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Myst III: ExileMyst III: Exile
The Perfect Place To Plan Revenge

Released: May 7th, 2001
Developer: Presto Studios
Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment
Website: Myst III Exile

The story of Myst continues...
Return to this strange and wondrous universe, where books become portals into worlds, and where the lessons of the past may yet hold meaning for today...

Presto Studios had a lot to live up to when they were commissioned by Cyan to make the next Myst game, while they worked on Uru. However, Cyan chose the right people for the job, as Exile turned out to be a worthy successor to Myst and Riven.

Unlike realMyst, which was released at the same time, Exile does not use real-time 3D graphics. It uses prerendered images, like Myst and Riven. However it uses Presto's 360° free-look system, which allows players to pan around 360° horizontally, and up and down, and look around the entire frame of each node. This innovation makes Exile much more accessible than its predecessors.

In the original game, players exposed Atrus' greedy sons, Sirrus and Achenar, who plundered from and murdered the inhabitants of his many Ages. In Exile, ten years after Myst, one of their victims, Saavedro, escapes from Exile to take revenge upon Atrus and his family. The player must follow him through Atrus' lesson Ages, where Saavedro plans to teach you a new lesson...

Exile fits very neatly into the story of Myst, telling a dramatic tale without modifying or extending Cyan's own D'ni universe. However, it does introduce a very important character in Uru and Myst IV: Revelation, Yeesha.


Ubisoft EntertainmentCyan Worlds, Inc