"Here we experience the story of our country's past ...the colorful drama of Frontier America in the exciting days of the covered wagon and the stagecoach ...the advent of the railroad ...and the romantic riverboat. Frontierland is a tribute to the faith, courage and ingenuity of the pioneers who blazed the trails across America."
Walt Disney |
Frontierland is "Protected" from the Hub by a Fort
- Like the real Old West, Frontierland has lost much of the sprawling wilderness and open spaces it once possessed. As the park has expanded, the "untamed" frontier has been lost to new attractions and carved into new lands: New Orleans Square in 1962 and Bear Country in 1971.
- The pond across from Big Thunder Mountain still contains "jumping fish" from the old Mine Train Through Nature's Wonderland ride. (Disneyland Souvenir Guide, 1992)
- The flag that flies above Fort Wilderness on Tom Sawyer's Island has 15 stars and 15 stripes. It is a replica of "The Star Spangled Banner" that inspired Francis Scott Key to write a certain song in 1814. (Disneyland, Dreams, Traditions, and Transitions) - search for it on amazon.com
- Tom Sawyer's Island was officially "annexed" by Missouri by an act of the Missouri Legislature at its dedication in 1956. (Ibid)
- What type of (real) fish once swam the Rivers of America? Answer Below
Last Updated: 26 May 2005
Answer: Catfish (Ibid)