swedish government has experienced, we can now give you the results of the vote on the new radical defense system. There was a strong majority for the system in the Social Democratic Party. Also, the Communists were very much in favor of the non-violent defense system, but the Conservatives were very much opposed. The final total is 187 opposed and 196 in favor, which means that the new non-violent defense system is hereby decided upon. This means a four-month course in non-violent techniques for all citizens and one month of repetition every three years; and for the first time in Swedish history this applies to both men and women. Various shots of demonstrations and police. A shot of the plane with the CONSERVATIVE STUDENTS banner. BO HOLMSTRÖM Even at the last minute there were violent debates over the reform. Some groups among the students turned out to be unexpectedly conservative. Shots of young men and women struggling in the snow. ANNOUNCER (voice over) Last winter we visited with some new recruits and on that day's schedule it read: "Sociodrama." This was one of the first exercises for newly drafted youngsters. Their mission was to block a railway track. Soldiers sit in a group on a couple of train tracks. A MALE VOICE What would you do if it were your wife lying here on the tracks, you silly fool ... ? NON-VIOLENT OFFICER Break it up! Time for self-criticism! Get up! I shut up! You speak! The soldiers stand around, discussing and criticizing. FIRST NON-VIOLENT SOLDIER I think this whole exercise is unreal. I don't think this situation would take place -- I mean, that they would come unarmed like this. SECOND NON-VIOLENT SOLDIER I agree. FIRST NON-VIOLENT SOLDIER This is too simplified a situation for us. THIRD NON-VIOLENT SOLDIER I mean, if the situation were critical -- that is, if a train loaded with ammunition were coming this way -- who cares if a few people are lying on the tracks? HOLMSTRÖM (approaches the group) Am I allowed to take part in the self-criticism? Isn't it hard to restrain yourself from striking back? FOURTH NON-VIOLENT SOLDIER Yes, it's incredibly hard -- even during exercises like this one. HOLMSTRÖM Is it possible through training to eliminate your aggressive feelings when maybe it's your fiancée who is being shot? FIRST NON-VIOLENT SOLDIER I think so. HOLMSTRÖM And you don't feel like a coward? FIRST NON-VIOLENT SOLDIER No! HOLMSTRÖM So after all you are gladly taking part in this? NON-VIOLENT GIRL Well, gladly ... HOLMSTRÖM In the days of the old defense system, women didn't have to take part, but now they must. What do you think about that? NON-VIOLENT GIRL I'm all for it. Why should only men defend themselves? I think it's ... I don't see why we should just sit there and get shot. HOLMSTRÖM (to the instructor) To a spectator this looks like a scout camp, rather than a realistic war or occupation. NON-VIOLENT OFFICER No, I think this is just as realistic as ordinary military exercises. Those too can remind you of scout camps or playing cowboys and Indians. I can't see any difference. HOLMSTRÖM Part of the idea is to make friends with the enemy soldiers as people, right? NON-VIOLENT OFFICER Yes, just like during World War I, when the soldiers left their respective trenches and exchanged cigarettes and made friends with each other. A title appears on the screen. FRATERNIZATION HOLMSTRÖM This means that you'll make friends ... SABOTAGE HOLMSTRÖM ...with the enemy. But, don't you thereby ... NON-COOPERATION HOLMSTRÖM ...open your front to their propaganda? NON-VIOLENT OFFICER Yes, of course, but we also make it possible for them to receive ours. And that's what's most important. We must always be open. HOLMSTRÖM Would you say that it's those with the strongest characters who can take the greatest strain? NON-VIOLENT OFFICER Roughly, I'd say that those who can stand the greatest strain in a conventional war can also stand the strain in this. A train whistle sounds. NON-VIOLENT OFFICER Now, my friends, we will change sides! Those who were the defenders down here will now be the aggressors, and vice versa. It's important that those who are the aggressors really feel the pleasure, the excitement of violence, so that you get to experience it in reality. Okay, let's begin! CHORUS (sings, voice over) "We shall ..." NON-VIOLENT OFFICER Change groups! Go ahead! CHORUS "... overcome some day." NON-VIOLENT OFFICER Hurry up ... CHORUS "We shall ..." NON-VIOLENT OFFICER ... so we don't get too stiff. CHORUS ... overcome. NON-VIOLENT OFFICER We're all frozen stiff ... CHORUS "We shall ..." NON-VIOLENT OFFICER ... already. CHORUS ... overcome. NON-VIOLENT OFFICER Ready! CHORUS "We shall . .." NON-VIOLENT OFFICER Go! CHORUS: ... overcome. We shall overcome some day."

21. Lena takes a bicycle ride

The count on The Great Scandal Board increases from 11,289 to 11,304. Lena has left Stockholm. She rides her bicycle down a country road thinking about the possibilities of the non-violent defense system and humming with great confidence. LENA (sings) "... deep in my heart I do believe We shall overcome some day." Suddenly a car from Stockholm roars by. The road is full of puddles and the driver ruthlessly splashes water all over the girl. Lena is furious and yells after him: LENA Oh, you Stockholm bastard! Go to hell! Road maniac! Damned road maniac! Go to h ... Oh shit! You big shit! Her cursing goes on and on.

