Semper Fi, DevilPups! This website was made especially with you in mind, the young children of Marines and other military. This site recognizes your unique problems, situations, and dreams. Military kids are unique in that they will grow up all over this country if not all over this world and they know the power of family from a much younger age due to seperation. You are special and we want to recognize that. Hopefully it will answer alot of your questions, give you some great ideas, and connect you with other kids just like YOU!

It has been a long time since I have been able to update this site! I am planning to do this very soon, although all of the information already on here won't change. I'll just be adding more information!!

The president has called on all American children to help aid the children of Afghanistan by sending 1 dollar each to the White House where they will use to help these children so far away!

America's Fund for Afghan Children
C/O The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC 20509-1600

Click here to take this graphic and show your support for our military!! Please take a look at this this day of complacency showing our support is more important that ever!

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Answers to some of your questions!

DevilPups & Friends adopted POW/MIA

Marine kid stories and poems etc.

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Don't worry...DevilPups & Friends would never forget about Mommies and Daddies!!! Thats why we are sending them to our friends!

Please visit this page and see who we absolutely could not
have made this site without and the awards we have recieved!

To return to the Marine Corps Family Network
An extra special thank you to Ssgt Wolf for letting us use the DevilPup graphic at the top of the page! Click on the graphic to see more of his SemperToons!


Coming in 2002 we'll have up and running a tour of our site and the corps hosted by a named Pvt. DevilPup! Come check it out!
We are in no way connected with the Marine Corps's official DevilPups Program! We are similarly named but that is all...I will be providing information on Young marines and the USMC DevilPups program soon

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