
This is my story about Wesley and a choice he makes. I was so upset that Joss could kill him off so callously, because let's be honest, he was an integral character in the Angelverse. He was the solid backbone, the core ingredient of mismatched personalities. He had the balls to get the job done, even if it meant sacrificing everything he held dear and everyone who held him dear to do the right thing. Wes was - no is - the kind of man who would make the hard decisions and live with the consequences, never once complaining. Sure, he might wallow in a bit of drinking, but who hasn't?

My story, well actually it belongs to my mother as well, she has really helped with ideas and continuity, is a tribute to the kind of man Wes is. He makes a choice, before ever going to see that nasty Cyrus Vail, and as such becomes something greater than himself. He also finally begins to understand what happened to Fred, and that it was meant to be. But in my little world, Ilyria arrived a little too soon.

So, please, sit back, read and enjoy. If you like it, let me know, if not, let me know as well. I am always thinking about new concepts for stories, but never have had the guts to put them out there, so it all depends on the readers. You can always send feedback here, and I will respond.

  1. Bringing In the Dead
  2. Home Again
  3. The Visit
  4. Better Together

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I would love to have some art work to put up on the site, and if anyone who reads these stories knows of someone who can give me some artwork with Wesley made to look something like Ilyria, only with a less smurfy blue, I would kiss that person forever.

Also, I just want to make the usual disclaimers. I do not own these characters, I am merely taking them out to play, like Joss said we could. I make no profit from my writing, and I am not intending to infringe. Please do not sue me, you wouldn't get anything anyway. Thank you.