22. Lena tells the people

In every little village or town she passes through during her ride through Sweden, Lena posts messages on trees and walls. For example: MESSAGE TO HUMANITY: DOWN WITH PRIVILEGED SOCIETIES! --LENA MESSAGE TO BLACK PEOPLE: BE PREPARED! THE WHITES ARE STAGGERING! --LENA

23. The rivals

Börje suddenly decides to visit Lena. When he arrives she is not there. Instead, he runs into a stranger in Lena's archive. The stranger is Magnus and they are both equally surprised. MAGNUS Hello! Who are you? BÖRJE Check the files! Number 24. MAGNUS What are you doing here? BÖRJE Lena was looking for me at my job one day when I wasn't there. Now I'd like to know where she is. Do you know where she is? MAGNUS Yes. BÖRJE Where? MAGNUS She's on a retreat. BÖRJE What? MAGNUS A retreat! Do you know what that is? A retreat! Börje gets aggressive. He knocks Magnus down and grabs him by the hair. BÖRJE I asked where Lena was. MAGNUS She wants to be left alone. BÖRJE Yes, yes! She wanted to see me. What are you doing here? MAGNUS What am I doing? I live here. BÖRJE What? MAGNUS I live here. I've been told to stay here and take care of the place. BÖRJE Has Lena left town? MAGNUS I don't know! I told you she wants to be left alone. What in hell do you come barging in here for? I've told you that Lena wants to be left alone, that I live here, and that I don't know where she is. BÖRJE You're lying! MAGNUS No! BÖRJE (slapping him) You're lying! MAGNUS No! Lena's father has appeared in the doorway. RUNE Hey, what are you doing? BÖRJE Listen, where is Lena? RUNE In Småland. BÖRJE Where in Småland? RUNE At Rumskulla. BÖRJE Thank you.

24. Lena on a retreat

Lena has withdrawn to an isolated place in southern Sweden. She has rented an old abandoned cottage. She has an ambitious program during her retreat: 6:15 MEDITATION In order to come closer to nature, she gets up early and meditates on a bluebell. 7:30 BREAKFAST As an Indian steps into the healing waters of the Ganges, she wades into the Stångå and fills a bowl with fresh water for her morning meal. 9:00-12:00 MEDITATION ON LARS GYLLENSTEN'S TEN COMMANDMENTS In response to the question "Are God's Ten Commandments Enough?" the Swedish author Lars Gyllensten, has written a set of ten commandments for this age [published in English in Sweden Writes (Stockholm: Bokförlaget, 1965)]. The walls of Lena's house are covered with posters copied from this book. She reads: THIRD COMMANDMENT: THOU SHALT REFLECT THAT COMFORT AGREES AS WELL WITH OTHER PEOPLE AS IT DOES WITH YOU. FIRST COMMANDMENT: THOU SHALT NOT HAVE ANY OTHER GODS THAN PROVISORY ONES. 12:45 LUNCH For lunch Lena has three peas, which she eats carefully. 1:00 STUDIES In honor of Martin Luther King, she has built an altar to NON-VIOLENCE -- central symbol: a broken shotgun. She reads his writings and studies the techniques of non-violence. 2:10 FIGHT AGAINST NONSENSE Consists of various activities; for example, burning magazines. 3:00-5:00 SELF-MORTIFICATION She is making a bed of nails. She meditates over a piece of banana cream cake in order to learn to stay away from sweets. 6:30 DINNER She savors and then noisily gobbles a whole carrot. 10:05 SEXUAL THEORY Upon retiring, she studies recently published sex manuals. One illustrates fresh, unusual positions, guaranteed to brighten a conventional everyday relationship. She finds this sort of meditation difficult all by herself. 9:00 A.M. DIALECT STUDY She usually goes to get milk from two middle-aged brothers whose dialect is so peculiar that she can translate their speech only by diligent effort. LENA Do you ever go to church? FIRST BROTHER (in incomprehensible dialect) No, I don't. LENA Why? FIRST BROTHER (in incomprehensible dialect) Because they don't preach the truth, for example. They pray so beautifully for the poor, but you know very well what they're really like. LENA Would you like to have a woman around the house to help you? SECOND BROTHER (in incomprehensible dialect, grinning) Oh, yes, of course I would, but another of my brothers used to be here and cook for us. There were always complaints about everything. We never had time to get home and eat when he was cooking. We were always several kilometers from here when the meals were ready. 10:00-12:00 YOGA EXERCISE On a mat in front of the house, she attempts to follow the instructions in a yoga book. But the positions are too difficult. So, in the midst of her solitude, she turns to the film crew. LENA No, I can't make it. The film crew begins showing Lena positions she might try. LENA MALMSJÖ You needn't do that particular position. There are lots of others. This one, for example. Lena Malmsjö, executive producer, executes a backbend. Vilgot Sjöman performs a yogi shoulder stand. VILGOT Nyman! Have a look! But loo ... And then just straight up, you stretch them like this. Is that okay? Everybody helps. Cameraman Peter Wester and his assistant Andreas Bellis; sound engineer Tage Sjöborg and his assistant Christer Östberg; script girl Marianne Johnson; general assistant Bengt Palmers, and production manager Raymond Lundberg -- they all demonstrate positions for Lena. Each is identified by a subtitle.

