Remy's Conquests Part I - Chapter 04


Title; Remy’s Conquests I
Author; Lilvior
Rating; R (clinging)
Pairing; Remy/Bobby
Summary; Remy and Bobby break into the prof’s surveillance room, uh, then get it on…
Warning; Slash, uhm, somewhat graphic in the third chapter.

The next day Bobby awoke to the feeling of warm hands playing with his hair. It didn’t take him long to gather his senses, and he already knew it was Gambit he was with, the question was, what now? He tried to push that particular little query to the back of his mind, all he wanted to think about right now was the hands plaiting his hair… plaiting?

“Hey!” He cried out, Bobby knew his hair was getting a little long – not quite as long as Remy’s – but it didn’t warrant plaiting. He tucked the tangles behind his ears and sat up.

The room was a mess. They’d woken up in a bundle of blankets, with popcorn and beer-cans all around them.

“Bonjour.” Remy smiled. How could he do that? Look so perfect and radiant first thing in the morning? Especially the morning following a night of so much alcohol and sex.

Bobby groaned, his head was pounding, he thanked whatever powers there were that he didn’t have any Danger room sessions until the evening.

Almost without realising it, Bobby snuggled up closer to Remy’s warm body, all he wanted was to go back to sleep.

“Head… ouchy…” He mumbled, smiling to himself at the sensation of Remy’s hands now stroking his back, he thought back to the night before. “I wanna stay here all day.”

“Y’ wann’ stay wit’ Remy? I’m flattered, but what we gonn’ do all day?”

Very naughty things ran through Bobby’s mind, but what he really wanted was to know what had happened between Remy and the other x-men. Bobby was curious by nature, he had to hear from Remy what exactly had and had not been done under the Professor’s roof.

“We could talk.”

“’Bout what?”

“You.” Bobby twisted round so that he was looking into Remy’s eyes again. “I… feel… weird, I… want…”

“Spit it out.”

“Okay, don’t be offended or anything, but… I want to know what you’ve done… with everyone… you know, like last night…” Bobby looked down, he felt somewhat ashamed of asking Remy about his past conquests.

“Dat’s a long story Cher, y’ got time t’ listen?” Remy’s hand came forward to stroke Bobby’s cheek, “Or shall I just give y’ what y’ want; tell y’ I like you best, dat I ne’er felt dis way ‘bout de ot’ers?” he tilted his head, eyebrows raised.

“I just… God, Remy just tell me! I do want to hear that, but I want to know who else you’ve slept with.”

Ooh, I just sounded like a jealous little boyfriend! Shit!

“Okay, if dat’s what y’ want.” Remy manoeuvred Bobby until the younger x-man was sitting between his legs. “Remy tell y’ de whole story… D’y’ want dem in alphabetical or chronological order?”

Bobby sent an elbow back into Gambit’s chest.

“Okay, okay… how ‘bout we get some munch firs’?”

“How about I ice up your ‘nether regions’ again?”

“Point taken.”

End of Chapter 4
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
Remy's Conquests Part II
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