25. Wild West in Fagerdal

Börje roars through Småland in a new white MG. He drives into Lena's yard. She grabs the shotgun from the altar to non-violence, loads it, and stalks him, as in a cowboy film. He grabs the gun from her and dumps her in the grass. He lays his head in her lap and drinks, as if from a well. Some time later they lie, exhausted, their bodies satisfied, sprawled in the grass. Börje caresses her side, she kisses his penis: small, light, childishly contented kisses. BÖRJE I had trouble finding you. LENA Have you done much looking? BÖRJE Yes, I have. LENA What a nice car you have. BÖRJE You think so? LENA Mmm. BÖRJE I've got a new job. LENA Mmm. BÖRJE I quit Ryden's. LENA What are you doing now? BÖRJE I sell cars.... What have you been doing all this time?

26. Sightseeing at Rumskulla

Lena shows Börje all the discoveries she has made at Rumskulla during her retreat. She shows him how people used to live in the past, in solitude, deep in the forests. LENA Here's the doorstep. Here they went in and out, Hulda, Alma, Oscar, Selma, Emil, Emilia, Amanda, and all the children. In 1882, 1883, 1884 ... BÖRJE Hey, what are these stones? LENA That's the stove. And this is all there was to the house. Börje has brought a present for Lena: a small bracelet. Lena is moved and kisses him. The director, who is watching them, gets a little disturbed and caresses the script girl. Lena and Börje are parked on a hill with a beautiful view. She wants to teach him Lars Gyllensten's ten commandments. The Fourth Commandment: "Thou shalt take care of those who cannot take care of themselves." BÖRJE "Thou shalt take care of those who cannot take care of themselves." LENA The Seventh? BÖRJE The Seventh? What is that? LENA "Thou shalt, if you belong to the many who are better off than they deserve, share with others. Otherwise ..." BÖRJE "... otherwise you are stealing." Who the hell is Gyllensten? LENA Lars Gyllensten is a fantastic guy. BÖRJE What's all this good for? LENA The old commandments weren't written for the people of today. That's why he rewrote them. BÖRJE Mmm. LENA The First? BÖRJE "Thou shalt worship only temporary gods." LENA Mmm. BÖRJE (points) What's that? LENA The school of Grönshult. With electricity and a well. Sold for 3000 kroner. BÖRJE That's damn cheap! Three thousand kroner. LENA Yes. People move to the towns. Mostly girls. They just can't live like they used to. BÖRJE No. LENA The Sixth Commandment? BÖRJE What's that? LENA "Thou shalt not spread venereal diseases, or bring unwanted children into the world, or expose other people to sexual violence. Also, you should play your part in keeping the birthrate as low as possible, because altogether too many children are born. For the rest, you may devote yourself freely to sexual intercourse, masturbation, pornography and such other good things of this kind as your animal nature, in its grace, may cause you to desire." The subject makes them both horny; Börje steps on the gas and off they go, driving through the beautiful old village of Övrakulla, now crowded with wrecked cars. BÖRJE And so, if he sells two or three cars a month, he'll make about 1200 kroner. LENA Mmm. BÖRJE Then you have the average guy who makes about ... (looks around) What's this? LENA Two brothers sell junk here. BÖRJE Well, you see, the average guy earns 700 plus ... Then if he sells eight or nine cars ... No, what the hell. He won't sell more than four or five cars, the average guy, that is ... LENA Mmm. BÖRJE He'll make 1800 kroner a month. Yes, it's a tough business! LENA Mmm. BÖRJE Then you have the top guys! LENA Mmm. This is a typical dying village. BÖRJE Oh yes, it is. LENA Pity! BÖRJE Yes. LENA Do they cheat too, these guys? BÖRJE Between us, I can tell you that 1964 was a top year. That year a guy could make 20,000 kroner. LENA Twenty thousand? BÖRJE Twenty thousand a year. Tax free! LENA Tax free! BÖRJE But I guess a year like that won't come again. LENA Look! Look at the walls! BÖRJE Oh, yes. LENA To think that a hundred years ago they came here ... BÖRJE Yes. LENA ... and pushed and pulled ... BÖRJE Yes. LENA ... and slaved ... BÖRJE Yes. LENA ... to build these walls. BÖRJE Oh, yes! Then ... LENA And then they all moved away. BÖRJE That's right! Then you have ... LENA It's really abandoned! BÖRJE Yeah! LENA Everything! BÖRJE Yes, but Lena, then you have the top salesmen! They make 45,000 a year! They park the car to wash it at a bend in the road where the Stångå has overflown its banks. Lena is emptying a little packet of car soap into the water. LENA (sings) "In Rio de Janeiro you can truck for free ..." Lena has poured the car soap into the river; Börje wets the sponge, Lena tries to open the trunk of the car. It is locked. LENA Can I have the key? BÖRJE I forgot it! LENA No, you didn't forget it, it's there on the key ring. BÖRJE I took it off and forgot it. Lena tries on Börje's driving gloves. LENA How nice they are. But of course they should have been smaller and have had a big hole here. With no apparent cause or explanation, she throws his gloves into the river. Börje is annoyed. BÖRJE Go and get them! LENA No. BÖRJE Get them! LENA No! A-s-k M-a-r-i-e! With all their clothes on, they walk right out into the water. They throw the wet gloves at each other. Börje tackles Lena and both fall into the water and flail about. Börje grabs Lena. LENA How could you be so stupid as not to tell me about Marie? BÖRJE What? LENA You were stupid not to mention anything about Marie. If only you'd told me, it wouldn't have mattered. But going around keeping secrets like a damn ... BÖRJE Like a what? LENA Are you going to marry her? BÖRJE I don't know. I don't think so. I have a child, you know. We've talked a lot about it, Marie and I. It's a great responsibility to have a child. It's ... I've thought a lot about it, but ... No, I don't think I'll marry her. They crawl into each other's arms, reconciled, and frolic in the water like a couple of otters, with only Börje's bottom showing. They put their wet clothes on a line and drive through Rumskulla as if they'd just bought it. Singing "We shall overcome," Lena tacks one of her messages onto a tree. MESSAGE TO HUMANITY: I FEEL FINE NOW --LENA They are in the branches of an old oak tree, Rumskulla's main attraction. LENA (sounding like a guide) The largest tree in Europe! Fourteen meters in circumference, 2000 years old. Aroused by the sex education books she has been reading, Lena gets Börje's assistance in inventing an extraordinary, new (to date undiscovered and undescribed) position. BÖRJE What do you think? LENA Well, I guess it should work. BÖRJE Yes, I think so. LENA It isn't that bad, you know! A cow appears briefly. On her forehead is a superimposed a question mark. BÖRJE No. Oh, hell, my thighs are aching. A title is superimposed: EXERCISE WITH TV LENA Your legs? They hurt? They have separated. He unbuckles his belt. BÖRJE No, pain in my thighs. LENA Then you should feel the muscles I have! She removes her slacks and points to the "Musculus Protector Virgines." LENA What do you think? BÖRJE What's wrong with them? LENA Here! Feel! BÖRJE Are they supposed to be like this? LENA No. It's because chicks squeeze their legs together. BÖRJE (as he simultaneously drops his trousers and shorts to his ankles) Why? LENA They're not supposed to spread their legs like boys do, and that's how this muscle gets so hard. Then when they go to bed with a guy they can hardly spread their legs. BÖRJE But you don't have that problem, do you? You said you had slept with twenty-three guys. LENA Yes, but the first nineteen were no fun. BÖRJE Why? LENA (sighing) I slept with them because they wanted to sleep with me, so that they could have orgasms. I couldn't believe that anybody could like me the way I look: with drooping breasts, big belly, fat. In the middle of their highly confidential talk and tender embraces, they're interrupted by singing. A group of fundamentalist Christians are having a revival meeting in the Sunday sunshine. They are singing: "He who created Heaven and earth ..."

27. Roses for Madeleine

They have returned to Lena's cottage after their sightseeing. Exhausted from lovemaking, they have fallen asleep on the floor naked. Lena awakens. Kneeling over Börje, she calls his name softly, checking to see if he is awake. Then she moves to his trousers, stealthily takes the key ring, and sneaks out to the car. She opens the trunk and finds a bouquet of half-wilted roses. And a hair dryer. Both apparently meant for someone named Madeleine -- yet another of Börje's many girls. Lena reads the card. LENA (imagining what Madeleine might look like) "Madeleine's wish is Börje's command." Which is a hair dryer. A fine, new hair dryer. Bought at a discount! Forty per cent off. Lena sneaks back into the house, passing the poster of Gyllensten's Fourth Commandment: THOU SHALT TAKE CARE OF THOSE WHO CANNOT TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES She hides the hair dryer in the black bag -- THE GUILTY CONSCIENCE OF SOCIAL DEMOCRACY -- the contents of which the audience has been invited to guess. Titles appear on the screen as a reminder to the audience of the promises of the contest: THE CABANA IN SPAIN THE LUXURY CRUISE! THE WINNER MIGHT BE YOU Börje lies half-awake on the floor. He calls for Lena. She enters silently, goes to Börje, crawls in front of him, her back to him. He pulls her to him, forces his way into her from behind. She offers no resistance. Closed eyes. Violent movements. In the midst of their actions, she calls out questions as if conducting a public-opinion poll. LENA Does Madeleine have dark or blond hair? BÖRJE Dark. LENA Which social class? BÖRJE Upper. LENA Fat or thin? She sticks her thumb in her mouth. BÖRJE Very thin. LENA The model type? BÖRJE Better than that. LENA Single? BÖRJE Engaged. But she's going to break it off. LENA Because of you? BÖRJE Yes. LENA Did you know her before you met me? BÖRJE Yes. LENA Does she have better orgasms than I do? BÖRJE I don't know. LENA Haven't you slept with her? BÖRJE No, not yet. Lena stops her questions for a while as they continue moving violently. LENA (screaming) Why the hell haven't you done that? BÖRJE What? LENA Slept with her, of course! Why the hell haven't you slept with her? She pulls away. Börje starts to get up. Seated facing each other, they continue. BÖRJE (shouting) Damn your curiosity! You're always tearing everything into bits and pieces. Into talk and interviews! LENA Yes, and you're always keeping your mouth shut about everything! You told me nothing about Madeleine and nothing about Marie! BÖRJE You can easily put Marie or Madeleine in your files as well. Go ahead! LENA I don't want that upper class bitch. BÖRJE No, instead you want this kind of crap, don't you? He seizes the teddy bear she always takes with her and hurls it into the next room. LENA Keep your fucking hands off my doll, you pig. She rushes into the next room, slamming the door behind her. She picks up her teddy bear, and runs, crying, to a corner of the room. Börje comes after her and picks up one of the books she had placed in a neat square around her typewriter. BÖRJE May I borrow this from you? May I borrow The Passive Female Ideal? They struggle. LENA Yes, that's what you need. That's just what you have, a passive female ideal! BÖRJE What did you say I had? LENA A passive female ideal! Let go of me! Lena dashes into the next room, Börje in pursuit. He grabs her by the elbows. The film crew waits outside the house. Everyone tries to mind his own business, ignoring the unpleasantness within. BÖRJE (from inside) Come here! Have a look! LENA (from inside) That damn hair dryer! And the roses! A door slams. Vilgot goes up to Raymond, the production manager, and asks him to close the outside door so that the racket cannot be heard. Inside the house. Their screaming and snuggling continues. BÖRJE Have a look around. Admit the fact that you're screwing around with things that are over your head. It's all beyond you! LENA You lousy salesman! BÖRJE You've just got a big mess inside your head. Why don't you try doing something -- like dieting? Why don't you put calorie charts on your walls instead of this stuff! And listen, you think you can ride in my MG with those drooping tits!? LENA You lousy salesman! She gives him a violent shove, knocking him over, and runs into the next room. Börje gets up and runs after her. He grabs her, and they fall to the floor. BÖRJE "Börje's joy ..." I'll give you a taste of Börje's joy -- She is sobbing as she lets him take her. The sound of the car engine awakens her. She goes to the front door exhausted, only to watch Börje disappear in a cloud of dust. She stands for a time at the door, crying. LENA (voice over) I didn't get much sleep the last night at Fagerdal. I was itching all over and everything was screaming in my brain. I remember one of the dreams: how the Rumskulla football team came running through the woods. I got hold of them, both the varsity and the second string. But one of them was missing. There were only twenty-three. Lena is tying the twenty-three boys with thick rope to another giant tree when the twenty-fourth comes through the woods. It is Börje. Lena grabs her rifle and shoots him down. She goes to him, turns his dead body over, takes out her knife and castrates him.

28. Lena's crisis

Lena's retreat is over. She leaves Småland. As she cycles back to Stockholm, several drivers offer her lifts. She rebuffs them with disgust. Then she hears a fatherly voice calling to her. VOICE Lena! Lena! Lena! I want to talk to you. It's me, Martin Luther King. She turns a deaf ear, but the voice continues. Finally she stops. LENA Listen, Martin! I'm terribly sorry that I just can't make it when it really matters, but that's the way it is. (in despair) He's a big shit, that Börje! A big fucking shit and I'll kill him when I get hold of him. I'll cut off his cock! Martin Luther King gazes at her with insight and compassion. This is more than she can take. She closes her eyes; her lips begin to tremble. LENA You've said it yourself, haven't you? If you can't live by the principles of non-violence, you shouldn't be in on it! You've got to have people who are strong. (like a child) I'm never going to speak for your ideas any more! She is close to tears. She tries to comfort herself by going into a coffee shop. She breaks all the rules of her diet, stuffing herself on cake after cake. Suddenly, a voice is heard from the shop's TV set. BO HOLMSTRÖM The long anticipated proclamation of the renewal of the Swedish defense system was issued at today's cabinet meeting. The proclamation, which will be sent to all foreign countries, reads as follows: "The Swedish government hereby declares to the world that in case of enemy occupation of Swedish territory, resistance will be undertaken with any means except violence. "The thorough instruction in non-violent techniques which all Swedish citizens, both men and women, have received over a long period of time enables us to carry out this method of defense certain that Sweden is uniquely equipped to meet any enemy attack." Lena begins to cry uncontrollably. When she stops, there is a sense of relief. The idea continues, even if she has abandoned it. The idea is greater that she is. The count on The Great Scandal Board increases from 11,328 to 11,330. Lena cycles slowly into Stockholm.

29. An A-bomb for Sweden

A collection is being taken outside the Parliament building. A Swedish military officer is protesting official policy by standing with a collection box under a poster which reads: GIVE YOUR SUPPORT TO A SWEDISH A-BOMB He explains his viewpoint to people who stop. OFFICER As you know, Sweden is the only neutral country in Scandinavia, and to maintain our neutrality we consider it essential to have a deterrent weapon. A MAN Yes, but then all the other countries would start too. All Scandinavia would have bombs, and then, when the risk is that great, well, I mean, that could mean starting a war ... Lena cycles past. Two Provos arrive. They are contemptuous. FIRST PROVO We'll give you a peace-button for support. SECOND PROVO A "Ban the Bomb" button. FIRST PROVO Here, move over so I can ... SECOND PROVO Well, then, we've both put one in as a gift ... OFFICER Thank you. FIRST PROVO ... as a counter-demonstration to this terrible sign. A third Provo appears and a Swedish worker sees the sign and stops. WORKER (angrily) That's the worst goddam thing I've ever seen. Tear the sign down, you guys! What the hell, we're not going to have any atom bombs here, damn it all! FIRST PROVO To dare to present opinions like these, publicly! And in front of the Royal Palace, on top of it all. Incredible! The worker walks off, gesturing contemptuously. Three nice little ladies who are very much in favor of the bomb open their purses as they look at the sign. OFFICER Well, we're polling Swedish public opinion. LADY Oh yes, I understand. Some sort of psychological test ... She puts her contribution in the collection box. OFFICER Thank you.

30. Lena returns home

Lena has arrived home and is parking her bicycle in the backyard. As she is sticking a letter back on THE GUILTY CONSCIENCE OF SOCIAL DEMOCRACY bag, a voice is heard reminding the audience of the big contest. SPEAKER Oh, take it easy, Lena. It hurts. But where does it hurt the most? It's your opinion that we want. Yes, just yours! You who want a week of gymnastics with Princess Birgitta, your own cabana in Spain, or any of our innumerable consolation prizes. Nobody will leave our contest unrewarded, nobody who can guess what Lena found in the THE GUILTY CONSCIENCE OF SOCIAL DEMOC ... The speaker stops as Lena opens the door to Nyman's Institute and enters the kitchen. There on this bright Sunday morning her father lies snoring. He is sleeping off a drunk. Beside him lies Chris, a big fat woman whom Lena hates. Lena goes into her archive only to find that this has been invaded. There, lying on the floor, are a couple of her father's drinking buddies. Stricken, she leans against the fireplace and recalls how she used to attack the Great Injustice: "Some people were born with very little talent. They are lost, sort of butterfingered and brainless...." And now they're lying there, in her own archive, sleeping like little children. It reminds her of what Olof Palme said in his talk with Vilgot. OLOF PALME That's one thing: it is worse in most other places. But all societies have been tormented by the tendency to label people according to family, money, and social position. And we have this tendency here too. VILGOT But there is an impression in other countries, I think, of great equality here, that we're far ahead in this area. What do you think? OLOF PALME Well, it's true that a lot of work has been done in that direction -- partly on wages, and so on, but mostly we have worked on developing the possibilities for individuals. That's one thing: this enables us to know what direction to take in the future. But the other thing is that it's an illusion to believe that the trend toward equality has gone as far as some of the kinder critics of welfare states like to think.

31. British Motor Company

A foreign car showroom. Börje is dusting one of the cars on exhibit. He scratches at his fingers. Through the window, he sees Lena approaching. It is nearly closing time. Börje's boss comes out from his office onto the mezzanine. BÖRJE'S BOSS Börje! You sold the car to Mr. Johnson, I remember perfectly. Now he's on the phone and he's damned angry. I told you when you started selling cars that you can't just promise people the moon. You told him he'd get a radio and fog lights. You promised him practically everything you can put on a car, damn it. You can't do that. This is your last chance, next time you're fired. I'm so mad I could throw you out on the spot. This is incredible. It's not ... Börje scratches his neck. He can't think of a reply. Then Lena strolls in carrying Madeleine's hair dryer. LENA Hello! BÖRJE Hello! She hands him the hair dryer. LENA Can we go and talk somewhere? BÖRJE Yes, well, I'm off now anyway. I could drive you someplace. Shall we go down to the garage? When they arrive at the garage, Lena helps Börje fold down the top of a white MG, a demonstration car. He tries to take her in his arms. LENA No! Have you been to bed with Madeleine yet? You have made some progress, haven't you? Of course it would be better if you hadn't, because I've got a case of scabies. BÖRJE (draws back) So that's what I've got? They don't get any further in this revenge scene, as Vilgot interrupts the shooting. VILGOT Cut! "From you" you were supposed to say. Didn't we agree to that? We're going to take it again! A member of the crew absently begins singing: "I like the touch of fame, I like my own sweet name ..." but is soon hushed. "Don't sing that just now. Vilgot shouldn't hear that." Looking hurt, the director watches the couple quietly talking to each other. They have obviously been intimate off camera, behind his back. VILGOT (voice over) The damn girl is using me. She's using me like everybody else. This movie is her big break and she knows it, and God, does she ever take advantage of it! And along the way she takes Börje too. A toast to the Crown Prince! Skål! He doesn't really care about her, he just wants to compete with me. Vilgot calls for quiet. They retake the scene. Again the director stops the shooting. VILGOT Well, excuse me a second. Lena, the glasses. BÖRJE What about them? VILGOT You should take them off when you begin talking ... BÖRJE But she was supposed to wear the glasses during ... VILGOT Yes, but listen, she wears the glasses at first and then she takes them off ... BÖRJE What the hell, can't you make up your mind? LENA You changed your mind. BÖRJE (pointing to the script girl) Ask Marianne. VILGOT I never changed that! BÖRJE (calling) Marianne! VILGOT I said that from the start! BÖRJE (calling) Marianne! MARIANNE Well, it was decided that she'd wear them. BÖRJE She should, yes. MARIANNE (to Vilgot) Yes, Börje is right. BÖRJE See, I'm right. VILGOT No, no, you haven't understood a thing. She's supposed to wear them at first and then ... BÖRJE Fourth take with, fifth take without, sixth with. Make up your mind, damn it! Another take! VILGOT Yes, that's right, another take. BÖRJE (hostile) Another take, huh? VILGOT Well, that's what we're here for. BÖRJE Yes, but make up your mind, tell us what to do. I'm listening. Lena and I are both listening! VILGOT (sarcastic) That's fine. The Crown Prince is listening -- until we're ready to shoot. LENA So I take them off? VILGOT Well, you start by having them on, you start by talking about Madeleine, and then when you talk about the scabies you look into his eyes, see? LENA (sullenly) Mmm. VILGOT And by then you've taken them off. LENA Mmm. VILGOT Is that all right? LENA Yes. BÖRJE Without glasses then? Vilgot gives up. Those damned actors garble everything. Börje's boss and another B.M.C. salesman are standing in a corner, whispering. Vilgot walks over to them. VILGOT They're so scatterbrained, we're getting nowhere today ... BÖRJE'S BOSS No, you can see that. VILGOT (a bit miffed) What can you see? BÖRJE'S BOSS Well, this atmosphere is really shocking. How can you work under conditions like these? Lena and Börje are whispering in the car. Lena is timid. Börje prods her. BÖRJE Have you talked to him? LENA No! BÖRJE Aren't you going to? LENA Yes. BÖRJE What? LENA Yes. Well, if he's going to be this way I might as well say it. BÖRJE Mmm. I think so. LENA Things can't get any worse! BÖRJE No! Someone in the film crew begins whistling "The Internationale."

32. Lena runs amuck

The number 11,330 appears on The Great Scandal Board. The same evening. Lena's father sits in his kitchen with his feet in a basin. Chris, the plump maternal female, fills it with hot water. RUNE Good! CHRIS Feel it now? RUNE Yes. A little more. CHRIS Little more. That's it! RUNE Mmm. CHRIS All right now? RUNE Mmm. CHRIS Good. RUNE Hey! CHRIS Mmm. RUNE He got his real gold frame. CHRIS Mmm. RUNE And you know how much it cost? CHRIS No. RUNE Two hundred and eighty kroner. CHRIS Oh, my goodness! RUNE Yes, and what's he going to do with it? Just sit there and point to it and say ... CHRIS Hey! RUNE ... to his guests ... huh? CHRIS Wash your feet too! RUNE Yes, yes! Then he can tell his guests: "This frame cost two hundred and eighty kroner." CHRIS Well, so what? It's nice with a wide gold frame, and besides it's worth a lot. RUNE Yes, but listen! Do you think I've worked down there for half my life without knowing what art is worth? You know, the picture should be the important thing and the frame should be less ... The door suddenly opens. Lena comes in. RUNE What the hell! Without a word, Lena goes straight to her archive. Her father and Chris look dumbfounded. CHRIS Has she come home? When did she get back? Lena begins to empty her archive. She angrily brings out a carton and places it by the kitchen door. Chris gets angry too. She pours coffee. CHRIS Can't you at least say hello? That's the least one could ask. Lena brings out another carton. LENA (accusingly) Where's the collection of clippings on Southeast Asia? I can't find it in there! RUNE Collection of ... (rising) Hey, listen! Where the hell have you been all summer? CHRIS Nobody even dares stick his nose into your room with all the crap you have in there. LENA Oh, is that so? CHRIS That's right! RUNE (angrily) Well, you should stay home and not run around on the roads and do ... God knows what! CHRIS At least you could have sent a card to your father so that he'd know where you were. Don't you realize he's been worried? LENA He never has before. Rune crosses to the sink and prepares to piss. RUNE And I've got to feel embarrassed in front of my friends at work because I don't know where my own daughter is. LENA That's none of their business. RUNE And Börje, he's been here looking for you. The sound of Rune pissing. Chris pours another cup of coffee. Lena stalks into her room. Rune and Chris appear in the doorway. RUNE Hey, are you going to leave home? LENA Home! You call this a home? RUNE Haven't I slept here in the kitchen? Haven't I done everything I could for you? LENA That's just your guilty conscience. RUNE Haven't you got the whole room to yourself? Haven't you?! LENA (in a fury) That's just your guilty conscience! Do you remember at school? Remember that last day of school when you were there? That first and last time. God, was I ever ashamed! God, was I ashamed of you! Do you think I could ever bring anybody home?! To this? You're crazy. You've done one good thing in your life. Do you know what that was? That's when you went to Spain. But why didn't you stay there? Why did you run home so quickly? Like a damned rat! She slams the door, locks it, looks about, stops a second, and makes her decision. She pulls down the shelves, rips down the war photographs, throws down the books, and tips over the bookcase. She destroys her entire archive. CHRIS What on earth is she doing? She begins throwing empty beer bottles at the portrait of Franco. One hits and breaks the glass. The laurel wreath falls down. She takes two knives from the closet, raises them in measured ritual gestures, kissing them. Then she thrusts them one after the other into Franco's eyes.

33. The cleansing bath

Saint George Hospital. The old bath house. The bath master is scrubbing Börje in a tub; a woman takes care of Lena. BATH MASTER Has it been itching a lot? BÖRJE What? BATH MASTER Has it been itching? After the bath, their entire bodies, except for their heads, are painted with a DDT solution. They must wait twenty-four hours before washing it off. Then they are free from scabies. The men's and women's sections are side by side. The film crew shoots them from a next-door room. Peter Wester, the head cameraman, checks the light while general assistant Bengt Palmers strums his guitar, looking for a tune. BENGT PALMERS (sings) "Lena, she stands in the tiled room, she scratches her ... Yes, little friend, freedom is a hard thing. Freedom is hard. It tickled and itched between your legs and now you're standing here at the clinic at seven in the morning." Lena stands naked. Börje stands naked. Vilgot leers at them. He seems satisfied as if he has his revenge by filming them in this situation. But he is content to turn to one of the women in the crew, Lena Malmsjö; he massages her shoulders. BATH MASTER Rub around ... BÖRJE What? BATH MASTER Rub it into the pubic hairs! BENGT PALMERS (sings) "DDT stings and itches." Lena and Börje leave the bath house. Outside the hospital they stop for a second. BÖRJE Can I take you somewhere? LENA No, I'm not going in your direction. BÖRJE Where are you going? LENA None of your business. Bye-bye! BÖRJE Good-bye. So ends the story of the car salesman and the girl with the archive. Each goes his own way.

34. At Sandrews

However, the story of the drama student and her film director ends differently. A voice echoes through a loudspeaker down the corridors at Sandrews: "Olle Jacobson to the new sound stage ..." "Bengt Ernryd to the music studio ..." Director Vilgot Sjöman sits in the cutting room with MARIA SCHERER, DRAMA STUDENT, AGE 23. He is running the rushes from the hospital for her, back and forth, and she is childishly delighted when he runs it at double speed making Lena and Börje sound like Donald Duck. Lena Nyman comes down the corridor. Suddenly she stops. She has an unexpected attack of jealousy when she overhears Vilgot talking with a girl who seems to have the leading part in his next movie. VILGOT But, you see, you can't do anything in this country. It's just like a duck pond, everything stands still. It's just quack, quack, quack all the way. MARIA SCHERER No, no. Every Swede who goes to vote is full of ideas, but they never get a real chance to express ... His hand is on her shoulder. VILGOT Hey! MARIA SCHERER Yes? VILGOT You're cute when you get excited like that! Maria smiles. Lena comes into the cutting room. Vilgot looks up. Maria Scherer looks inquiringly at her. LENA Hi! VILGOT You don't know each other, do you? MARIA SCHERER No. (introduces herself) Scherer. LENA Lena. MARIA What? LENA Le-na! MARIA Oh. Lena hands Vilgot a key. It's the key to his apartment. She doesn't need it now that she doesn't live there any more. Vilgot takes it. VILGOT (tartly) And the front-door key? Lena has forgotten it. VILGOT Well, you can put it in an envelope and send it. Outside, in the hall, Börje Ahlstedt, the actor, is waiting for Lena Nyman, the young drama student. In the elevator, they embrace, happy and free. BÖRJE What did he say? Was he difficult? LENA (takes a deep breath) No. But God how glad I am that it's over!

35. Slogans

As the new lovers descend kissing in the elevator, the credits appear and slogans are heard again. MALE VOICE Buy our film! Buy it! The only film that comes in two editions. One is yellow and one is blue! FEMALE VOICE Buy the yellow! Buy the blue! Buy our film for there are two! MALE VOICE Exactly the same movie, yet each so different. VOICES (repeat) This was the yellow edition. This was the yellow edition, etc. The last image is a button with the slogan "Make love, not war" in English and the non-violent resistance emblem.